Elon Musk’s DOGE website mistakenly published classified intelligence data, including personnel and budget details for the National Reconnaissance Office.
The breach sent Defense Department officials scrambling, as the NRO’s headcount and budget are typically classified. Intelligence aides confirmed the leak is problematic under current security standards.
Concerns have also been raised about DOGE’s inexperienced staff. The White House has not commented, and the site was later hacked.
Oh no! They’re worried!
Fucking do something about it for once
That’s not something you just give access to because someone says they want it and they’re high up in the command structure.
These systems are typically air-gapped so to be able to acquire it is a particularly bad fuck-up.
That being said information from unclassed systems can become classified when put in a single place/file for easy consumption.
Either way someone really, REALLY fucked up here.
Either way someone really, REALLY fucked up here.
I wouldn’t say it’s someone as much as it’s something.
Neither of the Felonius Fuckheads have ever faced actual consequences for their actions. The entire judicial system has fucked up by teaching them that they’re above the systems of checks and balances designed to hold them accountable and prevent them from making unilateral changes to fundamental aspects of the government operates.
And so, Elon just casually walked in wherever he pleased, caused chaos and disruption with his cronies, and walked out leaving behind servers exfiltrating anything they could get their hands on.
So they can feed it to their fellow Tech Bros and probably Russia while they are at it.
Because trump works for Putin. It couldn’t be any clearer.
Because the people who objected to them not having the clearance to view the data were put on leave.
[Musk’s] comments come after the administration placed two top security chiefs at USAID on leave after they refused to turn over classified material in restricted areas to Musk’s government-inspection teams, a current and a former U.S. official told The Associated Press on Sunday
Jesus fucking Christ.
Does anybody else feel like we’re all nearing a collective psychotic break? Like, am I crazy, or is everything suddenly fucking crazy?
It’s not you, it’s fucking crazy.
Are we all just deciding to internalize it or something? Or is this Bystander Effect on a national scale?
Look, War Thunder isn’t going to develop itself.
Best comment.
Lol “intelligence officials” can eat my whole asshole. They let the monkeys in without even a background check; they’ve earned their goddamn circus.
isnt he planning to clean out the cia and fbi.
and was later hacked.
How do these people not have their fucking doors kicked in for this shit?
That’s why I’m going to my states senate office and raising hell. You should too. Monday Feb 17th. Be the change my friend
Because those who should be doing that are complicit, that’s how.
Fucking morons
worrying officials who proceed to do nothing about it
You know, when it’s a regular citizen doing this prosecutors will have a warrant for arrest signed, even if it has to be done in the middle of the night on a weekend, and have a strike team arrest and detain those responsible within literal (really, literal) hours. Why does this not happen NOW?? (I know the answer.)
Well you see, legally, it’s complicated.
The only people who can go after him…work for Trump.
The people who can go after Trump are Congress. A Congress that is controlled by the party that Trump is the head of, and that head is attached directly to its ass, with absolutely no spine in between. A truly majestic creature, really.
The people who can stop him on the meantime are the courts. Which he packed with loyalists. Not just the supreme court but also many lower federal courts as well.
That’s thanks to the duodenum of the congress-beast, Mitch McConnel, who held up so many federal judge appointments during Obama’s last years in office because it was “too close to an election”. But then shoved in a new judge when RBG died two months before the 2020 election before she was even cold.
This is what most sane countries would call a “constitutional crisis”.
How is this confusing?
Arrest his conspirators. Separate them. Get them to give up their international contact.
No one is as colossally stupid as these kids are. Unemployment is the least they need to worry about.
Over half the country voted for this. Over half the country thinks he’s doing Lord’s work and is finally making America great again. He’s not getting arrested unless he does something way, way worse than this
Honestly, I don’t believe he won. There are computer scientists who are saying that it was 100% rigged. If you think about it for more than 2 seconds it’s easy to see that Trump shouldn’t be president. I’ll die on this hill.
theres evidence many counties, machines were compromised, not surprised how hard they cried about it in 2020, too.
I honestly think that kamala just didn’t resonate with many americans
her campaign underestimated the mysogyny and racism of latinos, and conservative black men, i used to follow some asian youtubers who were originally willing listening to the other side, but are still right wing, after covid hit they went all in with trump and conspiracies, actually most of it was due to female employee(and past ones) they mistreated, she wasnt playing ball with the owners so they bullied the sht out of her years and not toe-ing the line of thier rants. both are pretty socially conservative,as are asian voters. dint make her look better hanging out with cheney.
Less than 2/3 of the country voted and less than half of them voted for Trump. Don’t give folks a mandate/credit they didn’t earn.
You’re totally right. I shouldve said that the majority of voters voted for this circus and from what I can tell still very much support it.
He still came out under 50% of the popular vote. It was close, but they didn’t win a majority of voters.
But, yes. Lots of folks cheering for things getting worse.
A non vote was a vote for fascism
Not all of them. Many were suppressed votes.
Thank you for this correct framing.
This is the comment to read, people.
Did it ever occur to you to take some goddamn responsibility for what your country is inflicting on the world instead of making excuses? Especially when that excuse is “Hey, most of us just sat on our asses instead of doing the bare minimum to keep a blatant fascist out of power! Don’t blame us!”
Oh yeah that’ll surely fix everything, for all the people that didn’t want Trump in office to take responsibility for Trump getting into office.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe instead of berating us from your ivory tower (which I’m inferring from your comment is an ocean away), that maybe extending a helping hand would be more productive?
I’m not an ocean away. I’m in a country that your glorious leader has repeatedly threatened to annex. And I’m extending a helping hand by boycotting your products in the hopes that your economy collapses. I hope to do more but while the people who voted for Trump (or at least didn’t vote against him) are your friends and neighbours that you have plenty of opportunities to talk to and influence I have to do what I can from a distance.
Thanks for the “ivory tower” comment, though. It’s nice to know what you think of the people who have to suffer for your country’s actions while having no means to directly influence them (unlike yourself.)
You absolutely sit in an ivory tower when you make comments like that though. You get to absolve yourself of the responsibility you’re trying to lay at the feet of Americans who are also suffering (and who, I might remind you, the majority of which did not want Trump in office) merely because you have the privilege of living somewhere else.
I can’t control that I was born here, I can’t control that I can’t leave here, and I can’t control that the system is so fucked that I’m basically powerless to change it. Don’t act like you’re better than me because you were lucky enough to be born into (or privileged enough to move into) a better country with a better system. If you do, I have every right to say you sit in an ivory tower.
The main point though is that this stupid blame game helps no one and just further divides the people getting fucked. Climb on down from your ivory tower and try a word of encouragement instead, or if that’s too much for you, just don’t say anything. Whatever you do though, please stop driving the wedge further between the people getting fucked, because that’s exactly what the assholes in power want.
Don’t worry. This person lives in a country that votes at similar levels to the one they’re criticizing. This is a person who probably did nothing about everything their own country and the one they’re criticizing has done before. But now that it feels like it matters to them, it’s time to blame other folks and lash out.
Did it ever occur to you that framing and context matters to people? That some are more motivated to push back and resist when they see there are more people on their side than not? That the minority that elected the blatant fascist are keenly invested in promoting the idea that they have a mandate to do the things they’re doing? That the protests, lawsuits, and acts of resistance are spurred by recognizing this isn’t what the majority want? Don’t confuse speaking the truth with making excuses.
It’s not confusing at all, many of us agree. But who enforces that? The Justice Dept, led by Trump’s other stooge Pam Bondi.
the bleach blond barbie, that dropped the lawsuit against trump university, after donald donated 25k to her campaign.
We are witnessing a coup in real-time
The world is watching too. It’s easy for me to shout towards the US “do something!” but the rich have got people so economically fucked they’d have to choose between fighting this good fight, or feeding their families.
When they can’t even feed their families, the choice will be much easier to make.
I think starvation historically leads to revolution
That’s honestly what it’s going to take, is a collapse like the French experienced in 1789. It’s not going to be pretty. We have tanks, machine guns, bombs, all kinds of chemical weapons (tear gas is a chemical weapon), etc.
They’re systematically dismantling everything, including farming and social programs created to help feed poor people. What do they think is going to happen when people can’t eat? There’s a reason Rome did bread and circuses. Feed the masses, entertain them somewhat and they stay relatively complacent. They’re not doing that here.
If you don’t want to hurt the kid, an anti material rifle would make short work of whatever body armour he’s wearing.
hes using him as a human shield, against crticism, and as a bullet"proof" armor.
I know, but he’s only protecting against headshots. No sniper in their right mind goes for a headshot. Much greater chance of hitting if you go for centre mass.
Did you know that the longest confirmed sniper kill is 3800 m. It wss made by a Ukrainian soldier using the horizon’s lord anti material rifle.
hes also using him as a “social” human shield, if the kid intercepts the bullet, people would go “oh poor baby got shot by some cold hearted,bastard”. ever heard of people using human shields in military attacks, they do the same thing, hes like them using woman or children and the guy hides behind them while attacking an enemy. it helps turn public opinion in musks favor. Musk however does not care if the child gets hit, also hes keeping it from GRIMES.
I had to look that up, I assumed that name was a typo. Daaaaaamn.
For anyone else wondering:
The website posting classified info, not being secure, and hiring a 19 year old who leaked classified data at a previous job. Hmm, almost seems like Elon is actively undermining the US government and inviting various groups and countries to steal our data.
Imagine if literally anyone else did this.
Other countries having our data is the least of our worries. I’m ready for China to become our new overlords if that’s the only other option.
That’s the next step. We’re seeing the sun set on the American Empire and I’m afraid it’s going to take another World War for the sun to rise on the next Empire.
Same. I hope they’re kind and don’t just ship us all off like the Uighurs.
I think most Americans could use a reeducation camp. Our society didn’t collectively kill Elon after he did a Nazi salute. We need some reeducation on how to kill Nazis.
Maybe he has some war thunder arguments to settle…
Of course. Trump was keeping classified documents in his bathroom after his first term and the American people rewarded him with a second. This is what Americans want.
And 78% who can’t vote, or just didn’t care enough.
Nah, non voters are complicit. The majority of voting citizens wanted this. America is getting what they deserve.
Develop heart attack gun and extensive ways to fabricate blackmail. Only use it against peaceful socialists like MLK.
Well yeah, because peaceful socialists don’t generally go around developing heart attack guns, their enemies do.
“We’re wringing our hands as hard as we can”
I can see why he’s carrying that kid of his around now.