Huge uptick in folks drinking 4 Loco.
Huge uptick in folks drinking 4 Loco.
Black Rifle Koffee
But (assuming a tarrif is something that can even pass) I imagine you’re going to see a swiss cheese of exemptions for favored countries. And these countries will become a back door for imports.
Expect all of your coffee to be mysteriously harvested from Canada.
Reminds me of those AI centers that drain the grid and suck up all the municipal water, only to run a fortune in PR about being Green.
As though using a Three Mile Island’s worth of electricity is doing the rest of the world a favor.
most of America
One American in five.
No need to invade when their economy collapses internally and Beijing can step up to buy the whole island out from the bargain basement bin.
Unironically what we’re going to hear Trump say. But also, there’s so much money in imports, I can see this plan getting bottled up and strangled in Congress very easily.
Seeing a stark void of “Fuck China” posts all of a sudden. Crazy what happens when the treat train gets held up at the border.
I wish more MCU Democrats and Punisher Skull Republicans would read this.
Oh yeah, we’re absolutely getting a fucking measles epidemic before the end of his term.
At some point he needs to be able to physically enact proposals. Like, it’s one thing to say “Build a wall” and it’s another to get the land rights, hire the contractors, do the work, maintain it on competition, etc, etc.
You can go down to the border now and you’ll find this rink a dink bullshit that’s falling over in a light breeze. Then you’ve got spools full of razor wire tossed into the steadily shallower Rip Grande. People got paid tens of millions to put that garbage in the ground. And that was under an ostensibly competent administration.
I agree we’re going to get a ton of shit policy. Police violence under Trump is going to skyrocket. Vigilantee violence is going to jump. Border guard violence is going through the roof. But, like, is he going to build anything that can last? Or is he going to get the Americanized version of Neom? A bunch of scammers delivering invisible clothes to prance around in.
I guess we’ll find out.
Between 2017 and 2021, things got pretty bad. Riots, wars, a plague, economic crash, and it ended with a mob breaking into the nation’s capital and trashing the place.
Can’t imagine a repeat will be better.
It’s not a pipe
The lesson that Democrats will take away from 2024 is that they should never run a woman for President.
Only the mouthpieces of the Microsoft Corporation can save us now.
America is dead
You’re thirty years to late to write The End of History. Fukuyama wasn’t right about it then, either.
Maybe those of you that stayed home
Speak for yourself. She only lost because you didn’t vote hard enough.
If American democracy survived Jackson, Buchanan, Hoover, and Nixon…
Most well paid clueless man, maybe
He expected to be his own brand, like Musk or Trump or Limbaugh. When he realized he was still just another faceless interchangeable mouthpiece, that definitely fucked his ego.
I think any tariff that passes will have a swiss cheese of exemptions, because that’s just how the game is played in Congress.
Lobby hard enough and you’ll get your country excused one way or another.
It would be prime for Canadian ports, and for a host of middle men who get to launder trade goods through a legal loophole.
But that’s the real end game. Not domesticating manufacturing, but monopolizing channels for import/export.