Exclusive: most renters surveyed by Harris Poll say the areas they live in have become so unaffordable they are ‘barely livable’

The poll, conducted by the Harris Poll Thought Leadership and Future Practice, asked survey takers to identify themselves as renters or homeowners, along with other demographic information. Those polled were asked their opinion on home ownership in the United States. For many, especially renters, the outlook is bleak.

Though the vast majority of renters polled said they want to own a home in the future, 61% said they are worried they will never be able to. A similar percentage believe no matter how hard they work, they’ll never be able to afford a home.

“When you think about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and housing is right at that foundational level of security, the implications on consumer psyche when things feel so unaffordable is something that will impact everyone,” said Libby Rodney, chief strategy officer at Harris Poll. The American dream of owning a home “is looking more like a daydream for renters”.

  • RGB3x3@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    My wife is selling her first home now that we’re in our first joint home. For reference, she’s 26, I’m 28. I have some thoughts about this whole thing because the house is not selling and it’s generally for stupid reasons:

    1. Interest rates are high, so the monthly payment is going to be twice what ours used to be when the house was bought in 2020. Interest rates are never going to be that low again and anyone without a sizeable down-payment just can’t afford it. Young people generally don’t have sizeable down payments, because they’re not selling a home to get their first.

    2. People continually complain about inexpensive cosmetic work like cabinet doors and floors. They walk away from a house with zero real issues because they don’t want to fix things like that.

    3. Builders are offering great deals on new homes. No closing costs, paying lawyer’s fees, etc. The problem is that new build quality has been fucking awful lately. Before my wife and I bought our current home, we took a look at a new-build neighborhood and even the example home had glaring issues.

    4. Investors. We had an offer for cash, as is, and took it because people with loans just can’t compete with that. Why wouldn’t we take someone who can pay cash and doesn’t care about inspections or cosmetics?

    My take? Young people have no money, interest rates suck, but when a home becomes available that is affordable, they don’t want to put in the work to fix up cosmetic issues. They expect new-build appearances, but don’t realize that comes with poor new-build quality. It’s a multi-faceted issue.

    • prole@sh.itjust.works
      6 months ago

      I hope you also realize that, at your age, you and your SO are major outliers. Most people your age will never be in a situation even close to what you describe.

      • RGB3x3@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Oh I know. If my wife hadn’t done the prep work to save for a house, then buy during COVID when rates were crazy low, we wouldn’t have been able to afford our next one.

        I got lucky, she was smart

    • grue@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      People continually complain about inexpensive cosmetic work like cabinet doors and floors.

      Complaining about paint is petty, sure, but floors are expensive. I didn’t walk away from a house with shitty floors, and a decade later I still haven’t replaced them.

    • mansfield@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      So you sold your house to investors that will use it to add to this pretty obvious problem because you did not want to be bothered to wait 2-3 weeks extra to close? Thanks for doing your part to eleviate the larger problem.

    • Rakudjo@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      My take? Young people have no money, interest rates suck, but when a home becomes available that is affordable,

      We had an offer for cash, as is, and took it

      Sounds like an issue of being unable to get into the market (that you continued to propogate). Young people are poor, so they’re unable to compete.

  • shadowSprite@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    When I was in my late teens/early twenties I truly thought that in ten years I’d own a home for sure, with some hard work and dedication.

    Ten years later, I don’t even get to buy groceries every week or eat every day. I’ve lost 30 pounds in the last year just from skipping so many meals.

    I can’t wait to see what the next ten years holds.

    And if one more person tells me I should make sure to invest for retirement… I can’t even feed myself, what you want me to invest? My retirement plan is work until I’m too old/sick/injured and then off myself.

      • shadowSprite@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I wasn’t smart enough to make that choice this time around, but next life being born into a rich family is my number one criteria :)

        • makuus@pawb.social
          6 months ago

          Yeah, maybe if someone told me I should have specced my character for wealth or charisma, instead of creativity or wisdom, I might be enjoying this game more…

      • dalekcaan@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        It’s really quite easy. Just cut out the avocado toast, stop buying those expensive coffees, and invest that cool $69,000,000 your parents left you from their work on the board of an orphan crushing factory.

        • shadowSprite@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          The funny thing is that I’ve never had avocado toast and I tried coffee once, hated it, and never tried it again. I can’t drink energy drinks either. Take that, financial columnists!

    • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      It sounds like you need to rethink your grocery habits, or your job is woefully underpaying you, or you need to move somewhere with a non-insane cost of living.

      Do you live far up north or something where groceries cost an arm and a leg due to transport costs?

      • Evkob@lemmy.ca
        6 months ago

        Sorry, I definitely might come off as rude in this comment, but this line of thought really annoys me. Do you think people are poor simply because they’re too dumb to think “I should spend less money on groceries?” Don’t you think they’ve already considered finding a better-paying job, if such a possibility exists for them? If moving is even an option for them (which is a big if), where do you suggest they get the money to rent a moving truck, as well as the money for a security deposit on a new apartment?

        Your comment is about as helpful as asking “Have you tried not being poor?”

        • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Do you think people are poor simply because they’re too dumb to think “I should spend less money on groceries?”

          It’s usually spending money poorly, yes. But I don’t blame them, I blame the lack of education on these topics.

          If you aren’t even using freely available budgeting options, then I recommend to start there and assess spending.

          I very rarely encounter people who complain about money but also have real concrete budget. If I ask it’s usually met with excuses and changing the topic.

          If you truly have a genuine budget and still can’t figure out where the money is going, then it’s a more serious chat.

          But the absurd frequency you see people posting about how they can’t afford groceries and lo and behold, they’re buying a bunch of overpriced garbage and paying extra for non necessities, it’s bananas.

          If you complain about food costs and I find out you don’t know how to break down a whole chicken, I feel a little less bad for you.

          If I find out your buying dumb shit, my empathy starts to go down.

          I lived with and worked in a poverty stricken industry for many many years, and the constant frequency I saw people complain about money one day, then waste money the next, has gradually over time led me to just assume most people are completely inept when it comes to budgeting.

          And I mean, it’s not exactly a required course in high school, so I am not that surprised.

          And it’s mostly food, drugs, and alcohol when it comes to wasting money.

          That and the “buying little things you dont need thatll end up in the trash” I see often. Fast fashion and all that jazz.

          It’s a serious problem honestly.

          • helenslunch@feddit.nl
            6 months ago

            I very rarely encounter people who complain about money but also have real concrete budget.

            You don’t seem to understand that poor people do not need a budget. Their “budget” looks like this:

            Is this absolutely essential to my survival? (ie: rent, groceries, medication, toilet paper, health insurance, etc.)

            Yes? Buy it.

            No? Don’t buy it.

            Repeat until you run out of money.

            • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              The thought process goes like this:

              Is this absolutely essential to my survival? (ie: groceries, medication, toilet paper, health insurance, etc.)

              It often isn’t. I say this as someone who volunteers weekends on such a group (food donations).

              It’s very often chasing dopamine hits to compensate for how utterly isolated and desolate they feel. WIthout a support network or community to back them up, the easiest at hand way to compensate is small expenditures on treating themselves to help stave off the doom.

              Which add up very fast, because turns out treats aren’t free.

              And this can take many forms. Collectibles, fast food, literal treats, energy drinks, coffee, cigarettes, weed, booze, etc.

              When you have learned helplessness and truly believe it’s pointless to save money, it becomes trivial to waste it on dozens of little pick me ups.

              I’ve seen it endless times. I’ve helped people budget and so often they are shocked to realize they are spending absurd amounts of money on their guilty pleasure.

              Let me make this clear, I’ve helped a decent handful of folks unfuck their budget. They had jobs, they rented, they couldn’t figure out why saving money was hard.

              We took a look and so much random shit Id be like “do you know you spent $300 at convenience stores this month?” And they’d be like “what? No way, that’s impossible”

              But I’d show em and they’d be flabbergasted.

              Turns out that red bull and a snack everyday before work, and a treat everyday after work, adds up to a huge hole in the pocket.

              And these are people truly in poverty, min wage at best, part time, struggling to pay bills.

              • mods_are_assholes@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                This is nothing but the avocado toast thing all over again you rancid piece of shit

                The house my folks paid 120k for 6 years ago is valued at 650k, none of that has to do with my Steam collection.

                • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  Some houses shooting up in price due to various (shitty) factors does not mean every single house has. Only a small portion of them have which has biased the average price up.

                  If 10% of houses go up x5 in price, the average price will now calculate significantly higher even if the other 90% only change a small bit.

                  This is a common thing people try and cite. “Yeah but some house skyrocketed in price so that must mean house prices are fucked across the board”

                  They aren’t, that’s just a fact.

                  The following are fucked areas:

                  1. Major City cores as the west’s renting markets are unhinged atm.

                  2. Closer to the core suburbs of tourist destinations for the Airbnb markets

                  3. Pockets of speculation areas that are being heavily gentrified.

                  4. Properties with land large enough to be potentially capable of being split into 2 smaller properties legally, as a speculation market. (This us why sometimes you see big old spots suddenly skyrocket, they satisfy the conditions to turn into 2 properties which can be lucrative if leveraged by a rental company)

                  Everything else had been fairly well in lockstep with inflation from what I have seen.

          • MotoAsh@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            and your view is still grossly ignorant to the point you should be ashamed of yourself.

            Nobody can budget 0$ dollars in to more dollars.

            • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              $0 implies you don’t have a job.

              My entire post is about someone who has a job but complains about being unable to afford things.

              Also, I missed another group, the “complains about money but never takes shifts” person.

              Always saying they don’t make enough, can’t afford stuff, need more shifts, don’t get enough hours, abd yet always are also the person first to ask to be cut early, always trying to get other people to take their shifts, never picking up other people’s shifts, etc

              There’s always a few of em at every job. They don’t seem to understand you have to actually work hours to get money, lol.

              Over hundreds of folks I’ve worked with at dozens of gigs, I’d say about half of folks have both serious work ethic and responsible spending.

              The other half either has shit work ethic, or, shit spending. Or both.

              And I worked in a very much revolving door industry so I’ve seen a lot of faces in my time at this point.

              The other half that had their shit together, every single one of them that I stayed in touch with over the years later, is now living comfortable in their 30s.

              And when the topic comes up about so-and-so who was in the “doesn’t have their shit together” group, it’s either:

              1. “Oh yeah they’re in jail, they did (fucked up thing)”
              2. “Oh yeah, they died” (which still sucks to hear)
              3. “I lost touch, they dropped off the map”

              I also largely attribute this issue to undiagnosed mental disorders, and the west’s total lack of caretaking of them.

              I’d sat the vast majority of those “doesn’t gave their shit together” folks struck me as having undiagnosed disorders and a total lack of support for it.

              Which sucks, unfortunately, and I say that as someone who was in that group for a bit. You have to fight tooth and nail to get help in western capitalism.

              • MotoAsh@lemmy.world
                6 months ago

                The entire point people are trying to point out to you is that no, no having $0 to budget is NOT the same as having bad financial skills.

                Many costs are forced costs. You cannot be a functioning person expected to hold a job AND homeless. All you have are excuses and pointing at resources MOST DON’T HAVE!

                You are assuming literally everyones’ situation because you think you’re smarter than them. Fuck you, prideful cunt.

          • shadowSprite@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            I dont smoke, I’ve never done drugs, and I drink a few times a year. Have I been guilty of a few frivolous purchases in the past? Sure, but now I literally do not have the money, so I can’t. I just make lists of things I’d like to buy “someday.”

            I’ve gone out and bought a $7 rotisserie chicken, a $3 bag of noodles and a $3 bag of carrots, thrown them in a pot with a bunch of garlic, spices and water, slow cooked them for an entire day, then pulled out the chicken, ripped off all the meat, discarded the carcass, and lived for an entire month off that soup. I was sooo sick of chicken noodle soup.

            But I shouldn’t have to. Why should I work my ass off for companies who make more and more profits while my rent goes up, food costs more and more, and every other fucking bill goes up, yet if I ask for a raise I’m a lazy millenial?

            Have some fucking empathy.

      • RuBisCO@slrpnk.net
        6 months ago

        Oh dear, thought I recognized that name and vibe. You’re not here to repeat this kind of thing again, are you?

        Missing the other big factor:
        There’s a large quantity of influencers profiting off of doomsaying and convincing millennial they can’t afford homes with bad math and bogus statistics. They churn out clickbait content with unfounded claims, purposefully designed to rile up viewers and drive engagement.
        This of course applies to many topics, housing affordability just being one, that turns out drive big engagement by spreading disinformation.
        It’s actively profitable to lie on the internet nowadays, so lots of my fellow millennials have an extremely soured and warped perspective of reality, because if you keep getting told lies by enough different random strangers on the internet on a topic you aren’t familiar with, you’ll start to believe it.
        Spreading disinformation, especially about serious topics like economics, medicine, politics, religion, etc, needs to be cracked down on more. Posing as a professional online and spreading damaging info on purpose should result in jail time imo.


    • helenslunch@feddit.nl
      6 months ago

      And if one more person tells me I should make sure to invest for retirement…

      My father says this all the time. Every time I tell him I don’t have money he just assumes I’m spending frivolously without acknowledging that cost of living has increased astronomically in recent years, qualifications for employment have gone up, quantity of jobs has gone down, and median income has completely stagnated.

      • Seleni@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        One of my friends solved this by sitting down with her parents and having them ‘help her budget things out’.

        Suddenly they shut up about it. And gave her some money. So all it takes with some people is rubbing their faces in it so they can’t pretend prices are the same as they were in the 50s.

    • stoly@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You should at least put in as much as your organization matches because that’s income you’re missing out on otherwise.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I posted in another thread that I have nothing to save for retirement but people chastise me for getting the occasional chai latte or buy Taco Bell for my kid once in a while and I got the response, “what are you going to do about your child’s future?”

      Hope we can afford to feed her until (if ever) she can make it on her own?

      As if I could put the $20 or so a month on “luxuries” like those into a savings account and become a millionaire by the time I’m 65.

  • LifeOfChance@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m currently selling my house because I can’t afford it anymore. When I bought the house I made sure it was 20% below my income. Mortgage went up $600 this year along with everything else I got robbed of home ownership. I worked tirelessly to buy the house and now being forced to sell I feel absolutely defeated…

    • Morcyphr@lemmy.one
      6 months ago

      This is my fear. I’ve only had the house 2 years, exclusively rented before. I’m ‘making it’ right now, but a few years down, who knows. Sorry for you, hope it comes out okay.

      • seth@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Maybe they meant 20% of total income rather than 100%-20%=80%? That’s closer to what I’ve been told to factor in for housing costs (<30%). 80% sounds unsustainable at most income levels, even if you’re planning on surviving on only inexpensive bulk foods like rice and beans or lentils.

        • EatATaco@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          If it’s 600 per month (as I am assuming), and it was split evenly between taxes and insurance, that would mean an increase in taxes of 3600 and insurance by 3600. My insurance for the entire year isn’t even close to that. My taxes went up on my million dollar (thanks to a nearly 50% increaseduring the pandemic) by 5%, which is less than 40 dollars a month. So I find it hard to believe that it is just the taxes and the insurance.

          As I said, I was assuming they meant per month, but I could be wrong and it’s only 600 for the year. But then if a 50$ increase per month in expenses pushed them the edge, they were never in a really comfortable territory to begin with.

        • Budd@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          I’m at a fixed rate and my mortgage went up by $1200 a month. Mostly due to taxes increasing so drastically. They didn’t forecast the increase being so much so that caused problems in itself.

            • Clent@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              Yeah, hard agree with you. Median tax per year is $2000-$6000, depending on state. There’s no room for a $1200 per month increase in there unless you live in a house way above median.

              The only way I see those numbers working out is if the house’s tax assessment increased in value by a million dollars in a single year.

            • stoly@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              This happens though. Property values increase around you and suddenly grand dad’s pension won’t cover land taxes.

                • electric_nan@lemmy.ml
                  6 months ago

                  Nope. In California property taxes only go up when the property is sold. You will be taxed based on the sale price of your home as long as you own it. This is the result of a law (voter initiative?) passed a long time ago.

  • helenslunch@feddit.nl
    6 months ago

    That’s because people don’t “dream” of owning an 800 sq.ft. condo. They dream of owning a 4k+ sq.ft. palace on 3 acres of land.

  • Cheesus@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    There is a major disconnect between home prices and rent prices. Normally renting is more expensive because of maintenance. Right now homes are significantly more expensive, either home prices have to come down or rent prices have to go up because this economic environment isn’t going to stick long term

  • misspacfic@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    seems about right. at this point my plan is to buy a small bit of land somewhere and plop some modular/tiny homes on it and call it good. not that it’s just that easy, but i’d rather try to find some resemblance of normalcy than play the rigged game.

    • skulblaka@startrek.website
      6 months ago

      My mother did this. Used her disability backpay to finance a little double-wide trailer, and the plot it’s placed on is like $150 a year plus utilities. Yes she lives in a trailer park, with all the associated things that come with that, but her monthly expenses are basically nothing and she owns the building under her own name.

      • grue@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        The real trouble with trailer parks is when they get bought up by a REIT or something and the residents get forced out (and lose their trailers too, because they’re too flimsy and worthless to move again after they’ve been sitting in place for a few decades).

    • grue@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      WTF? Aren’t the oldest Gen Zers only like 25? Never mind doing better than millennials; 25% of 25-year-olds owning houses is surprising for any generation.

      • Dkarma@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Yeah it’s almost like it’s bad in certain parts and most of the complainers are trying to live somewhere super popular like Cali or Colorado and wondering why it’s expensive in more popular places…

  • MyNamesNotRobert@lemmynsfw.com
    6 months ago

    I hope someday to be able to afford a plot of land to be otherwise homeless on where no one can legally fuck with me or put me in jail for doing it. In theory this might work as long as it’s done far away from anything resembling a HOA. I’m sure there are measures in place to prevent people from doing that, maybe there’s a minimum purchase price or acre requirement for land outside of population centers or something.

    Out in the country you see people doing this with campers sometimes. Never talked to any of them though.

  • DigitalTraveler42@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    How is the average kid going to afford a home? They can’t afford college, cause that’s super expensive now, and none of the high school diploma or GED level jobs pay anywhere near enough for them to afford to live on their own, never-the-less afford their own home.

    This is what class warfare looks like, and I’d also debate that this is what economic terrorism looks like, either way we need something better and we definitely aren’t going to get any better under Trump and his GOP’s leadership, because they’re the ones helping cause and exacerbate the problems, and they have no intention on solving them, because solving problems is expensive and the Christian Nationalists among them see poor people as being “inherently sinful”, and the racists among them see poor people as the minorities they hate.

    The left needs to take the House back, keep the Senate and then do something about the corrupt supreme Court, while having a left adjacent President, which is certainly not Trump.

  • nifty@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    About 36% of US population rents (same as developed countries like Denmark and New Zealand), so I am confused why this is being framed as a uniquely American problem? I think the issue with real estate being sold to corporations is the main problem (which happens everywhere) as unreasonable expectations for continued growth and lack of new housing prices people out. Where I get the figures: link

    • EnderMB@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Not American, but the basis of America being “the greatest country on earth” (lol) was in working hard and contributing to society would give you ownership and freedom.

      If that degree of ownership is equal or lower to every other developed country, that indicates that perhaps America is no better than anywhere else. It’s also worth noting that in some cultures people don’t care as much about home ownership, whereas in Western culture it is highly desired to own your home. If it’s as bad as places like the UK, which is currently in recession, and has had over a decade of low spending/earning, there’s something clearly wrong.

      So, it is a relatively unique problem for America that they are equal or worse to other countries that either struggle to buy, or don’t care about buying.

      • nifty@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Okay, I get what you’re saying. The poll in the article is on a U.S. based population and concerns their views on home ownership. The poll specifically asks the question “The American dream of home ownership is dead”, which I think is such an emotionally laden question that I wonder about the motivation of the pollster.

        Regardless, if people have such perceptions then there’s a reason for them. My point was that we all know that countries like Denmark have better social safety nets for their population, and so that’s what I was comparing: homeownership is not any different in a country with better social safety net.

        I think the root cause here is corporate access to real estate mortgages, and no country is brave enough to policy them out of such real estate purchasing (I think someone did, I think it was Canada, but only against foreign companies?). So it doesn’t matter what perception America has of itself, or any other country for that matter, if their home ownership levels are the same despite social safety nets in other countries. The root cause of people not becoming home owners seems to be unaddressed, regardless of country

    • thesilverpig@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      For working class people home ownership was really the primary way to stabilize and build wealth. Which is important since we don’t have a social safety net, most of our retirement has been privatized, healthcare and education are dramatically more expensive etc. etc. and since working class folk can’t build up generational wealth we are moving into technosurfdom. I don’t know if it’s unique but it sure do suck over here for a lot of people.

      I’m relatively lucky but shit be hard here.

    • Syn_Attck@lemmy.today
      6 months ago

      If the article was titled differently it could say American dream of becoming a millionaire is dead, majority of non-millionaires say.

      Just another article creating division in America during election season.

    • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I work in municipal development. For the last 2 years every single developer that’s approached us about building single-family developments has been build-for-rent exclusively.

  • buzz86us@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Very easy to own a home. Just buy a house in the middle of nowhere, and then have a campervan

    • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Doesn’t even need to be middle of nowhere. Just needs to be ~30 minute drive away from city core. Cheaper suburbs are still very much affordable in every city I have seen.

      Sometimes you gotta go out to that 20-30 min away “next nearest” smaller town that’s right next to the big city but isn’t actually in it. It has all your amenities and plenty to live off of, but if you wanna go to the big city’s malls, theaters, concerts, etc, you gotta drive 30 min instead of walk there.

      Usually you can get very decent starter homes for 250k to 300k in said places, and usually in said “one off” towns the renting industry is much more slow, so you don’t have that “you have to buy NOW” pressure. Homes stay up for sale for a bit and you have more than 3 hours to make an offer lol.

      Downside is now you need a car… though often even then the smaller towns have some form of public transport to the bigger city you can use, though it can be on a rarer schedule. IE your bus may only come every 2 hours so better not miss it.

      I prefer “edge of the city suburbs” over “one town over” personally. Access to public transport means I skipped buying and paying for a vehicle and skipped straight to saving up for a house.

      • frickineh@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Try looking in CO. The only house within 30 min of my job under $300k that isn’t a trailer or a tiny condo in this one old shithole building says, “everything needs to be repaired including structural repairs” in the listing. Trailers are still pretty much rentals and lot rent is outrageous ($800-1200 at basically every park that isn’t located directly on a hellmouth). Oh wait, I could go 90 min out and get a sweet deal of just $220k on a house that’s basically just a rotting outside and interior framing and insulation. What a great opportunity!

        • Dkarma@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Try looking in one of the most desirable places to live in the country right now??? Are you all clueless???
          Of course everything in CO is super pricey it got all that sweet Cali money flowing in.

          If you’re expecting popular places to be even reasonably priced you’re kidding yourself.

          It’s like going to a Bentley dealership and saying well where’s the bargain lot?!?!

          You look foolish.

          • frickineh@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            The original comment said, “Cheaper suburbs are still very much affordable in every city I have seen.” Denver is a city. Pretty sure if anyone looks foolish, it’s the person who couldn’t apply context to my reply…

      • GluWu@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        Just needs to be ~30 minute drive away from city core.

        I skipped buying and paying for a vehicle and skipped straight to saving up for a house.

        It’s not just this. Everything you said is objectivity bad advice.

      • ironhydroxide@sh.itjust.works
        6 months ago

        I’m gonna have to call bull on almost all of this, at least in my state. (The low listing times are real though… big money buying anything they can rent out)

        To get to a starter home at $250,000 my commute would be 1hr and 50 miles minimum.

        350k only gets me about 45 minutes and 30 miles.

        And these time estimates are on a good day, because fuck good freeway design where I live. One goes north south, one East West, and that’s it. Everyone commutes on them and if you need to go anywhere in rush hours it’s three times as long

        • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Checking Zillow for my city, it’s $500k minimum for a 2br an hour and a half away by car. That would also put me in the middle of a Republican area as a queer immigrant.

          The “buy a house in the middle of nowhere” mentality doesn’t take into account the risks and depression associated with living somewhere red as a minority.

          • pixxelkick@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            The “buy a house in the middle of nowhere” mentality doesn’t take into account the risks and depression associated with living somewhere red as a minority.

            This is genuinely one of the first counterpoint I’ve seen that I have to say is actually super valid.

            I completely agree on this, it’s a big factor to consider.

            However, I will note often you see a sort of split where you have 2-3 suburbs/towns near a big city, and one of them goes blue abd the other goes red, and you can see a bit of polarizing that happens as folks switch between the two to polarize away from each other.

            In my area, one smaller town just switch all it’s bathrooms to gender neutral bathrooms in the public office, the other one banned rainbow flags from being flown.

            So if it’s a condolence, at least that sometimes happens.

            I expect it depends how left/right the province/state as a whole leans. I expect this phemonina stops happening in places like texas :(

            As an example, in my area the “magic sauce” for why it was so much more affordable is the same fact it’s heavily populated by imfolks from India and Africa. I’d say about half the people in this corner of the city or so, and I live in a much more right leaning province (Alberta, which is the florida of canada now)

            So I expect a lot of… right leaning folks hate the idea of being neighbour’s with folks in this neighborhood.

            Oh well, cheaper house for me, and I love my community.

            I wonder to what extent some amount of “can’t afford homes” culture is influenced by racists who don’t count any homes that run the “risk” of having to live next door to someone who isn’t white.

            I partially just assume people that “dont count” affordable homes because “I don’t wanna live there” are just racist at this point, or, minorities trying to avoid racists.

    • kaitco@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Even the houses in the middle of nowhere are $400K in my state. Rundown, off State Route X, nearest neighbors are all poor trash house? Still $400K.

      I’m looking to build in the next year, and just expect that housing will be 50% of my pay or more because I’m sick of renting and being unable to prepare for when the rent shoots up $300 a month like it did last year.

      • IsThisAnAI@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Unless you’re in California or some other very high CoL in a city area that’s pretty doubtful.

        In 2018 purchased an 1800sq ft 3 floor town home in northern Virginia in the fair fax area (very wealthy area) for 420k. 2 bed room 2.5 bath, built 2005.

        I sold it in 2021 for 550k, probably could have made a bit more but we wanted to move . So there was definitely a big increase. But that’s a very nice, 2 BR, etc. there were cheaper ones. Down in the 300 range would get you a smaller home. Bought a nicer home in 2021 in a wealthy ish town of a small city. 2300 sq ft, 2 car garage, good schools, half acre to relax on. 450k after a second round of 3 way bidding.

        The idea that you can’t purchase a decent home in a nice area for 400k is entirely incorrect. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5908-Founders-Hill-Dr-UNIT-302-Alexandria-VA-22310/51919565_zpid/

        And to be clear, 400k isn’t affordable, we should drive that down, I just didn’t think what you said is realistic for most areas. It sounds unique ish to your area.

        • kaitco@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          I don’t know what to tell you. I’m in Ohio, and everything is $400K, hence why I’m planning to go for a new-build…at over $400K.

            • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
              6 months ago

              Pretty sure Cleveland isn’t the only place in Ohio, and also I don’t think it’s even the top 3 centres people want to live? I remember a thread on Reddit a long time ago that people would rather live in Cincinnati or Columbus.

              Futhermore, unless you actually live or have local knowledge of the area, random zillow postings are useless without context of whether it’s a “good” or “bad” part of town. I could post several “affordable” places in my city, but they’re next to meth dens. The real estate listings make them sound REAL NICE, though.

              • IsThisAnAI@lemmy.world
                6 months ago
                1. The original comment specified in the middle of nowhere. I choose a random city to price that’s bullshit. You can very much have your top choice of city .

                2. https://www.zillow.com/cincinnati-oh/

                There are hundreds of decent houses under 400k. 4br 2100sq ft 325k. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/7977-Heatherglen-Dr-Cincinnati-OH-45255/34274700_zpid/

                You do not need 400k to purchase a home in the vast majority of the country and certainly not in bum fuck Ohio. Imagine thinking this place is a meth den 🤣.

                Again I’ve purchased a home several times in the last year in a high cost of loving northern VA as well as a ticket away white rich suburban neighborhood for 450k and it’s a FANTASTIC house in a low crime area. The sentiment expressed here is bullshit.

                • sigmaklimgrindset@sopuli.xyz
                  6 months ago

                  Ok, the biggest thing that stuck out to me was

                  I’ve purchased a home several times in the last year in a high cost of loving northern VA

                  Why are you buying “a home” several times in a year?

                • RaoulDook@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  They will not let facts get in the way of their narrative of maintaining hopelessness, apparently. It’s like you handed a starving man a piece of pizza from Sam’s Club and they slapped it down because they wanted a Papa John’s pizza.

    • Asafum@feddit.nl
      6 months ago

      Yeah… I’ve been looking in a lot of “the middle of nowheres” and I can’t find work anywhere even remotely close (1hr drive) that doesn’t pay complete dogshit that wouldn’t cover the bills. Not to mention the houses I keep finding are in bumfuck nowhere and yet are asking $150k+ for a house that is listed as a “teardown.”

      …$150k for the luxury of having to build a new home over it… It’s absolutely fucking disgusting.

      But yes, if this advice is for the lucky tech bros that can move wherever the hell they want, then sure. There are houses to “buy.”

      • Dkarma@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Another user just posted a beautiful home for 180k. Sucks that your Google skills suck so much u can’t find them.

        • IsThisAnAI@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          People here just want to bitch and moan. Facts be damned. This is truth social for progressives.

          We should do our best to lower housing prices, people are struggling. That doesn’t mean you can’t buy a home on a middle class salary.

  • altasshet@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    Renting by itself would be fine, it’s just that there’s barely any rent control in North America, and you’re constantly at the mercy of your landlord, inflation and general greed. Put national standards for renter protection and rent increases in place and this would be much less of a problem.

    • Dkarma@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Renting should never be the goal and always leaves you at a disadvantage and subject to market forces.

      For decades renters were “pulling one over” on landlords and told there was no reason to ever own a home. Now it’s come back to bite them in the ass.

      Rent wouldn’t even be an issue if everyone had been fighting for unions and min wage increases all along.

      • altasshet@lemmy.ca
        6 months ago

        Wouldn’t it make sense to minimize that disadvantage then? There will always be people who have no other choice but rent, so they should be protected from exploitation. And stronger renter protection could cool down the housing market, because it makes being a landlord work multiple properties less attractive. Win-win if you ask me.

      • stoly@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        This would still have happened with stronger wages, it just would have taken longer to get so bad. There was never sufficient supply and that was on purpose.