I’m shocked that I haven’t seen one protest yet. Is the media suppressing them? If there aren’t any, why?
I don’t call them protests. I call them “Opportunity to arrest figure heads of whatever movement in order to eliminate momentum and silently kill the cause since no North American protest seems like anything more than cows being led to a slaughter house by cops getting paid overtime to kick heads”
what are you protesting?
A lot of people said they weren’t going to protest this time. People voted for the guy 3 times. A lot of people said, “fuck it! If this is what you really want, let’s learn this shit the hard way.” Right after the election and right after inauguration I saw this sentiment all over. In practice, a lot of people have taken to hoarding cash and have adopted a seige mentality. There is no help coming this time.
It sucks that protest is the only lever we have
Because, in reality, peaceful protests don’t work. We’ve been taught that they do, but they don’t.
The most successful protest going on right now is against Tesla. A bit of anonymous property destruction and a boycott, crashing the stock price, those things actually work. Getting together and holding signs doesn’t actually do anything, especially in some place like California.
They work. As long as people make sure that the top knows that the alternative are guillotines
Good news, Peaceful protests are actually twice as likely to bring about change. Better news, peaceful protests with only 3.5% of the population actively participating have never failed to bring about change. Even better news, we have strong leadership in Bernie Sanders and AOC leading this movement, 34,000 people showed up to a recent rally in Denver.
*Source https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world
Find a protest, bang your drum.
The amount of cope in this thread is insanely depressing.
Bernie and AOC just got 34,000 people at a protest they did. Check out 50501… They seem to be rallying point. You might need to check them out here or on Blue Sky though, tik tok is deleting comments about them and Facebook will soon also probably. But yeah, for some reason the protests are not hitting the media
The revolution will not be televised
I was hoping those million women in knitted pink hats would turn out again and do the heavy lifting, but they were busy, I guess.
Like a towel drying overnight, they all forgot about the previous Trump administration by the time the next one got here.
Millions protested against the invasion of Iraq, the USA invaded Iraq anyway. Mass protests are ignored by the oligarchs.
Now if the USians grew spines and organized a general strike, that might get the ruling class’s attention.
Can’t get a general strike to work when the majority of utility workers are magats. The algos target the blue collar industry for this very reason. Look at what the conservative / fascist media arms of your own country are targeting very specifically. Its core services for corporate enablement.
Transportation, construction, farming, police force all fine if we try a general strike tomorrow. Most upper middle class also are magats. So bank services, middle management, accounting and financial CIO / CEO teams all also are not participating.
General strike happens tomorrow and protesters in the streets will be arrested - people who are Dems or anti fascist will lose their jobs and houses.
We are in a no win game.
You also have to understand the sheer size of the USA. It’s not like everyone can go to DC that easily. The protests are taking place in all states.
to have the biggest effect though we really should be blockading DC. blockading the capital is the most effective form of demonstration as evidence by MLK’s March on Washington, EDSA, Euromaidan, basically any successful protests.
protesting at your own state capital is okay for state level changes (see the state-by-state results of BLM).
protesting at the financial center is pointless because the rich don’t actually do work (see Occupy).
if you want national change you demonstrate at the national capital for long enough to make the dictator flee the country (or whatever your goal is)
where are you? are you in the US, outside the US, rural, urban? I’m in a relatively small urb and even i see protests, and have attended them. if you’re not seeing them reported, you need to change your information sources. if you’re not seeing them in person, well, that’s a question of whether you’re in a dense enough area for protests to make sense
I am convinced people have to die for it to be big enough in the US. I’m not trying to be difficult or obtuse. I think with the state of things, it’s the only thing that is going to unify us enough to take to the streets and revolt together.
People already are / have been dying. Abortion care deaths / trans and general population - suicide rate upticks / ICE detention center deaths (52 people last Trump term) with people being grabbed on valid visas now / 1 death already of a Ukrainian last month in a detention center - custody (44 year old) Maksym Chernyak was a stroke / seizure but when you understand the conditions 24/7 light - terrible food and sleep conditions makes sense.
Medicaid cuts that made it through will lead to deaths. Due to gaps in care.
Abortion stances will only get worse from here in states and at the federal level for access to medical care on still borns, and general birthing process will be worse.
NOAA cuts will lead to deaths due to alert notification systems of major storms and tornados. (March has already been particularly deadly)
ICE interactions and warrant laws being modified for them will lead to more deaths if they ever get reported.
Food bank funding and other supports have been cut so we will likely see an increase in malnourishment diseases and deaths
VA benefits and mental health support services are actively being cut. So expect more suicide and homelessness from our veterans.
Social security cuts will kill seniors - access to care / meals / warmth - home health aids. These will be seen as increases in fall related, medication mistakes, transfer issues, hospital stay illness upticks, complex wound healing (wounds in the elderly require nutrition to heal if poor they won’t heal and tunnel so sepsis deaths) and other related deaths.
All of these things won’t be clear TRUMP DID IT. But as those statlines tick up. And the average life expectancy and health outcomes of our citizens get worse by the year. It will be because of these cuts. People don’t realize that the death toll is already counting - it’s just that there’s no clear cut bucket to put them in.
As much as I respect your knowledge and analysis it isn’t simple enough. I should have said people need to be dying from the same thing. Where the root cause is the same, it can be dismissed. I thought COVID had a chance because it was nasty and killed a lot. But nope. Didn’t keep Trump out.
Well it was because the el3ction was actually r1gged so
There are regular protests of thousands of people all across the country, but it never hits top headlines. There aren’t nearly as many as there should be, but we’re largely a broken people, a collective beaten dog cowed in the corner. We’re burnt out. Literally every direction we turn, things are falling apart. The working class is almost entirely one or two paychecks from homelessness. Minimum wage hasn’t increased in 15 years despite year after year of record earnings and productivity. A third of the country genuinely believes a rapist conman is their literal biblical savior.
We’re fucking tired, man.
This is the fucking answers.
Bread and cicuses, when those run out people will be in the streets.
My friend said that if Steam and Netflix both went down at the same time there would be huge riots. I am not sure they are wrong.
There are many, but nobody reports them.