18 billion yearly profit last I checked.
Not enough.
Never enough.
18 billion yearly profit last I checked.
Not enough.
Never enough.
Because they can be slotted in to work existing machinery without retooling the entire plant.
I kinda would have been, but I had a dictionary at home so didn’t use the library one much.
That critical mass will never come because people don’t feel the data has been stolen from them.
Rather, it’s traded in exchange for whatever online services they use.
And to them it’s a decent trade.
Solution is stop using delivery services.
You want to get things like this passed, you get a big enough group to just walk around down town in the rich area open carrying and mean mugging everyone.
Make the upper class uncomfortable. You’ll get that passes in no time.
I am convinced the goal was to provoke a strong response from Israel. The reason is they knew the strong response from Israel would be disproportional and would damage relations between Israel and the rest of the ME.
Israel was approaching normalized relations with most of the major Arab nations around it, most importantly SA. Normalized relations with Israel would likely mean significantly less political and economical support coming to Hamas. Without outside resources Hamas is neutered.
So, seeing the real possibility of a large reduction in their economic and political power in the horizon they took desperate action to stop it, knowing full well the outcome.
Good. Influencers are a plague.
I never watched x-files when it aired.
I tried to watch it a few years back but only made it to season 2. Maybe it gets better later, but the show was so formulaic that I grew bored of it pretty quick.
Eh, I’m here to relax and have fun.
Not be told I’m a piece of shit who deserves to be executed because I had the audacity to be born every ten minutes.
A lot of people.
Why does everyone keep saying child poverty?
Like, do children in other countries have some sort of massive wealth I’m not aware of?
One of the reasons I’m against the current immigration policy of the US is it creates this under caste of people who can be exploited heavily by certain industries.
While in this example technically all citizens lack the same protections, the carve out in these laws always just happens to align with whatever industries rely heavily on migrant workers.
From my example it’s clear the average Florida voter doesn’t want an assault weapons ban, that’s for sure.
No one said ignore mass shootings.
Just gun control in areas it’s unpopular.
There are other methods of attacking the problem than gun control. They won’t be as effective, but they will be more tolerated by the average American voter.
Take the Florida governorship. DeSantis won out by the skin of his teeth the first go around.
The reason Andrew Gilliam lost was he kept going on about bringing an assault weapons ban to Florida. Such a ban would have never made it though the legislature, so it was an empty promise on top of an unpopular one.
So he shot himself in the foot for no gain and we have been stuck with pudding fingers ever since
Democrats need to understand to pick their battles and read the room.
I’m not giving up mobile deposit.
Leave my house? Duck that.
Do I need sources for the failed invasion of Kyiv?
Everyone knows about it.
Yes, it’s generally considered rude to switch languages specifically to hide your conversation.
It’s because most will assume you are doing it to talk shit.
I have a Samsung TV and it’s kind of irritating that it does this same thing. Any option you leave selected for a few seconds will start playing a sample
It’s frustrating to have to go hunt for a safe place to put my cursor so my TV doesn’t start playing something I don’t want it to.