The 3.5MM jack isn’t coming back, but having USB-C adapters would be a good compromise. I don’t see any major phone maker shipping them though, and you know Apple would charge $40 for it. Even Anker’s is like $18, and they are the current “good, but not crazy expensive” accessory brand.
I wanted to joke that the Apple adapter would be way more expensive, but it seems to be 10€. Maybe that would work?
funnily enough I’ve only heard good things about that Apple adapter, so yeah probably
Wow, I was NOT expecting that to be less than Anker. Granted it’ll probably be the same with shipping tacked on.
Locally shipping is included for 15 euro, and I have had a couple others through AliExpress because no brands locally make them, but the Apple dac is pulling it’s weight and then some.
Am I the only one remembering Anker as the #1 sewing machine brand?
It could come back immediately if a law was passed requiring it but we’re too busy fighting about social issues to actually expect the government to do it’s job.
They could also bring back 24-pin serial connectors, the old ps/2 mouse and keyboard connectors and physical keypads.
They’re not going to.
The vast majority of people are going to be buying one version of Bluetooth headsets or another anyway. The wired headsets they’re not shipping were mostly just e-waste, and the jack represented another point of liquids ingress on your phone.
False equivalency. USB is just as good or better than PS2 connectors. Bluetooth can exist on phones anyway and USB C has all its well documented issues.
the 3.5mm jack has one thing in common with all of those connectors: Nobody uses them anymore.
as I said: the VAST majority of people aren’t using wired headsets. We’re in the modern era using bluetooth-capable headsets. Which is why bluetooth is in literally every phone for about twenty years. It’s alot more convenient than dealing with a wire.
You’re telling me people aren’t using connections that don’t exist any more??? I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!!!
No I’m telling you they stopped using them before they were removed, and don’t use them, even when they aren’t removed.
If that weren’t true, Samsung would have seen a gain in market share when apple did it, and would never have followed.
Sorry to get on your snark, but seriously.
I use mine on all my devices. and I see others too.
A law. A law to mandate 3.5mm headphone jacks on cellphones.
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all week.
You must not read much then. There are much dumber things said by very powerful people on the front page of Lemmy right now.
I’ll do you one better:
The government should mandate that there be no external loudspeakers, barring a simple ringer, on any mobile device.
I think mine might be just a shade dumber, but I can’t tell
No, “gov’t should regulate headphone jacks” is fucking dumb.
I mean a lie is why Apple is adopting the USB type-c on the iPhone… Else they were never going to change.
A law* and thank god
So what?
Are you actually saying that social issues are less important then a headphone jack? Like, I would prefer a headphone jack, so much so that I simply buy phones that have them, but it’s not that important.
No. I’m saying that we need to learn to set aside our differences, even when we differ on very important issues where some people have very bad options, to work together on unrelated issues.
The current system of hating each other so much we can’t make any progress only benefits the 1%.
That’s not what you typed. Also, headphone jacks aren’t why we hate the 1%. If you want a headphone jack, just buy the phones with a headphone jack. Don’t feel that you need to own the flagship phones. That’s just marketing.
There will always be a market for people like me who won’t buy devices without a 3.5mm jack
I wonder if drug dealers also do this.
(Henry’s phone rings with a machine gun ringtone. He answers it on speakerphone without a second thought.)
- Yo, Peter! What’s up, man?
- Henry, we need to talk about the new shipment of snow.
- Yeah, what about it?
- Tom’s got a fresh batch. Just crossed the border this morning. But we need to be careful, last time it was cut with too much crap.
- Yeah, Tom is such a greedy bastard. What do you say we skip the payment part, and just paint the walls with his brains?
- I thought you would never ask. I’ll bring the shotgun. See you at the train station at 6.
- Cool see ya there. Bye.
- Bye.
(Henry looks around at the bewildered people around him.)
- What are you all looking at?
You jest, but I’ve spent a year+ homeless, often around fentanyl/meth addicts/dealers.
I’ve heard conversations very similar to this, albeit with more slang, many times, either just on speaker phone, or with the volume turned up so loud without the speakerphone on that you can hear the whole convo anyway…
I’ve heard this many times, on buses packed with people, at encampments, in shelters, at bus stops on the street, etc.
They don’t look around bewildered and surprised afterward. They act jubilant, cocksure.
They don’t give a fuck.
This feels like something all the dealers who are selling openly on social media would do. Just stupid as fuck
Reality is too absurd. You just can’t make satire of it when life is already satire of whatever delusional fantasies I have in my head.
Sounds like an Ed Wuncler III spin off. “The fuck y’all looking at?”
This is not newsworthy
Bring back the headphone jack. Dumping the 3.5mm jack is what brought this on.
It is simple as that. I do not want to worry about the headphones being charged and losing another charging case and making more room for another thing to charge where i charge everything else.
I do not want that at all.
It was the dumbest thing to make me need batteries for headphones. And I don’t do any of this stuff that is in the article. But BRING BACK THE JACK.
Hot take, but people that want 3.5 jacks back are just a (very) vocal minority. I’ve never met a single person IRL that prefers wired over wireless, I sure don’t miss getting my cable snagged on things or just having it dangling around. I have a nice set of wired Sennheisers for my PC and then decent wireless buds I use when I’m out.
The headphone jack is not gonna come back. Buy an adapter if you care that much or just use wireless buds like 99% of people these days. Mine last a full 10 hour shift with battery to spare, a normal 8 hour shift isn’t gonna kill the batteries on your buds unless you buy 10$ garbage.
This is just stupid. The point is having options. It’s not like having a 3.5mm jack stopped you from having wireless buds. What do you mean “prefer wired over wireless” when everyone had the choice of both since fucking forever
You can also buy a USB-C <-> 3.5mm adapter for like 10 bucks.
absolutely incorrect you strange person. I will never use wireless headphones. I don’t need to charge my wired ones and they always work
Fun fact - a 3.5mm jack doesn’t stop you from using Bluetooth!
I wish people would remember that after 8 years of explaining.
It’s almost like that 99% is because they don’t have an alternate option.
I’ve had phones from the '90s that still work, so not sure what $5 headphones you were using or what you were doing with them. I’m fairly confident that no matter what price point none of your pod things will function 20-30 years from now. Is that mean you haven’t lost them by then.
Instructions unclear. Ended up with a modern FLAC player with a headphone jack, now it’s full of music and I’m pirating again. Yo ho ho!
Out of curiosity what did ya get? Been looking into getting one myself, but its kinda a niche thing ya know.
Hifiman one, little square. He’s a nice little piece of kit. I put Rockbox on it. You lose Bluetooth but it dual boots into the stock firmware and hates my 2014 Civic anyway.
You can also get a bluetooth amp/dac and plug your wired headphones into there. I use a Qudelix 5k for my IEMs at home and I can just put it in my pocket if I want to take them out.
I am still salty about this. I was generally neutral about Apple until the headphone thing, and now I just loathe the iPhone for forcing the bullshit of Bluetooth headphones in the world.
Phones still all have the tiny speaker for private listening tho
People have been loud and obnoxious since long before Audio jacks were a thing, and they’re going to continue being loud and obnoxious long after your grandkids ask “what’s an audio jack?”
Your glasses are nostalgia-tinted. The jack or its absence didn’t prevent or cause this.
Yeah I mean boom boxes existed in the 1980s.
Are those iPhones? Because I have an audio jack
Because I have an audio jack
Does it fit a standard 3.5mm headphone set? No? Then it’s a ‘jack’ and not a jack.
My Moto g power 5g 2024 has a standard 3.5mm headphone jack and I bought it new. Maybe buy phones with the features you want instead of whatever the latest fad phone is?
I don’t even use it but every phone I’ve owned had/has a jack.
You’re in the minority
Most recent Androids don’t have an audio jack either. Samsung dropped it from their flagship products back in 2020, and that change made it slowly throughout their line. The Google Pixels don’t have headphone jacks, the Moto Edge I use doesn’t have a headphone jack, etc.
Honestly, if you have a a phone made in the last few years that does have a headphone jack, I’m curious to know what kind.
Samsung Galaxy XCover 6 Pro. On top of the headphone jack, it has a removable battery and micro SD slot. I have my entire music collection and dozens of movies on a 1 TB card and I’ll never have to be online or pay for a damn subscription to enjoy them.
I’ve got a Samsung A71 5G with a headphone jack - I recommend it highly except the lack of cases available for it. I shy away from non Samsung android solely due to
Which, without going to the trouble of rooting, let’s me tell apps to STFU regardless of their preferences.
The A71 came out in 2020, which was about when Samsung was phasing the jacks out. And they took them out of the S line first, which I always thought was weird - for a while, you had this feature that was present in their mid range phones, but completely absent in the more expensive flagships. They’re not the only ones that did that, of course, but it does seem kinda backwards.
My Moto also does per-app volume, and I agree, it’s pretty rad.
FWIW, my last phone (until 3 weeks ago) was a OnePlus Nord N20. Absolutely stellar budget phone with a solid mid-range experience and features. It had a headphone jack AND an SD card slot, as well as dual SIM tray if that’s useful. I think it’s actually higher spec than the N30. You can still find those. OnePlus is pretty good about including a lot of that stuff, except on their flagship phones. Hope that’s helpful.
Yeah I seriously was considering one plus back in the day when they still had a jack (flagships). Was not impressed when they dropped that… And my memory, while bad - seems to recall that they said they weren’t going to remove it at one point.
Moto g play 2024. It’s not a great phone otherwise, but it was $40 brand new.
I have a Poco x3, I’m happy with it
When I tried Sony’s 5 IV last year, it came with a headphone jack. Most of Sony’s lineup comes with it I believe.
Sony didn’t release the Xperia VI in the US this year. It’s one less phone that supports an audio jack.
Interesting. I’ll have to see if I can get that in the US. I do miss having the headphone jack.
Just buy a pair of USB headphones.
Obvioisly if someone’s on speaker phone it’s because they want you to join in the conversation. It’s your duty to gather round and give your loud & uninformed opinions
My steam deck has a headphone jack.
I can’t stand going to a restaurant and having to hear a child’s tablet playing a video.
Do kids refuse to wear headphones?
Half the electronics on sale don’t even have a audio port and you have to do Bluetooth bs.
Yeah I mean I wouldn’t buy 99% of electronics on sale anyway
Their parents don’t even bring headphones
or a movie theater…
It does keep the kid from talking loudly and fidgeting and running around. But yeah if the tablet/phone is loud it’s annoying.
My kids are loud too. What keeps them from talking loudly and running around in a restaurant is me. (Why no fidgeting?) If you’ve got restaurant money but no more sanity or time, then bring them to fast food, not a nice place with social norms.
Fuck yes it’s hard. Everyone has excuses, every child is different. None of those excuses are everyone else’s problem.
When I acted up, threw a tantrum, basically disturbed the peace, my mother would get up, take me outside away from others until I settled down. Did trips to the grocery store take some additional time some days? Yeah. But I learned pretty quick.
This wasn’t some stay at home mom who had tons of free time. My mom worked 40+ hours a week, was the primary bread winner, and still did a decent job of raising me.
Fucking amen. I’ve never had issues with my kids in a restaurant because I waited until I knew they could handle it. Pretty god damned simple. Plus there’s just certain things you don’t allow like…running around unsupervised? Wtf is wrong with some people.
Narcissistic indulgences
It’s a thing that inconsiderate people and just plain bad parents do
I was flying back from Jersey and on one of the flights a passenger in the front had to be told three times by a flight attendant to silence her phone. The last time we were in the middle of takeoff.
Why does that article feel so disjointed? Tgis paragraph was especially random:
“I engaged once with a guy who had a different opinion. He was like, ‘I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s bothersome.’”
No explanation or attribution for the quote. Just sandwiched in there
Gotta get that word count up
they had to get some number of quotes from random people. It’s just low quality reporting
It’s the text equivalent of a sixth finger.
People in this country are shit pigs and they resent anyone that tells them that obvious truth.
If it’s on speaker they want you to join the conversation, so don’t feel shy about joining and taking the conversation where you want it to go.
New iphones come with a USB-C cable.
That’s it.
They formerly came with cable, charger, and wired ear buds appropriate to the phone.
Airlines distribute 3.5mm jack ear buds, if any at all.
It’s already a potential failure point expecting people to remember to carry an accessory allowing them to listen privately even if one is provided with the device on an incredibly common connection type.
But now they’re not included, you have to buy specialty USB-C ear buds or expensive airpods. More points of failure.
Haven’t even touched on the asshole factor of individuals just not giving an F and listening to their devices on speaker without regard to their fellow humans.
Every single flight I’ve been on there has been at least one individual VoIP calling, video watching, or gaming on their cell phone speaker that needed to be told to stop by the cabin crew.
Many countries have made it illegal for phones to not use USB-C. Would be nice to also make it illegal for them to omit the 3.5 mm jack too
AmericaIgnorant, selfish pricks, stopped using headphones.Let’s be real. You have to be pretty self absorbed to not realize how ignorant it is to walk around playing your music out loud or having a conversation on speakerphone instead of putting the damn phone to your ear.
And its not just flights. Its busses, restaurants, waiting rooms, forest trails.
Some office environments too.
Last place I was at, I worked nights pretty much solo. If my wireless earbuds died, sure, I’d play it out loud. I was the only one in the building. About an hour before anyone else started getting in, if my ear buds still hadn’t charged enough I turned it off.
Partially to be respectful, and partially because some people get offended by metal even if they can’t understand the lyrics. And I mean, yeah, some bands can have unprofessional lyrics. I get it having been in the working world so long.
I feel this. There was one time where I was playing metal over my speakers, but I was the only one in the office and I was not playing it loudly. After a while a security guard was doing rounds and asked me “what the hell” I was listening to. “Cattle Decapitation,” I said, and they wrinkled their nose like someone shat in the trashcan and went on about how they can’t how anyone would like “that stuff” – I shrugged and said me neither and got back to my work.
I don’t think there’s a big difference between using the speakerphone than talking to someone next to you.
People who habitually use speaker phones do not understand the concept of “inside voice” that everyone else learned in 1st grade.
And those people should be sent to The Hell of Infinite Screaming Babies.
Oh there’s an easy solution. Talk loudly right next to someone carrying on a conversation out loud on the phone.
Join the conversation.
My mother does the speakerphone thing but she’s also half deaf from a lifetime of loud blue collar work. It’s never as clear cut as you think
It only takes one asshole in a crowded subway car to ruin it for everyone. I like to read on the subway, but they’re basically telling me that if I want to drown out their tiktok videos, I need to bring something with me with my own audio to listen to over headphones, just to not hear them.
How do people not realize this?
Take your phone off speaker phone. It isn’t a difficult concept. Entitled assholes. Keep your voice down so you don’t irritate the hell out of others. I don’t want to hear about your intestines. (BTW not aiming this at the op just at those that can’t figure this out.)
Take your phone off speaker phone.
Kids and idiots base their phone usage off vapid camera-ready idiots on reality TV whose entire usage is to play for an audience. They don’t understand that holding their phone like a slice of pizza
- is against the design
- makes it harder to hear
- ruins the noise cancellation
- looks absolutely ridiculous
- may be delicious. Try it!
And so it’s “monkey see, monkey do.”
I don’t know about this. In my experience, the speakerphone speaker is way higher quality and easier to hear than the normal phone one. I just don’t make phone calls
I need the max call volume to be about 20% higher than it currently is to understand what is being said outside of an anechoic chamber.
I’m Norwegian, and travelled to the US in 2004. I remember people on the bus using their phones like this. On public transport. Never saw that in Norway back then.
The harder to hear might be true for the people they are talking to. But for the one holding the phone that we are talking about it is actually easier because of how the speakers are aimed. Personal experience on this.
But if they would take it off speakerphone then the speaker is at their ear.
It’s Apple’s fault.
They took away easy to use 3.5mm headphones.
Bluetooth headphones are a lot more complicated to use. And 3hr battery life earbuds won’t help u on a 12 hr flight.
Calling out rude people needs to be normalized. Stop being polite to those who aren’t.
Calling out rude people needs to be normalized.
“It looks like it’s hard to hear when you use it like that. Why don’t you use it like a phone?”
Have fun with that…
I have called out rude people both politely and bluntly. Always is a conflict. So, just prepared to get into it.
Lots of people are intentionally rude, hoping someone says something because they’re addicted to rage and want to be “attacked” for something they feel is acceptable.
They’ll immediately escalate, and especially in America you have no idea who has a gun. Making a reasonable request can be met with screaming and if you respond in kind then they feel “threatened”.
Doesn’t really matter what happens at trial, a crazy person that was looking for conflict just pulled their gun. The next 5 minutes matter more than the next five decades.
This means their current behavior becomes normalized, so now everyone is acting like it, people respond to anything with aggression because acting mentally unstable works. It makes the other person go away until you do it to someone even more unhinged.
A polite request to someone like that is a sign of weakness and guarantees an escalation, so even reasonable people stop being polite and start with direction.
The craziest are directing society.
It’s not new and it’s not the first time, but it rarely works out well for society.
I don’t disagree with anything you said, but I also won’t live in fear of the crazies with guns (police excluded because holy fuck they will murder you and your family, including your dog, without remorse).
This is why you make sure to video the interaction.
That matters at the trial…
But like I said, in that situation what happens in the next five minutes matters more than anything else. Whether that unhinged person decides to shoot you or not.
No argument here.
I do by joining into the conversation. People get offended but shut up, walk away, or call the person back later. In an airport or worse yet, an airplane I don’t worry about the conflict. On a subway, different story.
I have, too, depending on the size of the person rude.
It’s weird… almost like rude people don’t like to be called rude and are happy to be rude in response to being called rude.
how rude
In theory a great idea. But more and more people are walking around with guns and more and more people believe violence is the answer to everything and more and more people are just completely unhinged because they have main character syndrome. I’m not risking getting shot.
An increasing number of people don’t mind risking getting shot, since there’s no longer any future.
Thank you for volunteering.
Say, your telephone is sounding."
“Oh!” Matt fumbled in his pouch and got out his phone. “Hello?”
“That you, son?” came his father’s voice.
“Yes, Dad.”
“Did you get there all right?”
“Sure, I’m about to report in.”
“How’s your leg?”
“Leg’s all right, Dad.” His answer was not frank; his right leg, fresh from a corrective operation for a short Achilles’ tendon, was aching as he spoke.
“That’s good. Now see here, Matt-if it should work out that you aren’t selected, don’t let it get you down. You call me at once and-”
“Sure, sure, Dad,” Matt broke in. “I’ll have to sign off-I’m in a crowd. Good-by. Thanks for calling.”
—Space Cadet, Robert A. Heinlein, written in nineteen fucking forty eight!
I had a flight back home from Vegas not too long ago and there was a loud woman who could not shut up near me. Even with my earbuds in I could still hear her going on about nonsense. And when we were trying to deplane there was a couple near me as well who were very vocal about how frustrated they were that it was taking so long for people to get off, because they just had to go smoke a cigarette 🙄
Pro tip: if you want to get off faster, fly first class. Not many in front of you.
For those that say it’s too expensive. That’s what credit cards and checks are for. (Yes I’m being a smart ass for the past part).