Had no idea a boycott was happening.
Easiest. Boycott. Ever.
Target sells cheaply manufactured goods at high prices. I haven’t shopped there in years already for that reason.
Please stop with the time bound protests. You’re telling the companies to just wait you out. 🤦♀️
Yes, stop protesting if you aren’t willing to protest the right way. There are no steps to be taken in the right direction, you’re either perfect or worthless.
Why do we hate Target again? No really I’m out of the loop and I’m not reading an article written by a company owned by the Far Right
Rolled back DEI initiatives, also caved to conservative pressure about the tuck friendly swimsuit thing and whatever else they were outraged about.
well that’s easy, I haven’t shopped there in years. They’re inconvenient, overpriced, low quality, rarely have what I’m looking for. Why would I shop there?
Shut Target down! NEVER shopping there again!
I wish I was working for target so I can take a nap at work.
Remember there are bots even on Lemmy to push the narrative that we have no power. Billionaires aren’t scared of a couple less dollars, but they are TERRIFIED of us figuring out we can organize. Let’s not fight each other let’s fight the oligarchy!
these short boycotts won’t fuck them on dollars, but there is a potential benefit: just in time economics and these long slow prediction-powered supply chains cannot handle this shit.
Also, I’ve heard a rumor about Target trying to stuff as much as they can into their warehouses and stock rooms in advance of Trump’s tariffs.
that’s so cool! yeah, fuck them if they want to try to play both sides here. they want to bow, they can suffer the king’s horrible policies.
We only have power when a large enough group of us does something. Anything else is publicity.
I agree with Botanicals. Whether you truly have an impact or not…I guess we’re arguing semantics…but simply vote with your wallet. 🙂 There is little excuse when options abound! If someone engages in behavior you really don’t like, boycott their ass. Don’t buy their product or service. If they didn’t make money, they’d quit their shit or go bankrupt. “No raindrop is responsible for the flood.”
Look at the Bud Light boycott. Granted, enough of the people doing the boycott were uninformed consumers that bought something else owned by ABInBev, and still gave the same company their money. But others went all the way. The campaign itself was still effective, as Bud Light sales TANKED. Product went BAD. The company lost LOTS OF MONEY. They lost prominent shelf space that they will probably never get back, but who knows, never is a big word.
You have power, little raindrop. You do.
I quit eating meat because I care about animals, I limit my driving to as little as possible to lessen my impact, I use open source software exclusively, I only buy repairable tech… I’m doing what I can to lessen the suffering I, an individual, inflicts and it’s made no difference. Animals still being killed, Earth still dying, corpos still raking in record profits, people still losing their homes, jobs, lives… I understand the need to feel like you and your choices matter. That’s how people cope with all this. I’m m not like that. I see things as they are and not as I hope they might be one day if we can just not shop at Target.
What a great example!
I urge you to see beyond that. Of course there are people (influencers likely?) you’re thinking about that jump on band wagons, but every movement does and they play an important part even if you don’t like them. Free advertising!
I used to do nearly all my shopping there because of the policies they got rid of. Cancelled my 360 membership, getting used to buying flour 25# at a time from Costco …
Dear capitalist media… Target is being boycotted for being racist. And no, Target is not the victim.
These headlines ffs…
Wait, Target’s racist?
They canceled their black creator products and rolled back DEI because the government said to.
Some people can argue that’s not racism, but they’re likely the same people that argue that Elon wasn’t giving a Nazi salute.
It’s CNN. They’re a heavily biased pro-Israel pro-capitalist align-with-whatever-regime corpo news service. They should just be ignored by all at this point.
boycotts dont work, guys. keep trying, though! maybe try something a bit more proactive?
Slashing the profits of a $60bil company doesn’t do anything.
Lol, Lmao
yes, it does literally nothing. even if nobody shopped at target ever again it would change absolutely nothing. they’d go into administration, get bought by some other corporation, and possibly rebrand. wealthy people would likely profit from short selling the stock.
target isn’t the problem. the problem is the system. you can’t change the system by boycotting some random business. i am begging you to do literally any other form of activism. because this aint it.
luigi, now there’s a guy with bolder ideas.
Go do something about it then bitch
If impacting the bottom line if a corporation no longer has any effect then we should just resign ourselves to extinction
But then why is Canada’s whole absolute boycott of everything American gaining traction around the world? Could it be that… when we ALL participate, it actually starts to make them worry?
…nah, couldn’t be.
Honestly I used to think like you did, but this time I think if we apply this boycott as a broad stroke to capitalism in general and ONLY shop small or legitimately supportive companies, then it’ll STACK with the other actions people take. One thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum, and while it may seem small on its own, it adds up.
firstly, thank you so much for the thoughtful message. reading insightful comments like yours, where it’s clear that you’re genuinely trying your best to make the world a better place, and you actually think about what i wrote, makes all of the hate i get totally worthwhile.
in my opinion, it’s more the unity of the working class, that’s what scares them - when we work together, and when we’re organized.
that’s the biggest flaw with petitions and boycotts, they are all focused on individual action. You don’t get together and organize a picket line, you don’t get to meet like-minded people, you don’t learn about how capitalism affects anyone other than yourself.
i’ve been involved in activism efforts for a long time now and if we could get just 5% of people who signed a petition to instead get involved with a local activist group, we would have won this fight by now.
Or maybe you could try having someone proofread your post ideas
do you genuinely think that i’m wrong? do you truly believe in your heart that a 40 day boycott of a single big box store will help people?
we’re literally watching the united states become a fascist dictatorship and you believe that this is an appropriate response?
people are suffering and dying because of us, and we’re congratulating ourselves for buying stuff on amazon instead of target for 40 days? seriously?
i don’t need a proofreader. i need people to wake up and actually do something, not waste everyone’s time and energy with performative bullshit that achieves nothing other than making us feel like we’re not doing nothing.
Are you saying that boycotts are necessarily performative, or just in certain cases?
i wouldn’t say they’re always performative, because there’s always nuance. but i would say that they’re probably #2 on my list of pointless bullshit that almost never actually achieves anything, right after petitions.
Why didn’t you wake up and do something then if you feel so impassioned? Instead, I see you’re wasting your time complaining on an obscure reddit alternative.
i’m a union officer and rep, and i’m engaged with activism efforts in my area. sometimes i get bored at work and comment on lemmy.
it was easier for you to lash out at me than it was for you to actually seriously engage with what i wrote - that kind of reaction serves the ruling class, and sows division between the working class.
You’re a union rep discouraging boycott protests? Then you’re a bad union rep.
i’m encouraging people to find an alternative to this boycott, because it will not be effective, and it will take away energy and oxygen from other forms of activism which are much more effective. boycotts and petitions almost universally achieve nothing, and they discourage people from getting involved with real activism.
If you truly believed this, you’d not be here. You’d come here in 40 days to poke fun, but you’d not bother with us because you know that the effect will be zero. That you’re here tells me that you, or much more likely your masters because you don’t have an original thought in your mind, are afraid that this will actually get momentum and affect Target’s stock price and sales figures. Thanks for the vote of confidence! Let’s get boycotting!
here’s a question - if you had a friend who was making a mistake, would you try to encourage them to reconsider?
if you think I would poke fun at you, you have absolutely the wrong idea about my motivations. i don’t want you to fail, i want you to succeed. i just know that this boycott won’t achieve anything, and all of the time and energy put into it will be completely wasted.
i want people to take all of that time and energy and put it towards something that will actually achieve something meaningful. i want people to join a union and find a local activist group, and start actually making connections, building solidarity, and taking collective action that actually will accomplish something!
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What a lazy troll, did your attention seeking behavior get you what you want?
Just curious as to why you would want to shop there now because of this boycott? Not judging just curious.
Like it seems you didn’t shop there but now it’s contrarian to do you want to.
Because they only know how to be against something
He is just trolling. It’s a MAGA thing.
Conservatives are literally only contrarians. If the left does anything, the right only wants to do the opposite no matter what it is. There is nothing the right will ever do to say “that’s a great idea!” Because that’s considered losing to them.
“Hey let’s give kids free school lunch!” “NO! That makes them only want handouts and the children should work”.
They have the mental capacity of a child and it’s hurting everyone.
I wouldn’t want to generalise everybody but I honestly can’t comprehend how anybody would want to act like that.
Like my views are based on what I believe is right and what a society should be based on my morals and not just the opposite of some other people. I find it odd.
I don’t even know if I believe conservatives to be bad people and more I assume they’ve been lied to and it’s hard to get them to see the truth.
“Yes daddy lick those boots. Go buy $11 eggs and a $40 hdmi cable from target. Mmmm the leather tastes so good”
- you probably
Hive mind, why are we mad at you target? Did a rich asshole make a shitty decision?
Headlines from capitalist media won’t answer these questions. They’re too busy crying for Target. Gotta look it up.
Yeah. Read the article.
Why are people boycotting a company that tried and took a step back due to backlash instead of supporting them when they tried?
I shopped there nearly exclusively because of what they had been doing. Now that they’re embracing fascism, I’m not.
Source on embracing fascism? I jumped from Amazon to Target because Bezos and friends were sitting together at the inauguration.
The article certainly outlines a few reasons:
- Target “embraced” the idea of rolling back DEI policies more than many companies, furthering its weird cultish “belonging to the bullseye” internal culture.
- Target’s customers are more progressive than Walmart, John Deere, or Ford, so more of them actually care about what the company is doing.
- Target previous embraced DEI more than other companies. Them previously doing so and then promptly shedding it seems that their corporate culture is one of quarterly gains rather than giving a shit about anybody. While that’s true for pretty much all publicly traded corporations, see point 2.
Target throwing themselves at
Rainbow Capitalism
is one pile of evidence that points at their movement being on the whim of the dollar as opposed to strong corporate ethics
I work at the Target warehouse that supplies the northwest, should be interesting to see if this actually noticably changes our daily product volume. gonna hazard a guess at no probably not.
Works for me though, I’m mostly here for the tuition benefit and I don’t lose benefits eligibility unless we dip below 20/hr/week average which I can’t imagine happening.
Instead if 40 days, let’s try 40 months.
Let’s make them the next kmart