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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023

  • I use Hover. They’re based in Canada and I’ve been using them for years for my business domain and email. Was an easy choice for personal too. Every time I’ve had to call the tech support they have fixed the problem super fast, did extra stuff, and were super lovely. $20 a year for a small mailbox each, which is more than enough for us.

  • Oh no, that’s the worst feeling. I truly get it though, the inner ear is so important to our basic functioning and when it’s not working right there’s no way to have a regular life. Even basic things like walking are a struggle.

    I’m glad I could help you make that next step! I understand how it can be incredibly frightening. I’m lucky (maybe?) that I had my first sets of tubes when I was very very young so it’s something I’ve experienced already and was normalized. If you want to talk about it or have a pep talk before your appt shoot me a message! And they definitely should be able to do something for your anxiety about it, that’s just good patient care. But we’re not always so lucky to have understanding doctors.

  • I got a tube in my right ear (as it’s the worst) and bilateral eustachian tube dilation in both. With the dilation basically they insert a balloon through my sinuses into my eustachian tubes and inflate it to expand them, hopefully permanently! I was knocked out for it as they had to go through my sinuses but when I’ve gotten tubes in the past they haven’t as they go through the front side of your ear. Don’t be too worried about getting tubes in your ears, I’ve had it done a bunch of times and it’s not that difficult. I didn’t feel any pain just some pressure. Try talking to your doc again about your apprehension, maybe they will reconsider something to calm you. Good luck with it, it can make a world of difference sometimes!

  • Oh wow! That is sharp! Beautiful work! Patterning definitely seems to be the secret ingredient. And yes, from my looking into it everyone has a different way. Way back in the 90s the shop I worked in had the sail service and canvas in the same area so I would help the guy that did all the patterns and frames sometimes. He used heavy poly for the patterns. Very cool to watch and learn from. Unfortunately I never did more after that to cement it in my brain. I’ll be patterning for mine, not worth all the fuss with the 3D stuff for just my own job. Also I want to make a hard Bimini so everything is going to get changed up anyways.

    The guys I know do know how to pattern but they’re young uns and very tech savvy so they have modified to suit their needs. Use a camera they already have and take a bunch of pictures, run that through the modeling software and then flatten it and send it to their plotter. I don’t think they spent more than 15k for plotter and software? Also one of them is the sewer so already informed of the project. Works for them but I feel that you should know how to pattern first as well. They are trying to get set up for people to send their files to them and then they can cut and send back.

    Sorry for the late response, whole family got hit with Covid, just surfacing now.