If a mad-cow-like disease jumped the barrier to humans and began spreading through Americans, the main problem in eradicating it would be that basically no one would be able to tell the difference from the average ‘Enthusiastic’ Republican Voter and someone whose brain is melting due to an actual pathogen.
Lucky for us prions do not spread except via ingestion…
Realises that we wanted to eat the rich
Just eat the meaty parts, avoid the brain and spinal cord and you’re all good.
The problem is that the brain is the part you want to splatter all over the Italian marble floors of their mansions.
New plan live butchering so that the brain and spine is still intact and no need to worry about Mad Bougie disease.
so Sub Zero’s fatality?
What a fuckin left turn from science to comedic genius Bravo!
We’re actually not sure about that. Some prions do spread by eating the meat of infected animals, but I think we can be temper sure that’s not what’s happening in a wild deer population. Prions can also be found in the environment, including deposited on grasses and plants, where that can last a very long time.
We do not know if this disease is or will become communicable to predator animals or what the potential is for environmental spread to livestock. We do know a bit more about the BSE than some others, but there’s a bunch we know exist that we know little to nothing about, and it’s guaranteed there’s more out there that we haven’t encountered yet.
Deer can and do eat meat when available
I don’t think enough people are eating venison regularly for a this prion to be a serious threat even if it manages to transmit to humans
Have you seen zombie movies? It only takes ONE unassuming hunter… and then it immediately mutates into blah blah magic nonsense ensues…
and then it is airborne, and bloodborne
You are correct of course. =P
Reminds me of train to busan because of the opening lol
Shoot an infected deer in the head or have it otherwise die violently on the ground. Prions can last in the soil for years and years. Misfolded proteins are basically invulnerable, even in shit like autoclaves. If cows eat grass that has prions on them, that shit could potentially jump. And a lot of people ranch their cattle on public lands where infected deer are, and where wolves are unavailable due to politicians, who would otherwise prevent infected deer from spreading.
The best thing that we can do is have wolves clamp down on the few infected deer immediately rather than generate large pools of infection that then start cross-contaminating domestic livestock. Prions and ebola are the two things that really keep me up at night.
Interesting, I didn’t know prions lasted so long on bare soil. I don’t imagine it’s a simple thing for a prion to jump from animal to animal though. Certainly not any less complex than jumping to humans? Right?
I’m not well-versed enough on prions to make an incredibly informed opinion. Apex predators somehow have managed to survive it for eons, though. Prions are extremely odd, and I’m sure one day we will figure out how to reverse their effect. There are some theories that prions could have formed the basis for life if life was seeded by asteroids, as they are incredibly resilient to heat, radiation, chemicals, etc.
From the CDC’s website, it looks like CWD might not affect canids and might not affect humans, as we are just too different from the cloven-hoofed forest puppies. But much like consuming fish parasites that don’t affect humans, it seems they don’t recommend eating sick animals just on the off chance that you are patient zero for a new, fun, lethal protein :)
Deer arent eating venison regularly enough to explain the rate of its spread among deer.
Its moving through them someplace else. Which means if it jumps to us, its moving through us someplace else too. And we dont actually know for sure how its moving through them.
This is literally why we have apex predators such as wolves. They help clamp down on the old and the sick so that prions (mad cow disease) does not spread to other species or humans. It cannot infect wolves.
When you kill off all the apex predators, like when Montana governor Greg Gianforte authorized the massacre of 100 wolves, you see explosions of extremely dangerous diseases and land degradation as deer damage tree roots, gardens, meadows, streams, and farms.
Not only that, but killing members of wolf packs causes their families to fall apart and everyone to scatter. That means wolves alone. Which cannot hunt pack animals which require coordination. So then they go after the easiest meal: dumbass farm animals who have zero survival instincts and whose ranchers no longer employ people to look after the herds in great enough numbers like the olden days. The cycle then perpetuates, as mad-cow contaminated soils spread and spread…
Damn… It’s almost like we should leave mother nature the fuck alone
The more we learn, the better it will be for all species. We’ll figure it out eventually… or die out
Die out. Look at the weather patterns. We done fucked up.
Could be! I’ve spent the last 3 or so years with little to do but think, read, argue and watch youtube. I tend to watch mostly educational content, ranging from the big ones (“nile red”, “veritasium”, nutshell I can’t spell, “world science festival”) to lesser known ones (“sci-show”, “fall of civilizations”, “economics explained”, “donna” and a bunch of others). Robert Sapolsky is amazing, btw, look him up if you don’t already know who he is. But anyway, most recently I learned about the last 5 mass extinctions in a video by “paleo analysis”
I think many people will die in the upcoming climate crisis (and are already dying) but I don’t think humanity itself will completely die out. I mean, we are not the pinnacle of evolution that some people would like to think, and we’re still changing and likely will continue to do so as our environment changes. But die out completely? Prrrrrobably not. As a species we’re highly adaptive (even though some idiots in power hold us back) and I think that at least enough of us will survive to continue the species.
Maybe not, but I think we have a shot that’s no more unlikely than anything else that’s happened so far
I wouldn’t call economics explained or sci-show “lesser-known”, they’re some of the most popular “educational” youtubers out there now… (although a lot of the times i would find it more accurate to call economics explained videos opinion pieces based on faulty claims/sources rather than educational videos)
Can’t… Infect… Wolves?
You do know that prions aren’t living things right? They don’t “infect”, they are a physical change to a compound (protein) that spreads to other similar compounds it touches. It’s not a virus, or a bacteria.
Unless wolves lack the same proteins that deer also have? Usually this is a mammal thing, not a species thing.
I think the meaning of the word in context was clear enough.
Can’t infect wolves? I’m no expert here but I don’t feel like a vertebrate mammal with a brain could be completely immune to prions. Do you have any more information on that claim?
It’s in the OP article. They haven’t found any infections yet, and it doesn’t appear to affect them. Apex predators have, prior to human intervention, always hunted the old, the young, and the sick. Mother nature appears to have found a way around apex predators all dying from disease to balance the environment.
Afaik it’s because they naturally die before the disease becomes crippling. Or it becomes crippling around or after the normal lifespan of the animal. It doesn’t mean they aren’t affected, it means it doesn’t affect them before they would normally die…
Please don’t anthropomorphize “mother nature”. Mother nature doesn’t think, or make decisions, it is a natural progression of life and death… There is a process and a cycle to much of it, hand waving “mother nature finds a way” ignores and dismisses the reality of it, and excludes the science that helps us understand how our world actually works.
I believe canines were found to be resistant to prion diseases, as they evolved to eat all manner of sick, dying and dead animals. Likely something to do with digestion, gut barrier or blood-brain barrier. Canines are pretty unique in their ability to eat almost anything that was once alive without getting sick.
CWD is a very fast acting disease compared to most prison diseases, and should easily become visible during the lifespan of a dog or wolf.
Scavengers like Hyenas and Vultures too. Vultures even have some strange adaptations to take care of their feet when feasting on scavenged carcasses. Their GI tracts are wild.
fookin’ prions
Poor Christopher Johnson & co. 🥹
Proteins are quirky… In a bad way
Oh its totally fine it’s not like we’ve made the planet warmer allowing viruses to mutilate easier and for longer or like how we haven’t been taking part in a centuries long destruction of the deers native habitat forcing them into populated areas right?.. Right?
It’s not a virus.
I mean, doesn’t that reinforce their point, since many other pathogens are even more touchy on heat?
It’s actually worse than a virus.
Once an environment is infected, the pathogen is extremely hard to eradicate. It can persist for years in dirt or on surfaces, and scientists report it is resistant to disinfectants, formaldehyde, radiation and incineration at 600C (1,100F).
The pathogen in question is a prion (a mutant contagious protein molecule)
On a positive note it only gets spread by ingestion
Seeing as most of us eat herbivores that feed on the foliage growing in infected soil, that’s an issue as well.
Not just herbivores. While unlikely, you don’t exactly want prions on your fucking spinach either. Infected deer and farm fields should not mix. You need apex predators ASAP.
Biologist here. That’s not where I’d put the association. I’m going to simplify things a bit because this is going to be a long post, but hopefully this will help.
I think you’re thinking about the effects of heat on proteins. We can destabilize macromolecules by heating them, sometimes causing permanent damage. That takes a lot of heat, though. The planet would be long dead before we had to worry about the environmental temperature denaturing proteins.
Biologist related joke: How do you unscramble an egg?
Feed it to a chicken.So, when the microscope was invented, people were startled to discover what were obviously living organisms in a drop of pond water. Discovery led to discovery, and we ended up learning about bacteria and the germ theory of disease. Some bacteria are really good (in that without them you would die), and some are really bad (like if you get infected you could die), but most are neutral. I do not believe there’s any direct connection between the global temperature and the rate of mutation in bacteria. That’s not to say there’s not a connection between climate change and disease rates. I’ll talk about that later.
So later on we discovered viruses. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria. While a bacterium is a cell with a whole physiology going on, a virus consists of a bit of genetic material bound in an envelope of proteins. The envelope will gain access to a cell and inject its genetic material, which the cell’s normal processes will start to work on, producing more viruses. Many people don’t consider viruses “alive.” I do, because I’m approaching it from a different direction. Again, the rate of mutation there isn’t really directly affected by a rise in global temperature, but there is a disease rate relationship.
We only discovered prions more recently. They’re even more simple than viruses. They’re really just a protein. We don’t understand them very well yet. The danger comes from the fact that prions can force other proteins to become copies of themselves. They can cause things like mad cow disease. They’re incredibly hardy and don’t mutate faster because of climate change. They’re very scary diseases with no known treatment and in some cases unknown transmission paths.
This one is a prion.
I think we can find correlations between disease in animals and climate change. Climate change forces animals into new environments where they can encounter diseases they’ve never faced before and to which they’re susceptible.
Even more important is the common root cause of industrialization and human expansion and environmental destruction. Again, forcing more animals together magnifies the impact of communicable diseases, and things like the use of antibiotics to make factory farming as profitable as possible has the inevitable consequences of making diseases that are harder to treat.
Thanks for the ELI5.
Apart from ingestion, are there any other known methods of transmission as far as prions are concerned?
Not this pathogen. Prions are not living organisms, not even as much as viruses, and are extremely resistant to both heat and cold. It’s the same stuff that caused the mad cow disease in Britain.
Prions act completely unrelated to heat. Actually they act unrelated to most factors which is why curing them is so hard.
They just kinda exist as a misfolded protein that does nothing until it bumps into something compatible, all on a size scale comparable to shooting a grain of sand into space and expecting it to hit a random planet. In fact you likely already have prions floating in your body but the chance of them hitting anything to fold is so small it might aswell be nothing (These are actually the cause of Alzheimers)
There is no intent or complex functions to it. It only gets worrying when you ingest more prions, increasing the probabilities
These are actually the cause of Alzheimers
Are you saying prions cause Alzheimers? Last I heard we didn’t have a full understanding of what causes Alzheimers disease.
Very recent studies from 2019-2020 actually! Turns out prions are likely a key cause of Alzheimers. It’s specifically two proteins in our bodies turning into Prions!
The responsible proteins are the “Aß Prion” and the “Tau Prion”
That sounds like a huge development! I haven’t kept up with the research (obviously), last I remembered was that the plaque theories weren’t really panning out into successful treatments.
Yep they weren’t because turns out the “plaque” was caused by prions!
A particularly concerning illness for me.
Let’s face it dear : name checks up !
Just stop facing the deer and you’ll be okay.
Yeah here we go! We all wanted a zombie outbreak and all we got was corona lockdowns. This is more like it! Bring it on!
Oh deer
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
Without reading, is it Chronic wasting? I just checked in on that the other day and the CDC didn’t seem to think it was a big deal unless you are in a hotzone.
Yeah. CWD a big problem but it isn’t going to cause a zombie apocalypse like the headline implies.
Prion diseases can take decades to show symptoms, like with CJD, and are very hard to test for in humans.
It might not be a question of whether it can jump species barriers, but when we will know it did, which is why the CDC can’t and won’t ring any alarm bells, just advise caution, until it’s either too late for individuals or a confirmed non-issue.
There was a study that claimed it had jumped to chimps/monkeys in a testing environment but last I heard it was disputed, but that still leaves the average citizen with plenty of reason to not
Checks notes
Eat a diseased animal.
Source your venison, it should be tested if it’s from an affected area but you never can trust suppliers for wild game.
Consider just eating, you know, cow, or only venison from a trusted source.
Preferably the person that shot and had it butchered.
There’s also the option of just not eating venison if you’re really worried.
Consider just eating, you know, cow, or only venison from a trusted source.
Preferably the person that shot and had it butchered.
Eat the person who shot the deer? Dang that’s some extreme veganism.
Turn about is fair play 😤
Do you want to get Kuru? Because that’s how you get Kuru!
Fun fact, human is the only meat that can be vegan! They just have to consent to it
it’s still exploiting an animal. it’s not vegan.
It’s not exploitation if they consent, that’s the entire point of veganism
it is. consent has nothing to do with exploitation.
The issue is that deer dont eat each other often enough for that to be how they spread it among each other.
So whatever vector is moving it around in them, which we dont actually know yet, is the more likely risk of an actual jump. Cant not take a risk if you cant tell if its risky.
Add it to “What else can fuck millennials?” pile.
Prions sounds like a very tiny, evil shrimp
Found the Australian
Toss another prion on the barbie!
We don’t have shrimp.
And prawns are a totally different species.
And unfortunately I’m American
Elders of Prion sounds like a bad 90s industrial.metal band
I see we are lining up for a great 2024
Can’t say this is entirely what I expected from 2024, but I will say it is completely on-brand.
One estimate in 2017 suggested humans could be eating up to 15,000 CWD-infected animals a year in the
Yeah, no, eating animals is surely never a bad idea. They compare it to the BSE cases that caused years and years of consequences.
The biggest problem with BSE was the idjit who decided that grinding up the offal from butchered cattle (even the sick and dead ones) should then be mixed into cattle feed.
It was a self-propagating hot mess that affected multiple nations, including Canada.
Industrially applied cannibalism is a terrible idea for multiple reasons.
Yup. Just capitalism trying to save money on disposal fees while simultaneously making money selling infected shit as feed.
It’s just a matter of time before it does jump the species barrier to humans. We know from other such cases how disease spreads from butchered animals to human beings, from bats or infected cattle. Many pathogens can exist for years outside the contaminated source, and even exist in our bodies for years before deciding to become active. Many of us carry viruses than will trigger years down the road, and we don’t know it yet.
So it’s just really a matter of time before this happens. One thing we’re good at as a species is, finding ways to make ourselves sick.
No, it’s not just “a matter of time”. While there are loads of pathogens that jumped to humans they were originally incompatible with, there are.myriads more that didn’t and likely never will. The jump to humans is not a given.
Moreover, there’s no expectation that a prion disease like CWD can ever spread from person to (non-cannibal) person
It can however totally spread from deer to person if we decide to eat it.
So basically treat it like mad cow disease and don’t eat meat from dubious sources. Got it
Sounds to me like venison is out of the picture in general right now.
Too bad, venison is the best chili meat IMO.
Just submit your deer for testing and if it comes back clean you can safely eat it, easy.
Get the hunter or butcher to yank the lymph nodes and have them tested.
For the most part tho hunters don’t harvest visibly sick animals … for good reason.
and don’t eat meat from dubious sources.
Have you ever actually seen the inside of a factory farm? Things don’t get more “dubious” than that.
deleted by creator
What kind of planet do you live on where you can get venison from a factory farm???
So you are saying that the people infected with the zombie disease are all going to be cannibals? Somehow this doesn’t sound like a good news.
Should be fine unless the protein in question is found in saliva – Oh. Oh no
Prions are not a disease like bacteria or viruses. They’re abnormal protein chains that slowly cause a cascade of breakdowns in your brain. This had happened before. It’s not really something you have a defense against, but it easily jumps the typical species barrier. Our best defense is containment.
FYI not just in your brain. The brain is just where they do the most serious damage because those proteins react extra bad if misfolded
deleted by creator
That doesn’t hold with prion diseases as they often lay dormant for years, and prions themselves are nigh indestructable, lasting for years or even decades in the environment
Prions are misfolded proteins - The diseases they cause are because they cause other proteins to break and misfold to match the prion, so the traditional biological machinery doesn’t matter, just that a protein is close enough in shape to break and misfold in response
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Any data to back up that 99%?
Given infinite time, infinite possibilities present.
Quite literally, it IS only a matter of time, unless you are really good at standing in the corner with a bag over your head saying “nuh uh. Things that I dont like and that I am afraid of will never happen,” in which case it still is only a matter of time, you are just ignorant and argumentative.
Says the one invoking infinity to support a juvenile argument, not unlike “saying ‘nunh unh’”. How apropos.
By this logic because there is infinite time and infinite possibilities, we could develop a cure or a virus that kills this prion and avert this crisis. We could also not and just die. Then there is a possibility that none of this exists and this is a simulation and the developers haven’t added this as a feature yet.
Then there is a possibility that none of this exists and this is a simulation and the developers haven’t added this as a feature yet.
Earth v.AD2024.1.1 - Began “Zombie Deer Event” on North American Servers
Earth v.AD2024.1.2 - Fixed bug where “Zombie” status would not jump species
Earth v.AD2024.1.8 - Reduced “Zombie” status infliction rate as players intentionally ate tainted meat to spite developers
Yup. Precisely.
My main point is that, in general, it is better to prepare for the more problematic eventualities than to go “nuh uh, that isn’t going to happen. Everything is going to be fine. Don’t touch my cheese.”
That is not the debated point. The point is that winning the lottery is just as much not a question of time.
I feel like you are missing the point.
People win the lottery every day.
There are far more CWD prions than lottery players, and it would only take one of those prions to mutate into a form that could infect humans.
Again, I will reiterate, putting on a blindfold, putting your fingers in your ears and going “it won’t happen, lalala!” is a pretty dumb way to approach it.
We just saw the masses do it with Covid.
We had a novel disease, we just needed to behave for a couple months, the sweeping majority did, but the remainder of fuck-nuts out there went “it’s not a problem, lalala!” and now we have endemic covid, sweeping segments of the population struggling with long covid, infection rates are going through the roof again, and now new even more severe consequences like epilepsy are showing up in children post infection.
2 of the rules of life. 1) Microorganisms will mutate. 2) People will be aggressively ignorant and will make sure the mutated microorganism will do as much damage as possible. Because they certainly cant miss that Blink 182 reunion tour…
On a finite world, full of life competing everywhere all the time? It’s still a matter of chance if it would happen in infinite time
Most diseases die out
Prions are not a disease like COVID or Staph. You don’t fight Prions. You contract prions and then you slowly and inevitably die from your brain being swiss cheesed because they’re abnormal protein chains that trigger breakdowns of other proteins. We dealt with this being directly in the food chain from the Mad Cow issue of the 90’s and as a species we made it through so readily that people are talking about this like it’s never happened before. We’re going to be okay.
Issue is we now have a decent population of people who will eat the tainted meat because “The government is lying” and trick others into eating it, saying, “See? You’re fine, that was ‘tainted’, the government is lying to you”
This could legitimately cause damage because the fringe crazy is now much more populous
I mean, if you look at what happened during the BSE outbreak in the UK, this is basically exactly what happened. There was a politician who even fed his 4 year old kid a burger on TV to show how perfectly safe the meat was.
The nice part about prion diseases is that the only thing those people will achieve is killing themselves off, unless you decide to start eating their corpses
Just make sure not to trust any gifts of meat from these numbnuts
Oh hey a completely uninformed opinion from the same person who thought men are incapable of genuinely being friends with women.
The only reason I haven’t blocked tygerprints is because the responses to their insane posts are fun to read.
Yeah I only block people when I know my life would be better not interacting with them lol
The only good thing about prions is that they don’t mutate. CWD may extinctify deer, but it can’t just jump to humans like bat-borne coronaviruses can
Once an environment is infected, the pathogen is extremely hard to eradicate. It can persist for years in dirt or on surfaces, and scientists report it is resistant to disinfectants, formaldehyde, radiation and incineration at 600C (1,100F).
right, prions officially suck… also no known cure or vaccine…