Any threat the US Government makes henceforth has a huge asterisk beside it. This administration is disorganized on purpose, we’re going to score so many own goals the next four years it’s going to look like a Harlem Globetrotters game and we’re the green jerseys.
Goldman Sachs’ chief economist just earned himself a tropical vacation, funded by the US government, to its Guantanamo Bay resort…
Any threat the US Government makes henceforth has a huge asterisk beside it. This administration is disorganized on purpose, we’re going to score so many own goals the next four years it’s going to look like a Harlem Globetrotters game and we’re the green jerseys.
waterboarding sounds pretty rad
Water boarding at Guantanamo sounds pretty rad if you don’t know what both of those terms mean.
It’s better if you call it “Guantanamo Bay”, it makes it sound like those private islands the cruise ships have
You’re right, edited