Surely it is THIS that will help those grocery prices…
Supporting people is lawful.
Whether the laws he passes are legitimate, up for debate.
His EOs aren’t laws. That takes Congress.
By supporting they mean what? Calling the kid the name they want to be called by?
They don’t necessarily need to explicitly teach gender and racial studies, whatever. But don’t tell my kids’ teachers they can’t be courteous to the kids. The kids don’t care one bit when someone who was a girl comes back saying they are a boy, they are nonchalant as fuck about it.
You have lost this round, conservatives. The generation who will raise the next generation is already grown up with more reasonable teaching and parents who model tolerance, there are too many of us for you to be able to control us.
Go back to your lairs and work on some other evil plan.
They dont wanna go after todays kids, they want the next generation. One decade of control, and they can raise Gen Beta in the bigoted pseudo50s hellacape they always dreamed of
They already made women second class citizens. Now they’re moving on to vulnerable minorities.
Sound like any other examples from history?
I’d say the alarms have started going off, but they’ve been going off for quite some time now. Deaf and dumb Americans as a whole can’t hear them though.
Let’s play the “replace the group with jews and see if they sound like a Nazi”
Trump tells DOJ to proescute teachers who unlawfully support jewish students.
Fascism isn’t coming.
It’s already here.
“No transgender, no operations—you know, they take your kid—there are some places, your boy leaves for school, comes back a girl. Okay? Without parental consent.” He added, “At first, when I was told that was actually happening, I said, you know, it’s an exaggeration. No: it happens. It happens. There are areas where it happens.”
Gotta wonder if he’s manufacturing reality or if he’s also caught up in a manufactured reality.
He knows his out is now “I saw it on TV”
It’s definitely both.
He’s a conman by nature, not by intelligence.
He inherently knows he has to manufacture lies to get what he wants, but he’s very clearly not an actually intelligent person and you can clearly tell sometimes that he’s 100% bought into some conspiracy theories, the same way any dumb person would. The guy’s brain is mostly fried, but the conman in his nature is still there. Will be until he’s 6 feet under.
I can’t believe there’s a single person who believes that children are being snuck into hospitals to just have a quick 20,000 dollar surgery that takes months to fully recover from during lunch and sneaking them home without anyone noticing
If they had critical thinking skills, we wouldn’t have Trump as president.
Dipshit Donnie, your executive orders are not laws. They also only apply to federal government. As far as I know, we don’t have federal schools except for the armed forces academies.
They’ll probably end up making federal aid contingent on being assholes. Just like how Reagan coerced the states into 21 year old drinking age by withholding highway funds.
It works like this:
- Teach at a public school
- That school receives funding directly or indirectly from federal programs under the executive branch, including the Department of Education
- DEI support disqualifies institutions from receiving Federal funds
- Supporting DEI and trans rights while receiving Federal funds counts as defrauding the US government
- DOJ takes up the case
While EOs are not laws, they have the potential to do massive amounts of damage because most of the government runs on agencies under control of the Executive. And while universities and public schools are not federal, they receive shit tons of funds through grants, contracts, and subsidies from a wide array of federal agencies (see: academic panic at the NSF and NIH halting grant review and funding as a result of Trump’s recent orders).
We’re deciding right now how much power Executive Orders have.
It had strict definitions for its use, now the president is trying to stretch that power further.
How many people comply without being physcially forced is what determines how much power he truely has.
How many people comply without being physcially forced is what determines how much power he truely has.
So far America appears to be overflowing with pussies who are willing to bend the knee to an anti-democratic felon rapist.
Our ancestors are weeping.
How many people comply without being physically forced is what determines how much power he truly has.
That’s why the reduction of protections for federal employees was so important to implementing this phase. A lot of people have already been fired or reassigned which makes it really difficult for them to “do” anything.
That is exactly what I was saying how Reagan coerced states to raise drinking age.
Right on. I was just outlining how they’d probably make it personal against the teachers.
Hey acceleratiionists and people who Harris “wasn’t good enough” for, remember that you could’ve helped stop this shit before it even happened. Now people are going to suffer and die under this regime that you helped bring to power
Hey DNC, stop blaming the voters you told to stay home.
There’re the same people. Flexing for the algorithm, just different ones.
Those people are far too stupid to grasp the mistake they made.
Ignorance truly is bliss.
Until you’re thrown in an oven.
Them: Don’t care, at least my eggs are cheaper…wait
Them: Don’t care, I showed America that their two party system sucks…wait
Then: Don’t care, voting doesn’t matter anyway…wait
Them: As long as it’s hurting the right kind of people more
Of we don’t ban trans people, then Trump could end up mistakenly raping a dude, and we can’t have that! What would he even grab them by?
A subtle aspect is that many of these people do like fucking trans women, but those trans women need to be vulnerable and disposable. When job discrimination is legal/encouraged, trans people turn to prostitution.
A lot of the conservative Christian machine is really a massive D/s kink. Punishing women for having sex, murdering trans women for making their dick hard.
D/s kink? I don’t understand the acronym
So much of the actions of Trump, Musk, McConnell - it’s a power fetish. That’s why it often seems counterintuitive or pointlessly cruel. There’s an erotic thrill from being able to control others and to hurt them.
I believe it’s known as a bussy.
I feel like a screenshot of your comment (without context for best effect) would make a great post somewhere
This is such a non-issue. All the shit we could be working on, but we’re going to pick on school kids trying to figure themselves out.
‘Tell me I’m part of an in-group. That I’m great and that I belong and that nothing will change that. Then show me an out-group, and make them suffer so I can feel even better about being in the in-group.’
That is what Conservatives have been asking for. That is what they really want. And he’s giving it to them, as a thank-you for getting him into office.
See also: ‘He’s not hurting the right people!’
The bonus is this also advances the Nazi agenda.
They need to tell people they are doing something and solving issues and it’s alot easier to solve issues you create then those that actually plauge society.
Crickets from conservatives who love to screech about free speech
They only like free speech when it’s their voices.
Me/Mine is the conservative ideology boiled down to two words.
if you’re still waiting on conservatives to change their tune because you pointed out their hypocrisy, then you kinda just deserve whatever you get.
So guys, unrelated question.
Say I have a bear that isn’t a protected species that wanders around the area. Say I’m a lot of bit nervous of this bear destroying stuff towards the edge of my property, but my property edge is pretty damn far.
What kind of equipment would I need to take care of this bear, if the agencies and law enforcement wont do anything to protect me or my vulnerable neighbors from this bear?
Well, a Henry in 45-70 should handle it just swimmingly. Find someone who knows how to process the carcass first, though, they are HUGE!
That said, cops tend to dislike it when you shoot at them. Locals and ICE.
Believe it or not, I have a bear guy.
What he does with them? I don’t really wanna know.
Edit: he does eat them, and apparently the pelts make awesome rugs but are a bit scratchy
I’m assuming this is a sort of coded question about how to defend trans people.
But since I’m not able to decypher it here’s an honest answer to your wildlife query.
The wildlife will live as it sees fit. If you don’t want it on your property, you will need to invest in fencing. If you wish to protect yourself from the wildlife, it means avoiding confrontations and encounters, and possibly carrying pepper spray.
Firearms. They’re asking about firearms.
Yeah honestly the best advice for encountering bears is basically “don’t”
Also applies to conservatives, or Conservatives.
Encoded question? Never. It just seemed to be useful context to ask this sort of question.
See that makes me think you’re being sarcastic, there is an encoded question, and that was an encoded answer to the the answer. Also that I really do not understand trans-coded language.
Im not trans. And I had no idea there was trans coded language which is pretty fucking cool.
Not to be confused with transcoding, which is important to viewing media.
Surely this will finally rein in the price of eggs.
And ended the war in Ukraine
And free Palestine.
Being an educator in this day and age seems so difficult, we are taught all the studies and theories of healthy child development, how to promote healthy social emotional learning, but we must fight parents and increasely the law to maintain a safe, healthy social environmental layer.
Good educators are already beaten down from so many things and have become rare, but I know most of my colleagues and friends have no intention of bending knee to this and policies aimed at hurting students we fight for, and I desperately hope this sentiment is shared by many across our country.
That’s the point, that’s what they want and they want good teachers to be sick of it and leave so they can either put some uncertified person in your place or none at all and keep education for private schools. Trumpy said it himself, he loved the uneducated. It’s sadly all part of their plan to keep critical thinkers at bay so they can do whatever they want and nobody bats an eye.
Keep people uneducated, and feed them misinformation. yes, it is very unfortunate that is the federal policy for k-12 education.
To quote my maga father in law when discussing cutting funding to schools " I want them kids as ignorant as me"
Soo trashy.
I desperately hope this sentiment is shared by many across our country.
I’ll leave this here…from 3 days ago: Teacher asks ICE to raid his school, says many students ‘don’t even speak English’
Good educators are a rare and dying breed. Unfortunately probably a lot who either openly or secretly harbour similar feelings.
The good ones usually quit before they get tenure. They don’t get paid nearly enough for all the shit they put up with.
yeah, I know all customer facing jobs have big cons, and working fast food isn’t easy by any means, but I see McDonald’s hiring ads and sometimes I wonder, 25% raise and far less likely to get bit? almost tempting. I would probably still have to talk to people as if they are children.
Thanks, I wasn’t depressed enough, but that really did the trick!
That was, thankfully, a substitute teacher. Which means they don’t necessarily have any education in education.
Thats not to say there aren’t scumbags just like them as full time employees, just noting not a regular teacher in that case.
there are many more fully resisting each purge attempt. shits getting dark af right now, but dispair cannot be an option.
get out and find community. I did a thing two days ago. stopped by one of the only houses in my neighborhood that openly opposed the trump collective before the election. let them know I (and my fam) were here if they needed anything. we shared ideas and history. face to face. in realtime. and we will be checking up on each other moving forward.
Happy cake day!
There’s nothing unlawful about helping a trans person do their homework
No I recently heard someone say that it was a requirement by law to start being discriminatory. This was coming directed at a librarian about the fact they had books pertaining to the positivity of trans non binary … But had failed to attain any counter since libraries have to have a equal representation to a counter opinion available. And as to why the library wasn’t following the law and now removing said books from its shelves at that moment since it’s now law to be discriminatory. And yes they mentioned it being a requirement that you discriminate and report nondiscriminatory behavior i … When the fuck are we right now is this Stalin era russia?