Because you keep parroting the same argument in the face of direct contradictions.
Are you a chatbot?
Incorrect premise. A pager is an ordinary consumer electronic device that can and did find its way into innocent hands.
Similar to a lot of other highly effective attacks, its also a war crime ☹️
You think its in his pocket?
Nobody votes for cabinet members. Why is it useful to say so?
How much time has passed? This is perfectly normal depreciation for a computer over 2-3 years.
Its actually very easy to repo a wreck, but its not worth anything.
For an open source project you are welcome to fork it (make a copy for yourself) and modify it however you like. The changes will be only on your fork.
You can also request that the original project pull your changes, in which case it would be available to everyone using it.
Its UK journalism
Its all been spent before he gets it
Is “immigrant” now primarily a racial slur?
Um, one DEAD, seven injured…
In the US, a jury can choose to ignore the facts, and they can not be punished for it.
Thats what they said, which is extraordinarily suspicious. The weapon is to be disposed of, literally everyone knows this. And to carry it to another state for days?
Besides the obvious