They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.
Taking away the bins doesn’t mean you don’t produce rubbish…
Wait, so there are bins inside and they don’t want bins outside because it’s a wildlife area?
Sounds like OP’s a little lazy, this is a very understandable change
When I was visiting England I remember my grandpa and I walking around London looking for a trash can and being shocked at how rare they were compared to the US
…huh? They want to cut down on litter by removing the convenient locations for people to dispose their would-be litter?
Fuck there are some incredibly fucking stupid people in charge of places right now…
Think it’s a mentality as well.
Had a friend in high school and after the drive in we went to, I cleaned up my trash and threw it away. My friend said “why are you doing that, they pay people to do that” and proceeded to leave her trash.
Didn’t stay friends, but who the f thinks that way?
Entitled Amerikkkans… that’s who.
Pick up your own trash.
Not other people’s trash.
I will absolutely pick up other peoples trash if it’s somewhere like the wilderness. They should have picked it up themselves but I’m there now and that trash shouldn’t be there.
Me too…I bring bags with me and clean up places I hike / fish / camp…I try to leave places better than when I found it and it absolutely irks me when people can’t be bothered to throw their own trash away.
I guess it wasn’t clear that I think it’s ridiculous that people can’t even pick up their own trash.
You sound like tool
Looks like the bean-counters thought they could easily axe the trash cost by shoving onto eveeyone else. I doubt it will increase the natural beauty there.
This is the reason given in Australia by Parks Victoria
Advocate for minimal-impact practices wherever you go. Many people are surprised to find no bins in national parks. Waste attracts native animals, which can change their natural behaviour and harm both natural and cultural sites, as well as your personal belongings.
Always bring rubbish bags (and one for your neighbour) and take all your rubbish home. Help educate others about the importance of leaving the park pristine, minimising your impact on the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Have a fence, sign, benches seems pretty antithetical to LNT.
Different country, different styles I guess.
It’s like my university campus removing all ashtrays to stop people from smoking.
I’d give this some odds of reducing trash pollution. It can seem frustrating, but it MAY change people’s behavior in a way that reduces litter. Behavioral economics can be counterintuitive.
If you operate a business that sells things in paper plates and wrappers, you certainly have a moral responsibility to have waste receptacles to collect those waste products.
The problem isn’t that a park lacks trash cans. The problem is that a cafe removed their trash bins.
The he cafe still has bins inside, they have a way to collect their refuse.
The park removed the bins since people from the cafe weee likely overfilling it.
Where does the sign say the cafe removed them…? The sign is from the ministry of forestry and speaks only for what they did. Remove the park bins.
How do you know that? You’re not OP.
The OP edited their 5-hour old post about 2 hours ago according to the timestamp. Your comment is only 1 hour old 🤔.
You’re the one vehemently claiming the cafe removed the bins. So I throw that right back in your ignorant face.
For my side, we have a nice little sign that explains everything, if you would be arsed to read it that is…
I feel the same way, but about places that sell coffee having an obligation to provide a public bathroom.
Glares angrily at 7-11
Let us sing praise for the Rhineland Palatinatian Landesverordnung zur Ausführung des Gaststättengesetzes (Gaststättenverordnung - GastVO -), in effect since 1971, which mandates one toilet each for males and females in every restaurant or pub, and more for larger establishments.
No. Most people just start littering when there’s no trash bins nearby.
They’re shit people. I take cans home to recycle because we don’t have proper recycling at my workplace.
Yes, they are. But that does not make it better that there is no bin. I have been in a situation with no bin but trash that can not simply be carried (disgusting liquid) and had to dump it. That is extremely rare for me, I usually pick up others trash. But there are situations where you simply need a bin, no matter how green you are.
Think of the stupidest person you know, etc etc.
Hardly an issue of stupidity. We’ve got shops a short ride away that sell you disposables with the intent of bringing them into the park. And we’ve got a park that’s removed the bins used to cart the waste back out again.
The stupidity is in the policy. Either you have to prevent people from bringing this stuff in (incredibly difficult) or you have to manage the waste that exists by centralizing its collection and export (significantly easier and cheaper).
People that litter are atupid/lazy/poorly educated.
Unfortunately, if you don’t provide bins, some people are going to litter. Does my head in.
Selling food that comes with garbage included, in a location without bins, is littering.
But that’s why you take the rubbish home with you, where there is a bin. Where’s the end user responsibility?
You used “but” as if you were going to disagree with me, but then you didn’t. It was strange.
That’s not how this works.
This has been happening in New Zealand for a while. The theory seems to be that bins attract more litter and are a hazard to wildlife.
I was sceptical at first but it actually seems to work.
Perturbs me that they are selling food though. Surely yhe food sellers should have bins for which they are responsible in their immediate vicinity.
I don’t think it works. I think the resulting litter is just more distributed and therefore harder to register. Instead of an overflowing trash can, it’s a napkin here, a cup there, and a lot of it ends up eaten by wildlife or in waterways so not very visible.
No, a lot of people are actual decent human beings and understand the simple concept of packing out your own garbage.
If someone sees a full garbage, they aren’t suddenly going to become a decent person, no they add to the pile making it worse. Don’t give them that option, and well most people actually turn decent. Since to throw it on the ground and get caught is different than just “adding to the pile”. It’s amazing what a little public embarrassment can fix.
Or just…actually empty the bins?
And what if someone decides to empty their garbage from their vehicle filling it up and now it’s not being emptied until the next morning?
I’m guessing you would want someone standing there to empty it the second it gets full….?
Well first of all, yes.
Second, pretty sure that’s “dumping” and not legal, so record their license plate and send em a fine.
Using a public bin to empty your vehicle is illegal? That’s what the bins are for dude. Wow, you really have no clue about any of this do you?
If you’re planning a picnic, you bring your own trash bags, sort your trash, and dispose of it properly. And you will eventually make the effort to produce less rubbish, for example, ask to take your order without napkins or a plastic bag.
You operate a cafe and sell stuff that is trash 5 minutes later? You print a trash bin.
Don’t buy anything at the cafe if you’re not prepared to carry it out, I wouldn’t.
We have a commitment to producing no rubbish on-site. Well, we had one, but then budget cuts took away our garbage bins, so now I guess you have a commitment to producing no rubbish on-site.
This is basically ubiquitous on many public lands, specifically here in the US. The term is “carry in, carry out.” Bins accumulate trash (obviously) which in turn is an attractant for rodents, bears, raccoons, etc. which causes its own problems. Wild animals should not be artificially fed by human trash. Trash can also be blown out of cans, or scattered by animals. Overall, especially for low traffic environments, the best plan is to have people take all their trash out with them.
TL;DR: Pack out your trash.
The problem is parks can’t or won’t hire enough people to empty the bins out.
Because the people paying taxes would rather that money go to actual tangible benefits instead of paying for people’s laziness.
You’re the kind of person who doesn’t return their cart because someone “is paid to do it” aren’t you.
Removing trash is absolutely a tangible benefit.
It shouldn’t be there to begin with, so no it’s not. It’s fixing a problem of lazy populace. Just like needing a dozen cart wranglers at one store for people like you who refuse to return their carts.
Translation: we fired the guy that empties the trash, it’s your job now.