How does it work that we eat few times a day, but usually we poop only once?
Is the colon somehow programmed to buffer the waste until the time is up and then dumps it all further?
Got this thought when observing my dog who eats twice a day (morning and evening) and more or less poops twice a day (morning and evening).
Maybe you poop only once. Everything between three times a day and every three days is in the normal range. If you find yourself within this range, congratulations, you are a boring pooper.
Important note: it’s good to be a boring pooper
…You poop only once?
some people poop 3 times daily, others 3 times a week, both are considered normal.
Everybody gets one.
I’m planning to use mine on my 40th birthday. It should make for a really special day.
Imagine the dump saved up for 40 years. The relief. Hnnng.
But first the pain of delivery.
Oh… God…
In fairly certain there are days I lose track of many shits I took.
It is healthier to do it more often.
I’m no poopologist, but I’ll give it a shot!
Your output, is incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, dependent on your input.
People who eat a strict carnivore diet, famously, have very little and infrequent poops.
People who have a fiber-rich diet, and eat spicy food, think about curries, have frequent and powerful poops.
People who eat a lot of fat, more fat than they can process, will have more fatty poops. In fact, this is one way to determine if you are eating enough fat in your diet, if your poop is dry and clumpy, you need more fat. If your poop is fatty, you need less fat
All of this is also moderated by your gut biome, whether it’s changing or fed. If you make any serious diet changes, you can expect an odd pooping schedule for the first week or two. Until your gut biome completely adjusts. I’ve seen a paper where it indicates total gut biome adjustment to a radically new diet can take up to 9 months
A lot of modern processed food, in order to try to be “healthier”, is difficult, or not impossible, for the body to process. That means it goes from the input to the output very quickly. Lower transit time, is healthier because you’re absorbing less of the nutrients when you’re eating a bad diet, but it means more poop
On the whole: fat, and protein, are almost totally absorbed by the stomach. Grains, carbohydrates, fiber, anything from a plant, The domain of the intestine… And since these are not perfectly absorbed, they have more outputs.
Fun fact, poop is brownish, because that is your old blood cells getting removed!!!
I can confirm that gut biome is big… Back in my 20s, I seemingly wiped mine out halfway through a course of antibiotics, and it took years to get back to something somewhat normal.
if your poop is dry and clumpy, you need more fat.
Ok, I’m gonna need info on this. Because it does appear to check out, but I’ve always been told it’s lack of fiber and not enough fluid (which is impressive because I drink my 3-5 liters a day).
Which also makes me wonder, what am I not eating that has fats in it?
Typically super dry poops mean something is deficient in your diet, so your stomach / gut is really wrangling every last drop it can get from your food. Make sure your eating some highly bioavailable food like liver, eggs to ensure your getting all your micronutrients.
Fiber can help, but its not necessary, its famous for reducing transit time, it doesn’t fix the first problem, but the poops will be more frequent. (natures broom as some would say)
If your eating more fat then your gall bladder can provide bile for, the excess makes it into the intestines, resulting in lubricated poops. This is one possible scenario as well.
If you have other gut issues, like ibs, chrones, lactose intolerance (which happens in lots of adults who don’t even realize it!!!), etc - just removing the irritant can fix the issue. Elimination diets are good ways to experiment with different foods (carnivore is the gold standard elimination diet - often used by people with severe / chronic gut issues)
I’m not sure how drinking water would really help, assuming your not dehydrated… Perhaps the theory is the water can overwhelm the intestines ability to absorb? Maybe… depends on transit time, overall electrolyte balance, sweat, etc… if your pee is already clear and not yellow at all, you have enough water
(Again not a poopologist - I swear it on my endoscope, not medical advice, just spit balling)
The dehydration is a consistent problem for me. But, I’m looking into this fats thing. I have IBS-C, and since I started taking Wegovy, it’s gotten much worse, but the fat in my diet has also decreased a ton.
Which isn’t great because fat can fill you up more than what I used to eat. Unfortunately I can’t stand eggs and liver, it’s a texture thing i don’t really understand.
One thing I know works very well is any cream pasta sauce. Which makes me think it’s time for experimenting.
Wegovy is a massive complicating factor! It has a big impact on your outputs.
Good luck on finding the right food for you!
I eat mostly meat, starches, and veggies and poop between three and five times a day!
I eat mostly meat, starches, and veggies and poop between three and five times a day!
You sure eat veggies and poop a lot! How many times a day do you eat meats, and starches?
Now that I think about it, I don’t eat a crazy amount of meat! Once a day, usually chicken or beef. Not every day though, especially if I’m hanging out with veggie or vegan friends.
I eat rice, potato, or noodles multiple times a day! I love rice and pasta soooo much.
The thing I eat the most is cheese, for sure. I eat tons of cheese every day. But I’ve heard that makes someone poop less? My body is strange hahaha. I drink a lot of beer, so maybe that’s part of it?
I’m not convinced you are not a poopologist
Are you pooh-poohing their poopologist protestation?
Is it the foliage camouflage?
There is an impoopster among us
We need to flush them out
Good pun chains are what early reddit had that Lemmy lacks.
Thanks y’all 💩
I respectfully disagree. Entirely.
I found the pun chains on reddit infantile.
Thank You, Dr. Nofun
I am poositive you just need to drop your kids off at the pool, and then the fun can begin
I have a medical degree and came here to say something much less comprehensive.
Please accept your honorary degree in Poopology!
Humans have a really good digestive tract for getting nutrients out of food. So you take a lot of the mass of the food you eat and use it in your body as energy or building material. As such your poop has significantly smaller mass because it’s made up of all the stuff you’re body can’t use after it’s pulled out so the good bits.
As for dogs my understanding is they have a shorter digestive tract to allow them to eat the nasty stuff does seem to like without getting sick so they are probably less efficient at removing nutrients and poop more proportionally to what they eat.
Everything from 3 times a day to once every 3 days is normal. It depends on how much you eat, how much of it your body can absorb, your fiber intake and some genetic variance too.
Your intestines aren’t a conveyor belt, things don’t constantly move. There are multiple muscles acting as a valve between different sections. Based on the factors above your body decides when to push stuff to the next section including the exit.
Because we are taught by society to not poop at work.
Naturally we poop way more often, and naturally we ate more often too.
Because we are taught by society to not poop at work.
LOL I must have been sick at home during that lesson…
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that’s why I shit on company time
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
If only the inequality gap were this small…
Boss make a grand, I make a buck, that’s why I’m stealing the catalytic converter off the company truck.
Well played!
Elmo boogieing on the potty is what I see in my head
Thats the one!
We live in a society
You should always poop at work… getting paid to poop is optimal!
Society must have taught me poorly because I poop at work as frequently as my body tells me to
So my kids poop 1-2 times a day, normally lunch time then evening time.
My partner is once a day.
I’m more like 2-3 times a day, normally morning and then just before bedtime.
Maybe you poop only once.
Hell, I’ve been pooping for years!
Then it’s probably time to wipe.
Because we store poo for later shits
Once a day? Hahahaha
That would save me a lot of time!
Who is “we”? Speak for yourself, I usually poop after most meals; if I’ve eaten a lot or very spicy or fatty things, I might even poop more than once for the same meal.
Pros poop during the meal.
Gotta be able to make more room for the unlimited bread sticks
The royal poop
Just poop while you eat to save time
Speak for yourself. I’ve pooped three times before I’m even out of the house.
I have so many queations… Do you work mornings? Night shift? Maybe work from home?
Nah, I poop when I wake up, then second time after having my coffee and third time before leaving.
This is the way.
My poops are after my coffee at 10ish, and after work at 4ish. ._. (Im not dead yet, so i guess im doing fine for now)
I only shit during worktme during the week. No need to waste my free time when i can get payed to shit.
Maybe me works both morning and night shits
Once a day? You’re not eating enough fiber.