Dude must be loaded if he can afford to eat eggs everyday.
He’s pretty on the nose with his timings. What if you don’t hear from him. Is there a default egg state?
I don’t know. Thursday was kinda early. Make sure he wasn’t swapped.
If I don’t hear from him it means he doesn’t want eggs. My alarm goes off at 5:30, he’s usually up at ~5:45. By the time I get these texts I’m done with my morning routine (shower, get dressed, etc) and he’s bathing so the timing is synced with him having his breakfast out of the bath.
Follow up questions; are you Alfred and have you figured out the entrance to the Batcave yet?
(Lego Batman voice) “Alfred, get me some Al-fried eggs this morning. And make sure you make a smiley face with bacon.”
OP: “Right away, sir”
Yeah this smells like “live in personal assistant”
At least he says please I assume you are a cook and not his secretary
I’m actually his personal assistant which is essentially a catch-all kinda job. I don’t cook full meals for him but he loves my eggs so he asked me to do this for him.
For a European this is weird… and unacceptable. if you want to bring something to the office to share, fine but to demand? thats madness!
I don’t think you understand what a personal assistant is. No, it is not an assistant position at an office.
Nothing weird about having a job.
Are you at least paid well?
And I second at least he says please.
Also this is a little weird, I figured when people figured out what kind of egg they like they just stick with it (omelettes being the exception since that’s basically a meal)
Yes, he’s generous. Well, soft boiled are his favorite but he also likes a bit of variety.
Fair enough! Sometimes variety is nice.
The only part that weirds me out a little is that those are the only messages! OP will have to tell us, is this like a chat dedicated just to egg requests, or does their boss not message them with anything else over text, ever?
Other texting is through Whatsapp for some reason. +he generally prefers to call.
He’s not just gonna fully dox his egg preferences to Zuck like that
You should do an AMA.
Someone posted about a selfish boss while being a PA not too long ago.
She had scheduled time off finally and was with family when the boss wanted to go on a trip and needed her for the kids. She said no and he wasn’t happy.
Finding a trustworthy, super-organized, and reliable personal assistant is like finding a goddamn unicorn.
Having someone take care of the details so that you can focus on what you are good at is invaluable. I hope you are appreciated.
When I mention this to friends they always think it’s weird, but I envy jobs like yours. How did you ever start in this kind of work, if you don’t mind me asking?
Expected this thread to be kinda weird, but it’s surprisingly wholesome!
I appreciate both the manners and the variety of eggs desired.
OP logistically how does this work? Do you meet your boss at their house? I’ve always wondered how these types of jobs worked.
I’m live-in staff. I have my own “quarters” at his house. Great for me cause it means no rent / utilities stuff like that to pay.
Thanks for letting us turn this into a sort of AMA
Your job sounds interesting but I’d be the worst person in the world at it, I do make a good omelette though.
I don’t know why this strikes me as incredibly creepy
Because having a personal assistant that cooks for you is kinda creepy and weird for normal people. Rich people doing rich stuff as usual…
Pretty normal for middle-class people in some parts of the world.
My middle-class parents had servants in the 60s (America, the South). They basically had “mammies” to cook and clean and raise the girls. LOL, like my useless mother ever had a day job. (Is “mammie” racist now?)
I’ve thought of offering a deal to a homeless dude. “You can stay at my camp and do as you please, just do a little work here and there, make yourself scarce when I come around.”
Would that be weird?
When lemmy rails against “the rich” I doubt many have experience with the actually “wealthy”. Having servants living in separate quarters on your property is wealth. That kinda person is far above the 1%.
eh, if the pay is good and relationship is respectful seems cushy
totaly cushy, but reading that graphic, made me feel as if someones meaty sweaty lips were whispering in my ear
Oh come on how’s some polite text messages creepy? Are we supposed to write a formal egg request letter or something?
read that to yourself slowly lol :)
Does he ever ask for other “services”? How would you react to such a request? Weird question I know, but I imagine this situation must’ve happened to servants and I wonder if they face repercussions professionally if they refuse.
WTF is a baked egg
Is that the one you made or just a random pic? Because if its the former then damnnnn no wonder you cook for people as part of your job.
This is just a random pic as an example. But my eggs are excellent I’ll say that.
I’ll show myself out…
please stay, i love this
I didn’t find any reverse search images, so I think OP’s image is original
It looks amazing!
I did the same but no, sadly not OC
Do you just put eggs in a ramekin and turn the broiler on?
Those look great, look nice and soft and perfect for dipping toast.