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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • A lot of US gun owners are in support of common sense gun laws. It’s enough that some gun owners have started a gun lobbying group to oppose the NRA which is a pretty terrible organization. I’ve owned guns in the past, I don’t anymore, don’t know if I ever will again, but I used to, and I still think people should be allowed to own guns, but the lack of restrictions is absurd, We pretty immediately need big changes to domestic abuse laws, and bail opportunities, as some huge percentage of murders in the US are domestic abusers out on bail. Red Flag laws where someone who has been suspected of planning violent shootings can’t gain access to firearms. much stricter laws on background checks and closing third party sale loopholes entirely, and I also think mandatory gun safes are a good idea, If you’re not home, it should be entirely inaccessible. none of these laws would effect the majority of gun owners, as bad as it is now with gun violence, still the vast majority of gun owners are never going to endanger anyone. But doing nothing is insane. I’ve met zero people who shout “people kill people not guns” who isn’t a jackass who’s scared someone will take his toys away.

  • Actually in that specific situation, the store is closed and you have to come back when they’re opened. It’s not closed for fun. It’s closed because the store closes, and there’s 45mins of tasks that have to be done and many of them require the registers to be closed and the doors to be locked and if you unlock the door you have to reset the timer and start over. It’s not a game, your bullshit isn’t worth 10-15 people working an extra 45min at a time when the store isn’t making money. I gotta tell you when your a specialist or manager and you have to close and open, getting to bed in time to sleep enough to not die is a bigger problem than your lost item. Literally everyone else knows you don’t get special treatment for losing something, Come back in the morning you spoiled little shit.

  • Nope, you never engage. Never ever engage. That flaming asshole who’s too self centered and ignorant to read the hours posed on the door they’re banging on and refuses to accept that the store is closed for EVERYONE including them, isn’t going to be polite, honest, or responsible. If you engage, they will immediately punish you for it. Don’t ever make that mistake.

    You don’t work for the customer, you work for the store. It’s not always a crime to go along with a customer, but it’s always a negative when they want to push you to violate policy, change prices, complain about Mike in sporting goods for having a mustache, or ‘‘I’ll be real quick I sware’’ shopping when the store is closed. They will always punish you.

    I eventually figured out that when a customer gets shitty, more than half the time if I say ''I work for the store and I’m responsible for [the dumbass shit you want me to do], if I violate store policy I’ll be fired" they suddenly realize this isn’t a game, and stop acting like a can of smashed assholes.