Sounds like your boss was the problem, not the DEI hires. But that’s okay, the racist conclusion is the most sensible one to jump to.
Sounds like your boss was the problem, not the DEI hires. But that’s okay, the racist conclusion is the most sensible one to jump to.
The gulags were populated for good reason. “Waaahhh communists killed millions in their gulags,” yeah, millions of Nazis. Yet apparently that still wasn’t enough.
Guns. They disarmed the UK in 1997 and told us to “Keep calm and carry on.”
Wow thank you for the incredibly balanced argument. I really want to switch to Linux for all the obvious reasons, but it’s the same cliche reason why I don’t - I’m too much of a bitch-dude to make such a big change to something I use and operate on the daily without certainty. But as i’ve said, the moment say Valve come out with a SteamOS for desktop which is basically Windows through and through minus the bloatware and corruption (that isn’t to say Valve isn’t corrupt but they’re not making weapons for Israel) is the day I switch with no qualms. Like many I’m far too used to the interface and compatability of Windows still.
Yeah that’s a hard one to parse, but is a clear level head in time of catastrophe considered sane? I mean if a fireman was screaming at me to get out of the burning house I wouldn’t be like, “Jeez keep your voice down.”
I just wanna stop feeling bad when Muta yells at me.
It’s like that feeling on the diving board before you jump in the pool without knowing how warm or cold the water is. I’m still afraid of getting wet, if you know what I mean.
It’s much easier on Windows. When it’s just as is easy if not easier to do on Linux is the day I switch without hesitation. I’m far too setup and comfortable with Windows, I’m a pleb I know but it is what it is.
If you want those mindless online shooter games who slobber all over that absolutely useless anticheat software, then stay on windows honestly.
But i’m currently on Windows and I don’t play those games. What I want is an alternative that I don’t have to jump through hoops and follow a recipe just to boot up games, and have access to modding tools that most if not all are only built for Windows.
Holy shit that’s a lot just to be able to play a game. Is there any hope of Linux becoming more user friendly and streamlined?
There isn’t just mindless online slobber shooters on Windows, y’know. Those same shooters exist on Linux too.
Modded Cyberpunk is kinda my thing right now, would that be a problem on Linux?
I can’t remember specifics but I remember a bunch of games i’ve modded don’t have tools supported on Linux.
I don’t have the means, they banned that here in 1997.
Must’ve been hard for you in the 90’s with Xena Warrior Princess being a DEI gay female superhero.
How does Linux fair with gaming, game dev, and modding? I don’t wanna get on Linux and have to jump through hoops just to get Vortex working for Nexusmods or something.
If thats the story of the future you believe, then that’s what you’ll get. I prefer to believe in an option that’ll solve it sooner, nukes be damned, I dare them to nuke the world they so depend on for power. If only we could start telling ourselves a better, more realistic story of humanity instead of a pessimistic one. Not saying it’s gonna be pretty, but neither is 300 years of technofascism. You want reality to become that movie ‘Equilibrium’? That’s how you get reality to become that movie ‘Equilibrium.’ And if there aren’t any Grammaton Clerics to save you now there won’t be then.
And what are we gonna do about it?
Seriously where is the next Luigi? I know you’re out there, forget the school and it’s bullies or the mall full of mindless drones, or any of you who are seriously considering taking your own life, if you’re willing to do that then you’re willing to do anything right? Don’t be a villain, be a hero.
You all deserve this for voting for either of them.
Eh, more like you all deserve this for not exercising your 2A rights properly.
Trump and his cronies are gonna try and use social media like Hitler used the radio. He want his voice in the homes of every