• mommykink@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Addiction. People are psychologically addicted to fast foods. This is like asking poor people why they don’t quit smoking to save money.

    • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
      7 months ago

      Speaking as someone who worked fourteen hour days in the video game industry for fucking peanuts… explain when I was supposed to cook dinner. And I live in a high CoL area - don’t assume I had a stay at home partner or private chef or any of that bullshit. Most weekends I’d sleep straight through to catch up on sleep I had lost during the week.

      • mommykink@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Fast food isn’t cheap, so you weren’t doing any favors to yourself if you were actually making peanuts (tip: if you were eating Fast food regularly, you were better off financially than you thought). It takes like 120 seconds out of the day to prepare enough rice to last a person a whole day. Throw on some washed veggies to steam at the same time. There are definitely better options out there.

        • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
          7 months ago

          Just to clarify, have you ever worked a 58 hour week with an additional ten hours commuting? I think you’re underestimating the mental fatigue involved with that much work and how difficult it can be to find energy to buy groceries and keep a kitchen stocked after that.

          • mommykink@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            This isn’t the pity Olympics. I can tell you that I was self-employed while a full-time student, making random 200+ mile trips for work all hours of the day, “working” probably 80+ hours a week and sleeping every chance I got, but I don’t think you’d believe or care. A 20lb bag of rice is like $15 at most. If you’re actually poor and actually have no time, then you can’t afford to do anything but prepare your own food.

            • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
              7 months ago

              I’m glad you had the fortitude after working 80 hours to drive hundreds of miles and cook yourself a meal - personally, I didn’t and I don’t think most people would have.

        • Poggervania@kbin.social
          7 months ago

          if you were eating Fast food regularly, you were better off financially than you thought

          Wow, so being able to afford a McDouble or a McChicken on the regular means I’m well off? Despite the fact that it is absolutely more expensive to buy ingredients for dinner??

          If we’re saying you’re buying $20+ meals every time you eat, then yeah, you are better off - but most of the time, people eat fast food because it is absolutely cheaper and easier to do than it is to buy ingredients to make meals with. If all you have is $5 to your name because you can barely afford rent and expenses, are you gonna go buy a head of lettuce and a potato for the whole $5, or are you gonna go to McDonalds and be able to eat 5 meals for $1 per meal?

          • mommykink@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Never said well off, but not as poor as you think. I think McDonald’s prices vary regionally but even in my LCoL area, you can’t buy a “meal” for less than $8.

            If all you have is $5 to your name because you can barely afford rent and expenses, are you gonna go buy a head of lettuce and a potato for the whole $5

            If you’re smart, yes.

            or are you gonna go to McDonalds and be able to eat 5 meals for $1 per meal?

            This hasn’t been the case for years. The only items for $1 that McDonald’s sells now are sodas.. You can’t even get one proper meal from McD’s for that whole $5.

            • Poggervania@kbin.social
              7 months ago

              I live in a VHCOL area, and I can tell you both the McChicken and the McDouble are around $3 where I live. Also, please tell me what kind of satisfying meal you can make with a lettuce and a potato that you can stretch for more than 5 meals, because I’d very much like to hear your idea of a meal based on those two ingredients alone. Hell, tell me any satisfying meal you can make for $5 that can stretch for 5 meals - and don’t just go “bUy ThE fIvE dOlLaR cHiCkEn”, because that requires a membership for either Sam’s Club or Costco, both of which are expensive to afford when you’re earning peanuts.

              McDonald’s does sell sodas for $1, but there are actual food items that are on their $3/$2/$1 menu.

              • mommykink@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Potato and lettuce were your idea, not mine. I said rice, which is perfectly satisfying fried or steamed and with maybe some steamed veggies to people who aren’t, you know, addicted to greasy, colorful, highly-caloric, processed “foods.” None of what you just linked is a meal to well-adjusted people.

      • T156@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Also if you’ve spent hours slaving away in front of a stove working fast food, the idea of spending a few hours more slaving in front of your own stove to make dinner isn’t particularly tempting.

  • foggy@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It’s a tough pill to swallow

    But 150 years ago, folks were being given swaths of land, not knowing dick about that land, just for like… Fighting in wars.

    Now, they let veterans starve and kill themselves.

    Just saw a sad gif of a long line at the Costco rotisserie chicken stand.

    People won’t say enough is enough until they’re hungry.

    We’re close.

    The most lucrative positions are experiencing enormous layoffs.

    2025-2030 is going to be WWIII and the greatest class war.of all time.

    I just hope shit turns out okay for 2030 and beyond. Global warming ain’t making that likely.

    Sorry for doomer. But we either have a Renaissance era and burn or have an enslavement era and burn. I’m not loving the odds.

    • OpenStars@startrek.website
      7 months ago

      I am not a historian, but I get a sense that perhaps the intellectuals at least seemed to think that democracy (in the USA specifically, but also perhaps everywhere?) were just waiting to see how this grand “experiment” turns out. So there has practically always (since 1776 when the fire of democracy was re-ignited in the world after its long hiatus) been this expectation that we might someday fail, and each time something highly challenging comes around they likely re-visited that thought that perhaps it would be soon?

      The difference is that this time, it’s for real. Even if there were solves already in-place for both globalization and automation, how would climate change be dealt with? I am not saying that it’s a 100% certainty - nothing ever truly is, until it has already happened - but I am agreeing with you that there seems less room for hope than ever before, that our way of life will survive intact.

      I predict, for instance, that people will start demanding that their employers offer them housing. They might even start demanding longer-term contracts. In essence, they WANT slavery, as opposed to what is coming: anarchy & lawlessness. What good is “freedom” when you have no home, no job, no food, and can’t do what you want anyway? This whole “government = bad” idea will cause many people to take refuge in the only other thing that offers even a glimpse of a good(-ish) life: enslavement to corporations. In return they will house, feed, and clothe you - if only barely - and you will in turn commit your very soul to looking after their needs rather than your own, including devoting every waking moment of… oh my, we are already there! (except without the “taking care of you part”)

      • BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social
        7 months ago

        Can you take that last part, put it to a cool font, add some vaporwave and a filter, and make it the stylings of an Cyberpunk 80s movie?

        With a bit of rewording, it would be rad for a pixel indie game or something. It goes hard.

        And its uncomfortable so I want it in a more palatable form lol

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        The difference is that this time, it’s for real. Even if there were solves already in-place for both globalization and automation, how would climate change be dealt with?

        When I was a kid all the churches said that globalization was a sure sign that we’re in the end times. I think it’s interesting that you now quote that as one of the signs that we are.

        What good is “freedom” when you have no home, no job, no food, and can’t do what you want anyway?

        This is defeatism. It’s surrender. There was a group of men 247 years ago who demanded death if not given liberty. They would rather die than live under monarchial rule any longer. We have fallen quite far if a return to corporate servitude is considered a viable option a mere hundred years after defeating its last ugly resurgence during the industrial revolution. You do not reward your oppressors with capitulation, you reward them with combat.

        • OpenStars@startrek.website
          7 months ago

          Tbf, I was accepting that there is a situation in front of us that needs to be dealt with, i.e. accepting that there WILL be a crisis - any question on that front seems in the past. But I never said who I thought will win:-) Honestly I don’t know the latter, though in either case yes I do think that a lot of people will give up rather than fight.

          The REALLY odd part about all of this, imho, is that the type of person who previously fought on the side of freedom, now is mislead to be acting on behalf of the oppressors. Those who grabbed their muskets and fought to the DEATH against the external British overlords, are now the ones voting for increased corporate power, and increased non-aggression or even thoughts of aid towards the expansionist Russia, which will only be friendly in return for a few decades until it decides that it wants us as well. Yes, this side has “guns”, but what good are even fully automatic machine-gun rifles when pitted against TRULY modern weapons like weaponized viruses, nukes deployable from fucking orbit, and perhaps most dangerous of all, the ability to control all flow of all money, which puts a strangle-hold on all supply lines such that failure to comply means starvation.

          In short, you are correct that I do not put much stock in the mere words that people are throwing around, no matter how “tough” or “inspiring” they sound. Instead I am looking at the trajectory of actions, such as USA Republican obstructionism, UK Brexit, Russian expansionism, and the like. And to me, it seems like fascism is winning. People BLED and DIED to fight against it as recently as WWII - but that was then, while now they would be turning over in their graves to find that their children’s generation (Boomers) are just handing the world meekly over to it within their/our home countries. McCarthism is back, book burning is back, and everything old it seems we are trying over again, like it was for the first time. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.

          • aesthelete@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            The REALLY odd part about all of this, imho, is that the type of person who previously fought on the side of freedom, now is mislead to be acting on behalf of the oppressors.

            I think there’s some American mythology causing you to see things this way. In short, the American revolution was fueled by Washington recruiting a lot of drunks and fuck ups, and after they won the war they wanted Washington to be king. Similar to Scotland and the movie Braveheart, the mythology has gotten so popular that people start to think the majority or even all of the fighting force was ideologically aligned to some idea of freedom and inalienable rights or something. It wasn’t.

            • OpenStars@startrek.website
              7 months ago

              Tbf, they did not desire taxation without representation, and a local king would have met the goal for them to feel “represented”. At least more so than the remote one in England, who had to spend tons of money on far-away matters such as dealing with France, Spain, Portugal, etc. A local King would instead spend money on local matters, such as dealing with the indigenous peoples present in the Americas. Still taxation, but they would benefit from it more.

              Democracy hadn’t been a thing since ancient Greece, after which it languished under Turkish rule for several hundreds of years, and I wonder how much most uneducated people at the time knew even about that. Though some French philosophers such as Voltaire, and the English Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (I had to look him up: he was Genevan:-) were popular reading at the time, among the elites, and possibly they shared some of that as stories at the local pubs or whatnot. So anyway, it makes total sense to me that they wanted him to be a King: that was all that they really knew about, at the time, to meet their goal?

              But now I am saying that the situation is reversed: the ones pushing for the RADICAL changes, especially using VIOLENT means to overthrow the government, are not trying to throw off the shackles in order to return America to a more pristine state of “democracy” - the so-called “conservative” Republicans want to overthrow democracy, and instill Trump as their emperor. That’s moving backwards, towards fascism and away from democracy (VERY unlike the case with Washington, where they intended a more sideways move, not fully knowing that more was even possible).

              Likewise, the UK wanted to exist within the scope of the EU but also not at the same time so… bye-bye I guess. Now they are shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED that they are “out”. Even they seem to think now they have moved backwards, and many report wishing that they could undo what was done. They can do as they please yes, but they seemed not to realize that others have that same privilege as well. Especially the ones living in other countries, now shocked to find that they may be expected to pay taxes in those sovereign nations - what did they THINK was going to happen!?

              Americans I presume would eventually be the same - not enjoying life under Trump’s boot heels, but like Brexit, the ability to return would have been lost. The ones pushing for that WANT the democracy gone, and for it to be replaced with a more useful (to them) fascism, bc with globalization and automation, they do not have need of a large educated workforce, such as doctors and scientists, and they seem to be wanting to “streamline” the population, much as companies are currently streamlining their direct employees. An example is Trump’s COVID policy of “just let them eat cake die”. Fewer resources taken up by worthless people - like Oxygen consumption and smaller populations being less susceptible to pandemics - leave more for the rich to have whatever they want.

              • aesthelete@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                I think you’ve (perhaps inadvertantly) hit the nail on the head by drawing a comparison to revolutionary groups. Even plagued by the encroaching mythology and rhetoric it’s easy to see why the same group of revolutionary boosters are today’s reactionary retrogrades:

                In revolutionary times, monied interests and industry desired to evade England’s taxes, and today those same groups seek to continue perpetually evading the taxes of America’s government.

                In other words, the rich fucks think they’ll be able to fair better under Trump as dictator than they would facing the occasional failed attempt at tax reform by Democrats.

                The gravy seals are partially led by the nose by the exact same group of affluent pig fuckers as the minutemen and, in other cases, they aren’t being led as they simply are the same rich group.

                Among the other elements present at the January 6th insurrection were sizable numbers of the American landlord class, some even chartering private flights to attend and participate.

      • SkyNTP@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        Your dystopia doesn’t account for automation. Corporations don’t even want your labour.

        A social crisis seems inevitable on our current trajectory.

        • MisterD@lemmy.ca
          7 months ago

          Then for WHO are the corporations creating products for? There isn’t a growing pool of rich people. It’s shrinking.

        • OpenStars@startrek.website
          7 months ago

          Well I did say that people would demand it… which as you correctly point out, is by no means a guarantee that corporations would want to accept.

      • foggy@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        It’s an interesting perspective. Wherein I see people deliberately destroying property of the “automated” on a scale of property damage the world has never seen.

        Like it won’t be kings heads rolling. It’ll be their drones burning.

        • OpenStars@startrek.website
          7 months ago

          I mean sure, that too but… what would it accomplish really? There is an arms race, but look at Bill Gate’s house… exactly (first, where is it, second, which one(s), third, they are on like entire HUGE islands, fourth they can move the whole thing at a moment’s notice, fifth there are other defensive options too, etc. etc. etc.), plus there will always be the “collaborators” who will say “but no, they are the JOB creators” as if that justifies doing, or not doing, anything at all.

          Anyway, tech has reached the point that we can put it inside of our very bodies, to hide & power it, plus with CRISPR the tech flat-out becomes our bodies. At least, if you are talking about the stuff available to billionaires trillionaires, whereas to us “normies” all we get are cellphones to mollify & pacify us, yay (and even that privilege comes at the cost of also tracking us, plus can be taken away if we do not cooperate fully or fast enough).

          Anyway, tech is neither Good nor Evil, it simply is - and automation isn’t the problem, though it could be part of the solution, e.g. if it were to solve climate change for us?

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            but look at Bill Gate’s house… exactly (first, where is it,

            1835 73rd Ave NE, Medina, Washington, USA

            You can drive right up to the front gate, but that’s as far as you’ll get. The entire property is built for security. 2/3rds of it is underground, one side of it is against a cliff, and the gate itself is solid steel, probably 10 inches thick. I’ve been there, and you can’t see anything except for the gate and guardhouse from the street. Beyond the front gate are buildings on both sides before the second gate, like an old castle barbican, complete with kill zone.

            • OpenStars@startrek.website
              7 months ago

              It makes sense. It might also be the house of like his butler who delivers him food occasionally, while he himself lives in a plane flying around the earth that never sets down… or something. I am mostly joking here ofc:-).

      • PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        USA was never a democracy, though. It’s a republic, and recent decades have shown it to become more and more the banana variant.

  • PlasterAnalyst@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    People are just not price sensitive to most things. It’s also seen as bad to be thrifty, most people think of you as being cheap or stingy. Everything is about appearances now, people are more worried about what other people think than their own interests.

    Companies have also figured out that they can make more profit by raising prices and shipping less product. They have to pay less in overhead and wages and get the same amount of money.

  • henfredemars@infosec.pub
    7 months ago

    We live in an apartment. I can’t grow my own food. What do you expect us to eat? Do you have any idea how hard it is to actually avoid buying products that support one of these greedy brands? It’s almost everything on the shelf.

  • Behaviorbabe@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    I certainly have stoped buying a lot of things. Skipping our vacation this year as well. I’m never gonna spend $8 on a box of cereal, they can get fucked on that price point. Buying more in bulk at Costco. I already didn’t use Amazon.

  • guyrocket@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    I do wonder this.

    I buy most of my groceries from Costco and Aldi. I’m sure it saves me a lot of $$ but I’ve not done any price comparisons recently.

    Consumers need a union. Badly.

    ETA: I have noticed that prices seem higher the few times I’ve been at the “normal” grocery store. I think some stores hold prices down more than others so I reward the stores that work harder in my interest. Except Walmart. Fuck Walmart.

  • Behaviorbabe@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    I certainly have stoped buying a lot of things. Skipping our vacation this year as well. I’m never gonna spend $8 on a box of cereal, they can get fucked on that price point. Buying more in bulk at Costco. I already didn’t use Amazon.

  • DessertStorms@kbin.social
    7 months ago

    It doesn’t matter, because boycotts are generally futile since they at best only address skin level symptoms (at worst, and almost always - you’re just giving your money to a different scummy capitalist), they can’t cure the cancer, which is precisely why they’re touted as a wonderful solution (by capitalists trying to ensure the public don’t take any meaningful action against them).

    • julianschmulian@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      7 months ago

      I partly agree but I do think you have cause and effect (or disease and symptom if you will) swapped around. You‘re saying people don‘t do boycotts because they are futile. I would say it‘s the other way around and to answer OPs question, I think it largely comes down to commodity and mindlessness. But either way I think you are definitely right to suggest there must be systemic change and that all of this co2 compensation bullshit is just corporations guilt-tripping us into thinking we can consume our way out of this mess. However, the problem is that both approaches, the personal boycotts and the systemic change share a common factor, which is the requirement of mass action. If people aren‘t mindful enough to stop buying a particular kind of yoghurt, how are you ever going to get them to vote, much less stage a revolution? I think we need to get out of our passivity and boycotting things is a step in the right direction to establish a feel for personal agency.

      • DessertStorms@kbin.social
        7 months ago

        If people aren‘t mindful enough to stop buying a particular kind of yoghurt, how are you ever going to get them to vote, much less stage a revolution? I think we need to get out of our passivity

        How about people who aren’t mindful enough of those who can’t stop buying one brand or another, but especially of the reasons why??? (like - they only have one local store that only carries the one brand, or they carry two brand made by the same parent company, or they have three brands, two by the same company and the third by another one with just-as-bad practices. Or they’re too poor to buy the more “ethical” brand, or they simply don’t have the time in their day to even be aware of a boycott over exploitative practices, because they themselves are being exploited at 3 different jobs just to survive) I guarantee that kind of mindfulness hurts the working class significantly more than the kind you’re angry about.

        If you want people to stop being “passive” - you destroy the system designed to keep them that way (not actually passive at all, they’re probably more active than you’ll ever be, just deliberately kept undereducated and too busy trying to survive), insisting on them continuing to play by the rules said system has made available to them (precisely because they have no real impact) only serves those in power to maintain the status quo.

  • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
    7 months ago

    (US Perspective) It’s hard to boycott food when like 10 companies own everything. Even store brands are just re-packaged “name” brands.

    Edit: Obligatory: Fuck Nestle. I’m already boycotting the whole left side of that chart.

    Edit 2: Ugh. One hour old account. I fully expect this account to be self-deleted soon and any conversations here to be lost forever.

    • person@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Not trying to gotcha you or nothing, but it’s funny, that image being hosted on amazon aws.

      • Admiral Patrick@dubvee.org
        7 months ago

        Haha. I was going to upload it to my own instance, but AWS-hosted media typically don’t block hotlinking. Saves me some bandwidth egress costs and storage xD

    • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
      7 months ago

      Fuck Nestle indeed. I’ve been boycotting their shit since they started hawking water bottled in communities without reliable access to clean water.

      • KevonLooney@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        Yeah, these are all prepared foods in the picture. Maybe people don’t know but you can just like… make your own food.

        Lots of things are just flour with other ingredients baked in an oven. Soda is just sugar and fizzy water. If you’ve never had homemade potato chips, you haven’t lived.

        This weekend, find a recipe for a basic ingredient that you like (ketchup, mayo, bread, etc.) and buy the ingredients for it. Then make it. You’ll be surprised how easy and tasty it is. Mayo is like eggs and oil. Why pay $5 for a crappy version of it?

    • Ziggurat@sh.itjust.works
      7 months ago

      Donxc forget the other issues on supermarket chain. Which are also an oligopoly.

      One of the reason why european farmer are getting angry is that they are pushed to sell at low prices by supermarket purchasing departments and see the price of their products multiplied by 10 when sold to the consumer.

      Not consuming highly processed food from Nestle is doable. Not buying anything at the supermarket gets complicated unless you have money and time (and I wouldn’t be surprised that many neighbourhood and organic shop still buy food through the large supermarket purchasing chain)

    • DebatableRaccoon@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      That’s not even just a US perspective. That definitely applies to North America in general and Europe. There are supposedly anti-monopoly laws but huh, would you look at that… it’s almost like they’re ineffective.

        • Gnugit@aussie.zone
          7 months ago

          Your comment is unbelievably ignorant and assuming.

          In reality foraging is a great way to supplement your diet of farmers market produce on top of having an edible garden.

          There is also the fact that my farmers market also includes a local soap maker…

          If your local farmers market doesn’t have a soap maker go try your local craft market instead of posting redundant comments like this.

  • Maggoty@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    What am I going to do? Starve? There isn’t a grocery store in my area that’s not doing this. So those are my choices.

    • Krudler@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Look man, I’m not trying to isolate you or pick on you… But I find this kind of victim mentality to be exhausting and frankly, intellectually dishonest.

      You know darn well that your choices are not limited to pay or starve. You have the ability to adapt your life and to change your consumption patterns.

      I even called out the “I guess I’ll die then” mentality in a previous comment. Get a grip on your own life, and stop being a feebleton, acting like a trapped animal that has no ability to govern their own life.

      Perhaps there is a middle solution, where you examine your consumption patterns and realize that you’ve become a victim of the “convenience tax” and you can opt out at any time.

      • GrayBackgroundMusic@lemm.ee
        7 months ago

        Hard disagree. I already buy the store brand. Already buy in largest container with best $/Oz. Already restrict buying certain things unless they’re on sale. Already cook from scratch as much as possible. Next step is buying a damn cow.

      • Maggoty@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Of course I can make room in my budget. Right next to the record setting rent prices that are already causing record levels of homelessness.

        What convenience are you talking about? Are we supposed to grow our own vegetables, as well as work multiple jobs and cook from scratch? What’s next? Instead of shopping the outside, buying only on sale, and cooking from scratch we now to timeshare a fucking farm?

        This doesn’t make sense at the micro or macro level. The economy works best when people and companies are specialized. If you have to take time out to grow your own food then that’s lost economic productivity. It’s also probably too expensive in terms of the trade off for what you’d be paid at a job and covering your other bills

        So put down your oblique attempt to use the avocado toast meme and go read some real news.

        • Krudler@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Ah yes. The old “I bear no responsibility for my own life so I’ll ball up a bunch of grievances and represent them as an insurmountable brick wall. I’ll double down on my hysterics and start talking about growing vegetables rather than take a sober look at my own consumption patters because I’ve made myself a helpless victim” meme.

          Get. A. Grip.

          • Maggoty@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Wow you really drank the Kool Aid in the whole poor people are lazy thing. I honestly hope you never find out what the Poverty Trap is. But for the sake of your knowledge you should probably look it up. While you’re at it, look up what a Food Desert is too.

            Because the rest of us can’t be bothered to sit here and listen to you tell poor people to take responsibility for record inflation after they were already deciding which utility bills to pay each month. That’s a toxic attitude and I’ve literally watched it get people killed overseas.

      • Danitos@reddthat.com
        7 months ago

        Your comment seems so out of touch with the reality of majority of people. I think you are taking an extremist and unreasonable stance.

  • MasterHound@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    It’s so effective, but you just can’t expect to get everyone on board sadly. Unfortunately it seems that there will always be those that value the convenience of Amazon, for example, over pushing for real change. Look at Bud Light, I hated the reasoning behind the boycott but it showed just how powerful collective action can be against corporations.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      How exactly did it show that? From what I saw, a bunch of people went out and bought Bud Light so they could film themselves on TikTok destroying the cans, Bud Light got a bunch of free publicity, and then everyone forgot about it. That’s not exactly meaningful change.

      • MasterHound@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I would think that there were very few people doing that overall. I’ll have to find the articles again but they suffered a massive drop in sales, it’s possible though that those sales figures have since recovered but I don’t have that info on hand.

  • kylie_kraft@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    if there is anything that I have learned in the past 8 years, it is that the American tolerance for capitalist fuckery has a much higher threshold than I would have predicted, provided that there is someone worse off who we can look down on

    • Montagge@kbin.earth
      7 months ago

      I learned what cowards Americand are when it was admitted that the Iraq War was started on lies and everyone just shrugged and went about their day.

      • Willy@sh.itjust.works
        7 months ago

        it’s still possible there were weapons of mass destruction. I mean just about as likely as it seemed back then. very very slim.

      • Parallax@kbin.social
        7 months ago

        Why are they cowards? Why would they care if it doesn’t affect their daily lives? Obviously some people care, but the majority would indeed just shrug and go back to making ends meet.

        • abbadon420@lemm.ee
          7 months ago

          This comes down to the good old “keep the masses fed”. People are being given just the right amount of wealth. Not enough to be free and not too little to revolt.

      • PoopingCough@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Get corporate money out of politics, bust up monopolies/oligopolies, implement better regulations that hold executives/board members personally liable

      • deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz
        7 months ago

        Seize the means of production!

        More seriously though, follow the money.

        If the profits of the company were predominantly distributed to the workers-as-owners then they probably won’t be mandating 5% year-on-year profit growth or chasing an ever growing share price.

        They could, but it’d be themselves they’ll be exploiting.

        Where there is an “out of sight out of mind” separation between the owners (shareholders, board, CxO’s) and workers then exploitation is invisible and the money is the only important aspect.