Please don’t post while drunk or otherwise intoxicated.
What if one day you woke up and your nipples were completely gone like no scars or anything just flat skin and then once you leave your room you find out your dad died last night and several days later you find out that your entire life he had been sneaking in your room while you slept and sucking on your chest to make two gigantic hickeys where your nipples should be because you were born without them not for any sexual reason just so you would fit in…
Bruh… Can I get whatever you’re on?
No, you should report on this.
Well, it obviously wouldn’t boil, but if you left it in water long enough, it will rehydrate. I’m not certain that we actually do anything by “cooking” spaghetti other than rehydrating it.
Noodles are composed mostly of starches and heat causes gelatinization: which gives noodles their texture, taste, and holds them together. It also kills off any pathogens, which is a good things since it’s fairly common for raw flour to be contaminated with E. coli and Salmonella.
Cold water causes them to revert back to wet flour.
“See, Marge, I told you they could deep fry my shirt.” “I didn’t say THEY COULDN’T, I said YOU SHOULDN’T.”
… … … Be back in ten minutes.
any results 10 hours later?
How’d it go?
They died from sudden spaghettinfection.
It’s been an hour
How much butter could a butter churn churn if a butter churn could churn butter? I asked AI and it gave me this big long explanation that started with the history of butter churning and ended up with some facts about the traditional way of making yak butter which I did not even know was a thing but it is and that thing is butter.
Everyday we stray further
Cooking dried carbohydrates such as pasta and rice generally depends more on temperature than moisture. You could use instant noodles but definitely not an egg or rice noodle.
In fact, Rice cooks above 100C meaning in order to slow or prevent the water from boiling away without cooking the rice you need to either add pressure or salt to increase the boil temp.
Most starches gelatinize between 60°C to 80°C. Including rice, which has starches that gelatinize between 59°C and 72°C.
Not sure where you’re getting the idea that rice needs to cook above 100°C, which is just plainly inconsistent with how most cultures have cooked rice for thousands of years.
Most rice noodles are formed from pre-gelatinized starches, too, in order to form the dough necessary for forming into noodle shapes to begin with. So those just need to be hydrated, and perhaps heated for personal taste preferences.
Dude. You can cook rice noodles in cold water.
I usually put large rice noodles to cold-ish water for about 45-60 min depending on the noodles.
So having a hot shower with rice vermicelli in your nipples will definitely cook them and in a matter of minutes.
That seems wrong to me. Adding salt doesn’t increase the boiling temperature much
It would take a lot of salt to have a large noticeable difference, but I like to believe it helps.
As a very loose and unreliable rule of thumb for every 5% salt you raise the water’s boiling point by about a degree, but anything more than 2500 mg is over your daily recommended value: each cup of water is 236,588 mg so 5% of 2 cups water would be 23,658 mg.
But it’s not wrong to say adding salt helps cook rice, just not by a noticeable amount.
I think it certainly helps with flavour if nothing else, but I don’t think the extra degree or so in temperature would make much difference.
Though saying that, I’m now wondering to what extent rice cooking would be affected by high altitudes — I had a friend who lived somewhere high altitude in South America for a while, and she said that the low atmospheric pressure meant cooking certain foods was difficult because the water boiled at a lower temperature (I wish I could remember more specifics)
Do it twice. Buccatini (i think I’m spelling that wrong) stuffed with angel hair.
Gauging with pasta: angel hair, thin spaghetti, spaghetti, thick spaghetti, bucatini, penne, rigatoni, all the way up through big-ass cannelloni.
Thanks I hate it.
You can, and it kind of does. Back in my 20s, when my nipples were still pierced, I tried this when I was really drunk. Thank goodness, the pictures have been deleted.
So much for “thoughts I’ve never had before”
I’ve had mine done for… god decades now and I’ve never had that thought even as an intrusion…
But now I will, damnit…
The pictures have been deleted
If I had a nickel for every time someone thought of boiling pasta by showering with it piercing their nipple, I’d have two nickels-- which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
Wait is this a Futurama reference
Nope, Phineas and Ferb
Well, go on, spare no detail. Was this real Italian durum wheat? What kind of sauce?
Well this is a thing.
Tittaroni putanesca
why would someone pierce their nipples? what does it do besides mutilating an erogenous zone?
People pierce all kinds of parts of their bodies for all kinds of reasons. Aesthetics, affinity with subcultures, and yeah, functioning associated with sexual pleasure.
People will literally insert metal hooks into themselves and suspend themselves from the wall. That’s not even necessarily a sex thing.
It’s stupid cute, and my nipples are still super sensitive so it’s hasn’t really been a detriment. Idk, I love mine, I’d pierce them again if I had to.
Give you a place to hang tools while doing carpentry.
Of course it’s SatansMaggotyCumFart commenting this.
I want you to know that I glanced at your comment as I was closing the thread, and then felt compelled to reopen it so I could read it properly.
For individuals with inverted nipples, it may aid in form them, by the scar tissues.
And many do it exactly for sexual stimulation, personal affirmation or just aesthetics.
Why the emphasis on judgement? You don’t like it, just don’t do it. People have the right to dispose of their body as they see fit.
Maybe they were curious?
I’ll grant that but there is no need to judge others.
where did I judge? nothing I said was wrong
why would someone pierce their nipples?
This is genuine curiosity.
what does it do besides mutilating an erogenous zone?
The moment you assign a negative conotation, you are passing judgement.
Others have replied saying that having such piercings did not hamper their sensitivity or even increased it.
I mentioned it can even serve to correct inverted nipples.
I respect you do not see such practice in a favorable way but if you don’t like, just don’t do it. Nobody is advocating for it.
well, technically it fits the definition of mutilation
We’re not debating technicalities.
Some people pierce their buttholes. I cannot explain.
Please tell me this is made up. I still can’t get past the hygiene problems of nose piercings when you have a cold, to even imagine how awful this would be
Um Wikipedia has a picture.
Oh dear gods. I cannot imagine intentionally giving yourself an anal fistula
Boy, wait until your hear about Prince Albert
Your ass is not forgiving when you get older. Some of these porn stars are really going to keep the adult diaper and colostomy industry in business.