Donald Trump would have been convicted of crimes over his failed attempt to cling to power in 2020 if he had not won the presidential election in 2024, according to the special counsel who investigated him.
Jack Smith’s report (***the report is 174 pages long) detailing his team’s findings about Trump’s efforts to subvert democracy was released by the justice department early on Tuesday.
Following the insurrection on 6 January, 2021, Smith was appointed as special counsel to investigate Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. His investigation culminated in a detailed report, submitted to the attorney general, Merrick Garland.
Volume one of the report meticulously outlines Trump’s actions, including his efforts to pressure state officials, assemble alternate electors and encourage supporters to protest against the election results.
Impeach and arraign.
Well that sucks. Harris winning would have been nice.
But don’t you understand? The genocide totally would’ve been worse or even the same. Something something duopoly! /s
if you argued against voting for Harris, this is partially your fault
IMO Trump reelection is entirely the fault of people who argued against voting for Harris. Partial blame is being too nice to them.
Well yes. I guess I was just assuming here on lemmy most people making that argument are claiming to be on the left, which is a smaller part of the problem.
Prior to the election, it seemed to me like there was a lot of astroturfing going on here; comments encouraging protest votes against Harris since she was “guaranteed to win anyway” and “one vote doesn’t matter”. I’m not sure how it was in other places, but it seemed like a concerted campaign to discourage voting for Harris, and then after the election, no comments on actually what to do now to help Palestinians.
Yes, exactly yes to all this. There are still a few third party people lurking and all those plus the astroturfers can fuck off
To be clear, I agree with you. However, I’ve been saying that the Trump Campaign didn’t win this election, the Democratic Party lost it. The Trump campaign was a fucking mess. Trump rallies sucked. Their policies sucked, and I don’t mean they were evil, I mean when you polled people, objectively, virtually every major policy the Democrats held polled better than anything the Republicans did.
The major difference was that the Democratic Party gave people the impression that they cared about propriety and institutions more than they did about normal people or even winning the election. They tried so hard to seem normal that nobody believed them when they talked about the threat posed by Republicans, and how can you blame people? If you were facing an apocalyptic threat, you would be fighting, not issuing high-minded press releases and carefully-worded and narrowly-defined policy papers.
Harris didn’t run a totally garbage campaign, but when Trump and the Republicans were in full rabid dog mode and the Democrats couldn’t figure out how to get past the tut-tut stage, it was never going to work.
I agree with most of what you wrote here but I have a response to one phrase…
how can you blame people
I mean, for me to not blame anyone, I’d have to assume that the vast majority of people are way stupider than I ever knew, or had no access to information to the contrary. And I’ve always thought people are dumb as fuck.
How can I blame people? Well, even if we assume that people knew nothing at all about the past decade, republicans made it blindingly obvious what a shit option they are. The democrats could’ve come on the stage drooling and babbling about space lasers and only in that case should the choice have been unclear.
So if we commit a crime we can just ask for enough time to run for president and win. If we win, we go scott free? Got it!
Let’s do this thing! C’mon we need suggestions? Illegal high speed forest fire? Can do! Oh we could steal money yeah, I guess. From the poor? Hmmm, nah Donnie, why don’t you pay a prostitute, I gotta fix the faucet.
Would he fuck. The cunt is rich, white (under his orangutan) and an ex-president. That’s an echelon that don’t go to prison under any circumstances.
Literally above the law.
I actually believed this, I think the Supreme Court was actually waiting to see if Trump was going to be re-elected or not.
If he wasn’t they’d have played the “You have outlived your usefulness” card and thrown him to the wolves.
Since he won, well… “You gotta respect the office”
For the record, normally I agree with “Even if you hate the guy, you have to respect the office.”, well, in better days I did.
Now, if the person in question shows clear contempt for the office, you do not have to do any such thing.
For the record, normally I agree with “Even if you hate the guy, you have to respect the office.”,
The office has been disrespected by so many of the men who held it that I have never been able to respect the office.
Maga won’t do it and libs are pussies. The US summed up in one sentence.
Let’s be fair here, they only had 4 years to get this done. A mere 1460 days or 35040 hours.
Corrupt courts definitely impeded any progress
You had 4 years. 4 years.
canon delayed it, not smith. did everyone forget about all that?
Exactly. Corruption is what made it take so long, not the prosecutor.
did everyone forget about all that?
Well, yeah. There’s too much stuff going on deliberately to keep track of everything and remember the details months or years after the fact.
Yeah, that’s just a lame excuse. It just conveniently took too long, ah shucks, if only he hadn’t won, gosh darnit.
We have to distinguish between Jack Smith who started in 2022, and was extremely unlucky with respect to court decisions, and Garland who wasted 2 years before appointing Smith.
Blame Garland
Blame Garland
And Biden, and democrats in congress for not pushing to fucking get it done for 2 years.
And Pelosi for preventing any action and protecting Trump while he was president, and she was majority leader.
And Mueller for making a mockery of the special investigation, dragging it out for years, and then having done just about the narrowest investigation possible, and letting traitors walk despite clear evidence.It’s fucking incompetence all the way through, to a degree it must be perceived as maliciousness, and that both parties are in on it.
Goddam I’m happy to live in a country that doesn’t effectively have a 2 party system. I cannot fathom how Americans tolerate their idiotic flawed democracy for almost 250 years now! Isn’t it about time to modernize? And yet American politicians boast of their democracy and claim to protect democracy around the world, when they fucking can’t even figure it out for their own country!
Mueller cited a dozen times where Trump committed obstruction and specifically said it was up to Congress to impeach him.
But a corrupt AG released a summary of the report that just fucking lied about what was in the report and people believed it.
Interrupting the peaceful transition of power should have been the Day 1 job of the justice department. Not the second year job of Jack Smith.
When brains and ballots fail, bullets are the last line of exacting justice.
When the rules change to suit the needs of the 1%, there are no rules.
Is there a law in this country or is it everything a fucking popularity contest? USA is just a crazy distopian tv-show at this point.
It’s a reality TV show called America’s Got Oligarchy
Well, I think we can all agree that Trump and the Republican party have certainly learned from all this and will in no way attempt to hold power if they lose another election.
I also predict that the Republican party will coincidentally lose fewer elections from now on.
"Christians, get out and vote, just this time. “You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”
Shut up Susan Collins
It would be amazing for there to be a part of Canada with a decent climate. The awful climate is the main reason I can’t see myself moving to Canada.
The awful climate is the main reason I can’t see myself moving to Canada.
That’s fine. We’re trying to cut back on immigration at the moment anyway.
But since I’ve got you on the phone, would you mind doing something about all the noise coming from downstairs. It’s getting hard to sleep at night.
-Life expectancy will go up from a world ranking of 48th (USA) to 20th (Canada).
-Education will get better from 31st (USA) to 19th (Canada).
-Math scores will improve from 34th (USA) to 9th (Canada).
-Robberies will go down from 98 per 100,000 population to 62.
-Traffic accident deaths will drop from 12.7 per 100,000 to 5.3.
-You will spend half as much on health care yet get better outcomes.
-Poverty in Canada is 1/3 the rate in the USA.
-Although Canada has fewer millionaires, we more fairly distribute wealth (better income equality).
-The minimum wage in Canada is double that in USA.
and most important you will be happier (Canada ranked 15th, USA 23rd in happiness).
(We couldn’t find a politeness index, but thank you for reading)
But the climate.
Yes, that’s what I posted. Good for you.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to seem arrogant. Just thought I’d post the original source.
Eh Canada’s going to sink to our lows, in some respects (MAID being used as an ethnic cleansing program instead of an end-of-life-care program is a big outlier)
Everything republicans do is based in fear, spite, and greed.
They fear brown people and immigrants, so they deport them, only to bring them back in as indentured servants, to spite the poor people that refuse to work for less than the minimum wage, to personally enrich themselves.
Greed, Spite, Fear.
If they had been born German in the early 1900’s, they wouldn’t just be nazis, they’d be enthusiastic nazis.