Have Windows users ever wanted a single thing they added since XP?
The new terminal for example is a rather neat improvement over the old command prompt, especially with the integration of Linux systems. Winget also is rather nice. Just two examples. So yeah with all the valid criticism Microsoft deserves for quite a bit of policies, I don’t think your hyperbole holds up.
For me a German law about the Holocaust just is more important than what some people say. It’s just so very vague. It reminds me a bit off Trump when he spouts some utter bullshit “some people” have said to him. That of course doesn’t mean that I think you said it in such an intention.
And no, the German law of course only applies to people in Germany. Now what would happen if Rowling would set foot in Germany would be interesting, but I don’t think even then much would happen. Nevertheless I think the German legal view on such speech IMHO is a good indication of it’s intention. After all Germany is one of the few countries who put in a serious effort in critically reflect on a very dark spot in their past. That’s something a lot of other countries could learn quite a bit.
And again, I really don’t think your choice of words were wrong in any way, my comment aimed to further elaborate on the topic and not criticise. I’m sorry if it came over in a different way.