• superkret@feddit.org
    49 minutes ago

    A Tsunami of unprecedented size will completely destroy a coastal metropolis.
    A heat wave in the middle east will leave hundreds dead in the first recorded wet bulb event.
    In September 2035, the Arctic will be completely ice-free for the very first time, 15 years ahead of predictions.
    Around that time, the first commercial shipping route along the north-western passage will open.
    One of the first container ships will run onto a naval mine and sink, killing all hands. Russia will deny any involvement.

  • UncleGrandPa@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    we follow the trajectory of Nazi Germany

    only THIS time, America will NOT be sweeping in to save the day. there IS no one to save the day this time.

    so imprisonment and death for millions…and a world war. if we are very lucky , there might be an after…but then again…maybe not.

  • spicy pancake@lemmy.zip
    4 hours ago

    USA brain drain. Seriously, most of my friends in academia are trying to GTFO because they know they’re lucky to have the credentials and money to do it.

  • Thrwawai@lemm.ee
    6 hours ago

    Global Bird Flu Pandemic. Our Population will be cut straight in half.

  • PokerChips@programming.dev
    7 hours ago

    2008 was known for the Great Bush recession.

    2025 will be known for the Great MuskRat Depression that Trumped all other depressions.

    This time though the U.S. will feel the brunt

    • rockstarmode@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      Great Bush recession

      I’ve literally never heard it called that, is this a non-US term? I’ve heard “great financial crisis”, “great recession”, or “housing crash” before.

  • randon31415@lemmy.world
    13 hours ago

    -The internet will become something only old people use and will fill up with old people like radio and TV before it. Something new will be the hip new thing that kids use/consume, though it technically could be considered the internet

    -Coal power plants will be phased out entirely in U.S.A. with some taking credit and others morning the loss of a purely economic conversion over to natural gas power. It will look like it is solar’s time to shine, but a “new” way of generating power which is cheaper and slightly cleaner will take over and slowly convert natural gas plants to whatever it is.

    -There will be a detracted argument over whether or not what comes after current gen-AI is considered sapient and worthy of rights. While the debate will be straightforward in a vacuum, other semi-related topics will mix in including: the rich wanting their AI doppelgangers to keep control of the money/power they earned during life; something to do with sex and/or relationships because of course there will be; religious opposition until the poll numbers swap, then there will be some regions that view AI rights a helping the disadvantaged

    -A young politician from the democrats will get elected on the back of anti-Trump hate. They will have in their first two years theoretically enough support to pass substantial legislation, but will be stopped by a small number of conservative democrats from doing anything substantial save for maybe one big accomplishment. They will loose the 2030 midterms to a bunch of republicans and a “grass-roots” organization that is paid for by rich business owners, but will come back to win the 2032 election against a rich republican from New England. However, they won’t have control over the congress and by 2035 will be a lame duck.

    -Someone will scrap NASA’s current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in. By 2035, articles will be printing “it is a shame that no real current alive human has stepped foot on the moon”, taking a subtle dig at China’s AI-human that is currently building structures on the moon.

  • CanadaPlus@lemmy.sdf.org
    17 hours ago

    We’ll have reduced the human body to basically just another machine and will be in the process of reverse-engineering it. So many new techniques and sources of data have come online all at the same time in biology.

    This is in contrast to the current situation where we know a few things about select parts of the body in isolation.

    • ouRKaoS@lemmy.today
      4 hours ago

      To piggyback in this, there will be organic technology created: computers using synapses, muscles powering things, etc.

  • dejected_warp_core@lemmy.world
    20 hours ago

    Following the path of other regimes around the world, the USA builds their own “great firewall”, segmenting most people here away from the global internet. At around the same time, personal VPNs become explicitly illegal. We might also see the government seize control of at least one certificate registrar, if they don’t fire up their own, thereby “owning” TLS online.

    On the upside, there’s a chance we will see more grass-roots efforts to reboot a lot of institutions that were co-opted by the rich. You’re just never going to hear about that through conventional channels. For instance: local newspapers with real journalism behind them. Or more small businesses with the intent to last, rather than sell. It’s possible that more of those things will be co-ops, union shops, or even Mondragon inspired. Either way, there’s a path forward for more community, real communication, and eventual prosperity, provided folks keep their heads and take things offline where necessary.

  • WoodScientist@sh.itjust.works
    20 hours ago

    Peak human population will occur within the next ten years. Previously this was driven by falling birth rates. Now it will be driven by rapidly rising death rates. Within the next ten years, I think 300 million - 1 billion dead from starvation due to bread basket collapse is a conservative estimate.

      • WoodScientist@sh.itjust.works
        1 hour ago

        Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but don’t kill the messenger. The media does a piss-poor job of really nailing home to people the short and medium term impacts of climate change.

        Did you know that in the last 15 years, global farm yields per acre have been flat? This is despite miraculous improvements in farming technology. Genetic engineering, farm automation, finance markets extending industrial agriculture to underdeveloped countries, satellite planning, innumerable tools and techniques.

        Our global average farm yield per hectare should be soaring. Instead, it’s been flat. We’re swimming against the current, above a giant waterfall. All our advancements in farming technology are going into keeping us one step ahead of mass famine.

        It’s been projected by insurance industry studies that if we hit +3C above preindustrial levels, that would correspond to a halving of the global human population. And with how fast climate change is accelerating beyond our previous overly conservative models, that could easily happen by 2050.

        Again, the media has done an absolute shit job of explaining the perils of climate change to people. You think grocery prices are bad now? You haven’t seen ANYTHING. This is NOTHING compared to what is coming. The real danger of climate change isn’t slow sea rise or even wildfires. The real danger is the fact that at any given time, the planet only has a few weeks of food reserves stored up. We need to continuously make enough food to feed 8 billion humans. And if climate change causes multiple simultaneous bread basket failures? If we don’t make enough food for 8 billion humans? Well, quite quickly we will not have 8 billion humans anymore.

        If you really want to understand the magnitude of the climate catastrophe, I suggest conceptualizing it in terms of wars. All of the fervent efforts in government and the private sector are trying to address climate change? All of them are trying to constrain the casaulties over the next few decades, to merely WW2-level casualties. We’re already going to face that; that’s already locked in. We’ve already guaranteed a loss of life on the scale of the Second World War. We’re trying to keep the casualties from spiraling up to “global thermonuclear war” levels of destruction.

        Because the climate is becoming hotter, wetter, and highly unpredictable.

        And we grow our food outside.

      • MajorHavoc@programming.dev
        4 hours ago

        I think they mean all Google docs gone unless we buy a $1,000.00 per month subscription, or something.

        We see that kind of massive price shift in business to business contracts all the time.

        Someone is bound to try it on regular consumers, and Google currently has the most leverage.

        In fairness to Google, they actually have better data export tools than most of their competitors… At least today.

        That said, not my prediction, I don’t think it’ll happen in ten years. I do think someone will try it. My money was on Evernote, but I think their best opportunity passed already.