Connolly secured his position on the pivotal Oversight Committee after leaders in the House Democratic caucus—most notably former Speaker Nancy Pelosi—backed Connolly’s bid over Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.
While other Democratic leaders have been fumbling for a response to Trump, the administration has been in a public feud with Ocasio-Cortez. Tom Homan, Trump’s handpicked immigration czar, has even called on the Department of Justice to investigate the congresswoman after she advised migrant communities of their constitutional rights.
In contrast to Connolly’s pro-compliance message, Ocasio-Cortez recently wrote, “America is not for sale. We have an obligation to resist kings. We outnumber them. And they can be overwhelmed.”
Not a person who should be considered alive
now you know why Cryptkeeper Pelosi picked him over AOC for this position
They say that all that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (or something similar to that) but it doesn’t hurt to have a few “good” men in power, just go along with it I guess.
What makes a democrat “top”.
Like is he the one who fucks you in the ass? That’s probably it.
Edit: just to remind everyone; the DNC is a sunk cost. You can keep trying to make them fight back, make them stand up for you, and make them care. At the and of the day they will take your energy, take your money, take your vote and do nothing with it.
What makes a democrat “top”?
They have a leadership position, like a committee chair.
Assuming there was any good faith in there. Which-
Who needs Republicans when you’ve got Democrats like these
If we are going to lose anyways it’s time to make a third party. Call it the Progressive Party and continue to lose until democrats give up. These people literally only care about lining their pockets.
Check out they might already be active in your area. Depending on the race, they sometimes recommend voting for the Democrat, as the “least bad” option, but they also run their own candidates.
Yeah that seems to be a popular idea but it never gets anywhere after that.
My thought was, since the DNC organization exists and anyone can participate, we should y’know - take it over. Basically. Like it was intended.
So in the first example we’d have to build it from scratch (pros/cons) and in the second example, we’d have to deal with a fully functioning national party (pros/cons).
They essentially cancelled the last few primaries. Bernie was gonna win and they cancelled it. Biden wanted to run so they cancelled it. Biden backed out last minute so they cancelled it for Kamala. Shit is so undemocratic it’s crazy.
Bernie was gonna win and they cancelled it? Okay, Imma need to see some articles on that.
Basically unless you’re talking about Texas or California or heck even PA and Bernie is polling at ~90% and the DNC says “actually we’re cancelling due to rain” I’m going to find there’s no reason to assume Bernie was going to win and they cancelled primaries to prevent him.
That’s just - Fox News type of narrative. It’s lacking all context and the context it does have is childishly simple and outrageous.
They don’t want the soap on a rope.
Truly an unsaveable party.
Let it burn but we need a replacement fast
Considering what Trump and L1 are doing, Democrats should put every rock they find into their path. Instead they do this. Cowardice.
Considering what Trump and L1 are doing, Democrats should put every rock they find into their path. Instead they do this.
in a CNN appearance on Sunday, Connolly said workers should comply for now.
“I guess if you can, cover yourself and do the five things you did last week just to be able to say, ‘well I did it,’” he advised.
Obviously Congressional Democrats need to fight, but this sure sounds to me like he’s just telling Federal employees to cover their bases in case the courts rule DOGE does have authority. This is their livelihood, after all.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding.
It’s also much different than what the headline suggests.
Still bad though. They should already have a plan. They’re not nearly quick enough as a body to handle what’s going on.
Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly, the highest-ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said government workers should comply with an Elon Musk order that is being disputed by others. Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency sent out an email…
Thank you Nancy Pelosi!
Why should he give a shit. He literally has terminal cancer. This who the DNC picked over a young a vibrant AOC. The DNC needs to be burned down and replaced from the top.
He’s seventy-four with a cancer diagnosis so… 🤞
Tell the Gambler, the Rambler, the Backslider,
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down.
Connolly backs Musk’s farce, showing even oversight can crumble under the weight of vanity projects.
Stupid cunt.
Everyone downvoted me and called me an idiot when I said the Dems are weak and useless. Most of them don’t have a spine.
I have been thinking, even though there are genuinely tone deaf, smug, urban elite centrist Democrats who call everyone who disagrees with them as plain stupid-- instead of acknowledging that the once reliable working-class and rural voters that supported Democrats felt abandoned by jobs outsourcing went over to the Republicans-- I reckon some accounts are also bots to amplify this disdain by centrist Democrats on the conservative-voting working-class, in order to further widen the partisan gap.
So much had been reported of Russia funding far-right populist parties, but there is also Russia funding the left or at least being suspiciously friendly. Putin is cosy with the former centre left German chancellor, Gerhard Schroder, who have worked in Russian energy firms. Jill Stein rob votes from Democrats during presidential elections and she is hesitant to call Putin a dictator (like Trump). Many far-left parties in Europe also either have warm or ambivalent feeling towards Russia, and are reluctant to support Ukraine.
Unlike during the Cold War when the Soviet Union solely funded radical far-left groups (while the US supported right wing dictatorships), the current meddling and psy-ops from current Russia don’t have any ideological preference to support in order to destabilise the West. Russia simply throws all the wrench they could get into the machine.
People lost their minds when I suggested the dems are at fault for losing so badly, not protest voters. It’s funny as hell thinking the old guard of the democratic party will ever become effective
They were “relaxed about Trump” back in the campaign for President hence didn’t even try to appeal to voters left of center (whom they later slandered via their minions and useful idiots as having the blame for the Trump victory because they didn’t vote for the very Democrat leaders who didn’t even try to appeal to them) and they’re still “relaxed about Trump” now that he’s using the powers of the Presidency to go full-Fascist.
Blaming the protest voters on the losses like blaming the immigrants on… Well, all the s*** that the GOP blaimd on the immigrants.
However, while the Democrats could have done A LOT more to win, I’m not entirely sure that things were counted correctly. They may even be complicit, can anyone come up with a reasonable answer as to why nobody demanded recounts?
Both of them are at fault. The voters are just as culpable for being so misinformed about what was at stake, and the democrats should’ve told them more.
But the info was all available, so that’s not an excuse.
The Dems told us a lot, the problem is they don’t follow through with action. People are suffering and all they’ve got to offer is some ineffectual policy efforts and being the lesser of two evils. We’re bombarded daily by sensationalist talking points so telling us that Trump is a fascist is met with desensitized ears. And any policy stance they take is so generic and bland in an effort to appeal to everyone that it inspires nobody and it all comes off as empty promises.
Despite being the party of not actually achieving anything meaningful to the majority of the working class for a generation, people still came out by the millions to vote for them because the alternative is that bad. But their chronic complacency was enough to tip the scales.
This has been explained so, so, so-so, so so so.many times. How is it still not understood?
The very same phenomenon you seen with those whose identity is to be MAGAs of being unable to believe the truth about their “leader” even when pretty much rubbed on their faces, because their tribalism means they’re emotionally wedded to the tribe and will always believe the tribe’s chief is right and those who say otherwise are liars, is also on display amongst those whose identity is to be Democrats toward their own “tribal chiefs”.
When it comes to Politics there is no greater human character flaw than Tribalism and the selective blindness that goes with it.
The Dems are so good at being the opposition party that they are… complying with the fascists? This is pathetic.