I don’t know if this is something people say in other countries, but in my country, there’s this common cliché or “wisdom” where adults will assure you that the people who picked on you in environments like school will universally develop lives of hardship later on, one way or another getting into mayhem.
I asked my mother one day what happened to all those people growing up. I can sense she may have been sugar coating it, but she said something along the lines of “well, I waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and became a teacher, and waited some more, and finally watched as my bullies had to go into retirement five years late, yay” (okay, not really like that, but it might as well have been).
Yeah, common theme in my experience that what we hope for is never “that” set in stone. No matter where in the community (or even long-distance communicating) you knew them from, based on life, how much approximate correspondence do you associate with that mindset in the first paragraph?
I haven’t met a single person I went to school with, since I left my home town to go to university. So, no idea.
Living the dream, the best revenge is a life well-lived.
When we were both five years old, I knew one of my classmates would end up in prison.
Most kids can be jerks on occasion, and I can think of a few examples where that applied to me as well as it could to anyone. I haven’t generally kept track of people who bullied me in school; I imagine most of them grew out of it, and a few didn’t. This guy was something else, as if cruelty was the only thing that brought him joy.
At 19, he and two others beat a taxi driver to death. He was convicted of manslaughter and spent more than a decade in prison. A quick web search suggests he’s out of prison and working as a car salesman now.
He must’ve been unbearable if you knew his fate at five years old. I barely had any concept of prison when I was that age, in fact I was one of those kids who thought it would be easy to just slip through the bars if that ever happened.
I certainly didn’t have an adult understanding of what prison is, but I knew people who committed really serious crimes like murder went there. I expected this person to do something like that, and I wasn’t far off.
There was a kid in grade school growing up that was a bully. He made a kid cry while we were waiting for our class picture to be taken in the 6th grade, and you can see that kid crying in the picture. I still think about it often.
The bully ended up being one of the greatest running backs my county ever knew. He was a game changer.
I randomly decided to look up the crying kid from the school picture a couple years ago. He is now a very successful man. I couldn’t be any happier seeing that. It almost brought me to tears.
The bully was shot and killed in the streets a couple years after graduating high school.
The school must’ve not taken care of the kids well if they just let the photographer do a one-take like that.
I read country instead of county and this hit differently.
One of my former bullies ended up working for a local carwash, I found out when he had to wash mine.
Worst baddies for me growing up was my parents. I’m sure they are ‘enjoying’ retirement as much as those miserable bastards can actually enjoy anything.
Nobody ever exposed them? We live in an age where that’s possible.
I have no idea, I don’t hang out with bullies.
This thread reeks of Facebook user problems
How would I know? I left my hometown.
I did see my high school bully occasionally in college. I was in my 5th year of undergrad and he looked like a grad student. But I was usually walking from my fwb’s dorm to class, so i was doing plenty fine myself.
I hope these people are better and happier but I don’t care to find out.
I don’t even remember the names of most of my bullies.
I’m friends with them! 😃 People can change, and they’re nothing like their former selves. They understood that acting rude to me and others when we were kids was a wrong thing to do and now they’re just regular nice people who are super chill!
Became CEO, manager and the like
Of anything big?
Their own companies as entrepreneurs xd. Meanwhile, I became a slave engineer
If you’re in America, not only are small business loans often forgiven if the business fails, but failing as “CEO” is generally seem more positively on a resume than succeeding as an employee.
Just saying, only you know your circumstances, but it’s probably a more viable option than you think.
Died or sent up the river
The Hudson river?
Ah. Around where I am, sending someone up the river is usually a euphemism for sending someone to Dannemora, which is a prison near where I reside.
Sounds like a good placefor baddies
Yup, it’s as maximum security as one could get. If I’m not mistaken, both the guy who killed John Lennon and the second-in-command of Charles Manson had been there at various points.
Two of them became somewhat decent persons.
The worse one was murdered.
The others I don’t know.What happened to the murderer?
He surrendered himself and waits for his trial.
The biggest asshole at my primary school got shot by a woman he was living with when he was like 19.
That was quick.
One died in a car accident, the other main one had a lot of babies who now have their own babies. I moved continents and changed my name through marriage before I opened any social media accounts, so I have no idea what happened to the bulk of them.
My Jr Highschool bully ended up accidentally shooting and killing his friend a few years later in high school. He dropped out and found Jesus, seemed to be dealing with it on his own by the time I graduated. Haven’t heard a thing about him in the decade or so since.