Its all going according to Russias plan. Make Zelensky look like a bad guy to the MAGA freaks who wont argue when the full invasion happens.
Its pretty clear its on Europe to keep the continent safe. The US is out of the conflict.
Its all going according to Russias plan. Make Zelensky look like a bad guy to the MAGA freaks who wont argue when the full invasion happens.
Its pretty clear its on Europe to keep the continent safe. The US is out of the conflict.
I’d deal with several seconds of consciousness, but the minutes to hours of agony when lethal injection fails to knock you out would be hell.
I asked my mother a long time ago why they don’t do executions under full anaesthesia, and she said it was to cause as much pain as possible which I fully believe.
Fairly low to be fair, its too wet and miserable to ride a bike 11 months of the year.
Isle of Man. We have farmers that run the government. They are terrible at it, and its stupid, but we dont have power to rename a sea, so they mostly just argue amongst themselves and the rest of us get on with it. Postage takes longer and is more expensive. We cant get a lot of the services the UK gets. We still dont have 5g. That being said its one of the safest places to live in the British isles. So I dont know, swings and roundabouts.