Cool. Are they gonna act like it, or should I expect more texts asking me to donate?
So Democrats are going to act now? Or just everyone tweet the same image and do nothing while oligarching?
Arm of Knesset lashes out at arm of Kremlin.
McCarthy is turbo-rolling in his grave right now. The cemetery ground trembles from the diesel storm raging beneath.
No lies detected!
Oh no accusations! We’ve got them now!
only it took you dumb fucks 39 days to figure it out.
In fairness, so did a large portion of Americans. Unfortunately, half of us are dumb as fuck and still won’t believe it.
Got em!
We knew this during his first term.
Putin was still pretending he wasn’t going to start a global war before he died, that time though
Yeah but they were hampered by pesky laws and rules last time
It is an arm of the US aristocracy
The neutered arm of the government should remain quiet about the ‘arm of Kremlin’ until they decide to actually do something about it.
Saying the emperor has no clothes (or his clothes are made in Moscow) is the first step in doing something about it. If we all keep quiet and just go along with authoritarianism, then the fight will be over before it starts.
Soooo…. What about the past decades where we weren’t quiet?
Thing is… it’s never one and done. You show up, you make yourself heard, you take action…and you keep fucking doing it…
Cold War cosplay reaches Senate floor as Murphy rebrands DC as Little Moscow.
Keep it up and it will be the leg too.
NO SHIT SHERLOCK to ∞ and beyond.
And now his dod chief says they are discontinuing the US cyber operations against Russia.
…and they just ended aid to Ukraine.
Trump is a Russian agent and the Kremlin dictates U.S. policy.
Yeah. Shame we can’t get the military to oust his sorry ass