Those on board were taken to a hospital, officials said, and three of them were transported to a burn center. Radio transmissions indicated the pilot reported an “open door” just before the crash.
Your comment has sent down a road of rage and anger.
We have a place in South Austin called Manchaca.
You can always tell non-natives by how they pronounce it.
People here call it “Man Shack” and people from abroad or new to the area call it “Maun Cha cua”
You post reminded me of this place, and looking it up shows that for some stupid reason, Austin has decided to change the name of the main road from Manchaca rd to Menchaca rd but the area is still Manchaca. Feels the longer Im earth the stupider the world is.
LOL, the AI actually read it correctly. I grew up in that area, and remember all the face-palming when some new talking head would join local news and butcher the pronunciation, on the air. I wonder if anyone’s ever done a supercut of it…
I’ve always been annoyed about how DuBois, Pennsylvania is pronounced. Everyone I knew would say “Dew-Boys”. Uh, okay. I mean, people with that last name must facepalm all the time over that.
I mean, I know most people would just call the Schuylkill Express the Surekill Express as a joke, but even if they didn’t, I guess the usual pronunciation approximates how it was said in Dutch (I guess?) - skool-kil. Also, it’s not a common last name that I know of. DuBois, on the other hand…
PA has its share of oddness…Intercourse, PA, Blue Ball, PA, and Middlesex township…all the things named Beaver around State College…
But it’s really just a Pennsylvanian thing. There’s Lancasters in Ohio and California that are pronounced"LAN-caster." I think it’s because there was significant German population in Pennsylvania since before the Revolution.
Here’s a non-paywalled local news site
And in PA it’s pronounced “LANK-ister” and not “LAN-caster”
I grew up about 20 minutes from there, we always pronounced it more like “Lankster”, in casual conversation.
Worcester, MA, US.
Give it a try.
Your comment has sent down a road of rage and anger. We have a place in South Austin called Manchaca. You can always tell non-natives by how they pronounce it. People here call it “Man Shack” and people from abroad or new to the area call it “Maun Cha cua”
You post reminded me of this place, and looking it up shows that for some stupid reason, Austin has decided to change the name of the main road from Manchaca rd to Menchaca rd but the area is still Manchaca. Feels the longer Im earth the stupider the world is.
LOL, the AI actually read it correctly. I grew up in that area, and remember all the face-palming when some new talking head would join local news and butcher the pronunciation, on the air. I wonder if anyone’s ever done a supercut of it…
You guys complain about names like “Worcestershire” and then take a much simpler British city name and pronounce it nonsensically. Why so spiteful?
I’ve always been annoyed about how DuBois, Pennsylvania is pronounced. Everyone I knew would say “Dew-Boys”. Uh, okay. I mean, people with that last name must facepalm all the time over that.
I mean, I know most people would just call the Schuylkill Express the Surekill Express as a joke, but even if they didn’t, I guess the usual pronunciation approximates how it was said in Dutch (I guess?) - skool-kil. Also, it’s not a common last name that I know of. DuBois, on the other hand…
PA has its share of oddness…Intercourse, PA, Blue Ball, PA, and Middlesex township…all the things named Beaver around State College…
You should look up how we pronounce Worcester, Massachusetts
I can’t imagine how the pronunciation could be any worster.
Because you taxed our tea.
But it’s really just a Pennsylvanian thing. There’s Lancasters in Ohio and California that are pronounced"LAN-caster." I think it’s because there was significant German population in Pennsylvania since before the Revolution.
If in doubt, always blame the Germans.
My family came here from Germany in 1733 so I share some of the blame.
But we only came here because the French burned down our house so maybe we can blame the French.
Even better, blaming the French usually comes before blaming the Germans.
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod @subunit317 one of us?