Looks like someone took some shots at prez candidate Donald Trump at a rally in PA. From the videos I’ve seen, it looks like he did get grazed.
Looks like someone took some shots at prez candidate Donald Trump at a rally in PA. From the videos I’ve seen, it looks like he did get grazed.
Well, it was probably staged, so….
Absolutely. False flag for sure.
I dunno. I saw the footage. If the guy from Home Alone 2 was acting, he’d be a lot more blatant.
Plus, wouldn’t secret service be in on it? I bet you they can’t stand the guy either.
From my understanding, his service detail are all true believers. Remember, most LEOs and the like are very right wing.
Well, that may be true. According to AP, the gunman and an attendee are dead. So… not staged.
Just because it wasn’t fake doesn’t mean it wasn’t intentional. Hypothetically, his campaign pays off a gunman to take off a bit of his ear, and he gets the opportunity to motivate republicans and call his diehard supporters to violence.
A dead shooter also can’t tell his side of the story. Just sayin’
At least two confirmed dead:
Don’t stoop to that level. Assume it was real. Base your conclusions on evidence. Not conspiracies.
The bullet is totally a crisis actor, you can also see it in that one Reagan clip. /s
What bullet?
Can be seen in the JFK “assassination” as well. Dude gets around. Was younger then and could do some crazy acrobatics back then though.
According to a Washington Post reporter that talked with the district attorney, an audience member and the shooter are dead. Not a stunt.
Just want to point out that doesn’t prove it’s not a stunt at all.
Was the shooter alone? What’s his history? Did he have a family? Do they end up with money suddenly at some point in the near future?
Collateral damage is definitely something the Trump team wouldn’t give a single shit about. An innocent attendee dying wouldn’t stop them at all, if anything they’d likely think it adds credibility.
Dictators staging their own fake assassination attempts to garner sympathy isn’t anything new. And we know Trump views several of them as role models
It could be a legitimate attempted assassination,but it just as easily could have been staged, especially given it doesn’t seem the weapon itself was a real danger, at least not at that range. And it it really was something like a pellet or bb gun, not much of a danger at all unless literally next to Trump. Even a .22 needs to be pretty damned close to be deadly. Anything higher caliber doesn’t seem to match up with the witness reports or the audio we’ve seen.
Not to mention the weird Secret Service reaction immediately following. Why the fuck would they let him stand back up and fist pump the sky immediately after getting shot at? That’s literally the opposite of what they should be doing. Unless there wasn’t a real threat.
People might disagree with you here, so let me share a quote from the article:
This is an overwhelming PR win for Donald Trump and likely to be an extremely successful catalyst for inciting more insurrectionist violence. It’s too perfect of a scenario to be coincidental, especially considering he’s a chickenshit coward that would demand a human shield in front of him if he thought he was in any actual danger.
I’m just sick at how much of a coup this is for the Trump campaign. That photo is going to do so much work
Yeah, SS would have stormed him out of the area and into a safe place within moments of that shit. There’s no way they’d have cleared the area. No one would have known if there were a second or third shooter.
Now they’re saying someone is dead and they got the shooter?
I had to do a double take on that abbreviation
Same meaning at this point.
Schutzstaffel, as in protective service would probably be a better description of what they actually do I guess
Secret service better fits sg like the CIA
Right? USSS is the proper abbreviation for the United States Secret Service.
Supposedly, the shooter is dead. How awfully convenient that he won’t be able to tell his side of the story.
Again, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just shot a random person, claimed they were the shooter and wrapped this up.
He is an abhorrently cruel person. And those that follow him are as well. None of this is outlandish enough to not be true.
Also right as steam was picking up about Project 2025.
The shooter and an audience member are dead. How Machiavellian do you think these people are that they’d kill two people for a PR stunt?
What? Are you fucking delusional? I understand brown people are not really people for you guys there, but do you realize how many people indirectly and directly “these” people have killed in Syria alone, counting only cases of being simply too lazy?
Killing two people for fucking presidency? You think it’s unrealistic?
Anyway, the answer to the question “how Machiavellian” is “fully” for everybody participating in politics, because we are still homo sapiens and our time is just as Machiavellian as Machiavelli’s time, there are no naive people there, and if there are no poisonings and assassinations left and right there, that’s for the same reason only there are no nukings left and right on the map, not because they are moral.
What the fuck… ?
How am I delusional for not thinking this was staged? The moving parts required for it to be staged are an order of magnitude more complex and voluminous than it just being a lone nut with an AR-15. Unless you have some actual solid verifiable evidence that calls the boring reality of the situation into question, I’d maybe dial down the rhetoric a tad.
Yeah I too thought it was staged until bodies showed up. Anyone continuing to say this was staged at this point feels very Alex Jones.
I don’t think it was staged, but I also don’t think they would give a shit if other people died during a staged shooting.
I agree, but I don’t think Donny is brave enough to allow lethal ammo to stage anything.
Honestly: do you think they have regard for people’s lives? Not that I think this is staged.
They’d surely have regard for Trump’s life, no? I mean “they” shot him in the ear. An inch closer and he’d likely be dead.
I mean it might have been, but with the modern insanity around politics and guns and violence, and the general unhinged nature of the population generally, it’s equally or more likely to be some deranged person with a gun. WHY for the love of god add to the chaos by speculating without any evidence yet? Does it help?
Because speculation is all we have with someone like Trump who seemingly failed upward with his every move. Do you think we’re going to ever know what really happened? This shit was clean. Despite the fact that he was allowed to stand and shake a defiant fist moments later, without knowing if there were more shooters. How did his secret service know the area was secure? In reality, he would have been rushed to safety within a minute of the shooting.
Yeah. Here’s what speculation allows for;
• Gets found guilty 34 times over? Gets more followers.
• Gets found guilty of sexual assault. Gets more followers
• Gets tied to Epstein. Gets more followers
• Gets shot at. Wins an election.
There is no stopping that fat fuck because theres no limit to American ignorance.
Unless it was a blood capsule or something the guy is too much of a pussy to pull something like this off.
Blood capsule or something similar.
“There was ketchup dripping down his cheeks”
—Cassidy Hutchinson
The New York Times is refusing to say any bullets were fired, just that there were “pops” that sounded like gunfire.
So it wouldn’t necessarily require any actual danger.
I’m seeing a rally attendee was killed along with the shooter.
Now AP is reporting the same thing.
Plus an image of some blood on the bleacher from a live stream that kept running:
You recall that he wanted to rip off his suit and display a Superman logo after beating covid, right?
Id say it’s on brand.
My worry is that some lunatic right winger is trying to push us to civil war.
i keep thinking of that too…
We’re already there. They just haven’t started the American Violence™ phase yet. Right now we’re in the American Saber Rattling™ phase.
One of the attendees in the bleachers was hit:
News is also saying that 2 are dead: https://news.sky.com/story/shots-fired-at-donald-trump-rally-as-former-president-rushed-off-stage-13177651
This doesn’t sound like it was staged.
In other words he can’t be questioned