Why isn’t he on the shore throwing Bounty Paper Towels into the Gulf?
Why isn’t he on the shore throwing Bounty Paper Towels into the Gulf?
Candy bars every day since she was only 71!
If she didn’t have them every day before that, I’d be celebrating too!
No idea wassup, the meta showed simply racknerd.com…
67% of GOP voters believe the Haitians (((n*****s))) are eating pets in Springfield, OH.
So, no surprise.
Maybe there’s a donut shop next door and he can creep out the staff there.
not doctored.
plus, he’s holding a 24…
They release heat however they want and whenever they bloody-well feel like it.
Basically, they breathe with their mouths open, which becomes panting when necessary…
A common cooling mechanism, cats will breathe with their mouth open and tongue out, accompanied by heavy breathing noises, when they’re too hot. As the heatstroke worsens, the panting will increase. Panting is a perfectly normal response to overheating and should begin to subside as your cat cools down.
It’s a siren eliciting the howls.
But how else will you know if your neighbour’s cousin’s co-worker’s massage therapist’s father likes your kitchen utensils?
A value of 37.806654
That’s for you to discern.
Random xitter - I’m tainted.
a take from elsewhere (not mine, I’m not informed enough…)
This poor woman became so radicalized, apparently during her university days, that she traveled to Israel with a known terror-linked Islamic organization called ISM.
The group she was with began acting violently toward IDF soldiers, forcing the soldiers to respond with live fire. Aysenur appears to have been fatally shot during the confrontation.
This is ISM’s typical tactic. Just like with Rachel Corrie, they will use this tragic incident solely for propaganda purposes.
They only care about these activists when they’re dead and can be used to demonize Israel.
It’s the perfect hunting rifle for when a herd of deer stampedes.
I stole this:
“Well-Regulated Militia Opens Fire In Apalachee High School In Winder, Georgia; Cheap Thoughts And Useless Prayers Now Being Rushed To The Scene … more on this soon-to-be-forgotten-and-then-repeated story as it develops …”
Where I live, it wouldn’t be normal for a gun to be around…
Looks like a scene from the Three Stooges.
Those prison uniforms - trying to spot Billy the Kid.