Just a random selection of 30,000 people or for an actual reason?
Does anyone know how big is Guantanamo? It takes a lot of space to imprison 30,000 “worst of the worst” children and other people, along with guards and supplies to keep all of them alive.
Aside from the other glaring problems with this idea, is this even physically plausible?
it’s a pretty big marine base
Americans. You have a second amendment and a right to utilize that amendment against tyranny.
Exercise your right. In 4 years you won’t have a country that even remotely resembles what is supposed to be America and the land of the free.
Take down the nazis, destroy facism. Fight the power!
America’s first camp…in 83 years.
Thanks conservatives.
Are they just reviewing all the accusations they made about Democrats over the past few years and just using that as a template for what they want to do.
Speed running the third Reich over here. Has the doctor given him bad news?
Any% nazi run WR incoming
Guantanamo Bay… the blacksite for literal terrorists that is considered highly controversial for literal terrorists? What the actual fuck.
The blacksite for innocent people kidnapped and tortured for 20+ years by the US without allegations and then released*
Indeed, not that it wasn’t actually filled with victims, more that people who think it specifically houses terrorists think it is unfit/illegal for that purpose.
Concentration camp/torture camp.
Lots of people fantasize about what they might do if they had the opportunity to act to stop what was happening in WWII Germany but here we are.
Its worse in some ways, the US is a far bigger country. While the 3rd reich destroyed their economy under the repayment plans of WW1 The US seems to be committing a similar kind of economic suicide with absolutely zero pressure to do so.
All the big, strong, don’t-tread-on-me styled people just rolling on their backs and showing their bellies to fascism. What a time to be alive, at least Germans of the 1920s-30s didn’t have a direct case study to refer to.
It’s always been “doing tread on me”
Oh I see what he is doing here, screw over 30.000 people, then send them over to their biggest enemies to learn a how to take revenge. America collapse soeedrun
for those of you who live in the US: there must surely be Republicans voters being appalled by this too, right? Right?
Nah. If there’s a percentage of conservatives who have come to realize the mistake they’ve made, it’s vanishingly small.
We’re talking about a group of people uniformly ignorant and hateful. You have to be to support the conservative ideology. Those are prerequisites.
62% of the country supports deporting all illegals. Something that would be unbelievable a decade or two ago is now true for most Americans.
A strong majority of the country supports putting millions of people in camps and keeping them there for years. Of course GOP is more fervently against it- the same GOP that idolizes Reagan who gave blanket citizenship to millions of illegals.
Something that would be unbelievable a decade or two ago
The GOP’s propaganda really did a number on easily manipulated Americans. Turns out, the internet was a really, really good tool to spread hatred.
100% of that 62% have no idea at all what is going to happen to many services they depend on. Doesn’t matter if it’s the price of food on the table going up because the farm workers disappeared or the person disappearing who has the necessary but unglamorous job of cleaning bedpans at the nursing home, they’re all very important jobs that people will miss immediately, and they can often be done by migrants or illegal workers.
Yes, for most of my life I thought we would never get rid of the illegals for precisely this reason. They are so integrated into our economy that eliminating them would cause a huge fallout. Almost 15 million people here. And they’re dramatically over-represented in specific industries.
So for example, you mentioned food. Agriculture, especially in the SW, runs on illegal labor. Construction all over the country runs on illegal labor. The people washing dishes at restaurants, the people cleaning up offices at night, the people working at landscaping companies, etc.
All of those industries are about to experience a severe supply shock of labor. This is going to mean increased prices for food, for landscaping, for construction, etc. Not only that, the services are going to be increasingly harder to staff. It’s really hard to find an American willing to relocate to rural areas to dig holes. It’s hard to find ones that are willing to pick fruit, etc.
Not to mention the effect that 15 million less consumers eating at local restaurants, buying products from Amazon, paying rent, will have.
And the worst part of it, the part that scares me, is that I’m certain Trump and his allies know this. They are entirely aware of the potential consequences of what they are doing. It does not take an economic savant to understand this and certainly Trump has some very smart advisors around him. So they are aware and they are doing it anyway.
What does that imply? That means they are willing to nuke our economy for this (throw in tariffs too while we’re at it). And when I say nuke I mean nuke- there’s no going back after this. We’re causing permanent long-term structural damage. Why would he be willing to do this?
I fear because there’s a lot worse on the horizon. Global war will overshadow the economic fallout from these decisions and will be pointed to as the cause of the near-future economic woes. Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions here, but this is not a good omen. It’s sort of like suicidal people giving away all their money before they off themselves. It’s a red flag.
I think we’re fucked with a capital F
Wouldn’t be surprised. Never waste a crisis. Nationalize things, martial law. Who knows what power grabs trump would make.
Our people are horrible, vindictive morons.
And I don’t mean that from a place of emotional response to bad things, I am saying all of this dispassionately and analytically. The country has a large population of people who are objectively horrible, and vindication has become our primary focus for political action, and this is all because they’re generally morons.
I can’t even really exaggerate or overplay this. The average American’s intelligence is worse than abysmal. I used to lead a team of data-workers at a large company, we had nice, casual morning meetings and talked about the latest events for about a half hour before work. I ended up in the position of people bringing me news stories and headlines to “translate” for them. I had to explain what planets are, I had to explain how gravity works, I had to explain how democracy works, I had to explain history and math and facts and ratios and words like “industrious” or “ambivalent” every day, over and over. AND I’M NOT A SMART PERSON. I have always prided myself on being informed, but at some point I became the one-eyed king in the land of the blind and I hate it.
Everything here is going to get so, so much worse because I know how far down the barrel goes, and we haven’t even touched the bottom yet.
Remove Donald Trump and Republicans from the equation and you still have a nation overflowing with unrealistically ignorant and hateful people.
That problem doesn’t go away with whoever’s in charge of our politics.
Our situation is 100% guaranteed to get much, much worse. And probably for the rest of our lives.
Some of the single-issue voters probably are, but not enough to actually vote against their single issue in the future.
That would require them to vote at all and Facebooks ain’t gonna scroll on the couch itself!
They’ll claim they disagree with it and they don’t like Trump (except for -insert all his policies-) and then vote for him for a third term when he makes that legal. They need to pretend not to salivate about oppressing brown people when they are in polite company but that’s about it.
Both the most US thing you could possibly do AND a gross violation of what the US aspires to be.
I’m still not clear what the first “A” in maga is supposed to reference, seeing what’s happening these days. All I know is that it’s clearly not “America” or a reference to the US.
spits on ground
Oops look at me I meant to spit on A’murica but I must have missed because I hit stolen indigenous land that was brutally and horrifically ripped from the hands of normal, good people who looked a bit different and lived in funny houses.
…and then stolen again from immigrants who came here and were foolish or desperate enough to believe they would be included in the prosperity they spent extraordinary amounts of effort building…
Third time is the charm?
It’s the “G” that’s confusing you. “Great” in this context means “Christian White Nationalist.”
Internment Camps already?
Immigration detention centers have been around for a while now. Virtually all of them ran by private corporations. People rail against private prisons but they make up a tiny tiny minority of prisoners. Over 90% of immigration detention centers are privately owned.
So we’re going to throw millions of people into camps so that a few corporations can extract a ton of public taxpayer money. They’re also gonna stay there for years because it’s logistically impossible to move over 10 million people quickly.
I didn’t think fascism would happen again my lifetime. But I guess here we are
Moving them is expensive, just letting them die in poor conditions or working them to death is far cheaper… Seeing how it happened yet?
Expanding a camp that’s already been there for over 20 years, yes.
So trump is going to build “housing” for 30.000 people, plus possibly hundreds of guards, who all need food, guards will need actual housing with maybefamilies who will need recreation too…
Just saying, this sounds like a VERY expensive distraction from the fact that they’re working hard on robbing the US coffers blind…
Now make this for the 20 million or so, and you get to understand why the US will be bankrupt and over 4 years from now if this idiots continues this
Just saying, this sounds like a VERY expensive distraction from the fact that they’re working hard on robbing the US coffers blind…
Doesn’t matter if the country goes broke. Something like 90% of immigration detention centers are privately owned. This whole thing is going to funnel hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars of taxpayer money right into the pockets of wealthy shareholders.
Mexican joker
MAGA has a hardon for cruelty. It’s about hurting people. They love the idea a rounding up non-white people, loading them into boxcars, and shipping them off to concentration camps. Everything that Trump has done so far is going make billionaires richer and regular Americans much poorer but as long as he’s hurting non-whites they will sit around giving each other rage handies and praising him.
but as long as he’s hurting non-whites they will sit around giving each other rage handies and praising him
What I find fascinating is the right-wing illegal immigration latinos who support Trump. Up until now they’ve been saying “He’s not going to deport us, he’s deporting the criminals”. I just read a news article about half of the people they’ve arrested so far did not have any criminal records.
White House press secretary goes live the other day and says “We’re going to deport all of them. They’re all criminals as far as I’m concerned”
I think people have this instinctual burning desire to feel part of an “in-group” and to hate against an “out-group”. It’s such a strong burning desire that people will jump through so many mental hoops even when they are in the “out-group”.
Note that being illegal is not a crime. It’s like when you get a parking ticket. It’s against the law but it isn’t a criminal violation. But of course the administration doesn’t care and neither does the army of rabid Americans cheering on the destruction of the country.
Right wing politics in a nutshell
Exclusion & Sadism
Can I just make the point here that Not All Sadists
Well yeah, There are Leftist sadist too