The reverse of that post I’ve made a week ago…
Rules: pick one movie or series and explain why you actually enjoyed it despite the criticism.
For me: The JJ Abrams Star Trek movies, by far the best ST stuff ever made, I couldn’t take seriously the original universe with the dated effects and stiff acting, same goes for NG… These movies did ST actually great looking and much more believable, not just the effects.
The Postman. Compared to other post apocalyptic cheese fests it feels like a more nuanced display of societal breakdown and the re-emergence of the barter economy.
It’s not hated, it’s squarely in the middle of ‘video game movies’ (so probably lower than middle to the general public) but one of my favorite movies, far and away my favorite video game movie, is ‘Rampage’ with Dwayne Johnson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
I can’t fathom how anyone could not enjoy that flick.
I also genuinely enjoyed ‘the crew’ (2002?) which most people seem to dislike (it was around 15% on rotten tomatoes last I checked)
Me and about a dozen other people thought John Carter was great. To me, it was just a fun sci-fi/fantasy movie. Never undestood the hate.
Yeah I thought it was a fun movie too. It would have been nice to have gotten another scifi series that was more focused on fun.
John Carter was great. Zero dollars spent on marketing. They thought it was a household name or something because it was a book.
If you want a good read: John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood
Looks interesting ty!
John Carter was only hated by people who follow box office numbers instead of watching movies.
It was great!
I went to see it at noon after dropping the car off for work and was literally the only one in the theatre. I thought it was pretty good.
My gal hates it because she’s a huge fan of the book and apparently they did the whole of it pretty dirty. One of those, “it’s fine if you weren’t hoping to see anything that made the book unique” type movies.
My go to for that criticism is that it’s a different medium, so it must be different.
It’s like complaining that a photo of Statue of David doesn’t show the whole statue.
Counterpoint: if I sell you a photograph which I advertised as of the statue of David and it’s just a zoomed in picture of his back, you would be in your rights to complain about leaving out the important parts.
Floppy wieners?
At that point we’re in caveat emptor territory.
But, yes, nice counter point.
Yeah, i tend to agree. It was fun and refreshing. It was just kind of… forgettable.
Me and my wife went to see it and really liked it. Unfortunately I think we were the only couple in the theater at the time. I don’t think it was marketed very well at all by Disney.
Crystal Skull
Why do people rag on the fridge bit? It’s the most plausible bit of the film up to that point!
Freddie Got Fingered was completely panned when it came out, but I absolutely loved it! It was so ahead of its time, Tim and Eric-style comedy.
loved it too, got the DVD out of a $5 bin
Couldn’t agree more. Freddy Got Fingered is the cultest of classics. RedLetterMedia’s take on it is great (YouTube link not provided)
I’ll check it out! I went in knowing nothing except that it’s the “worst movie ever” and I laughed sooooo hard throughout!
I really like Wild Wild West, I didn’t watch it for forever because of how hated it is/was but thought it was actually funny and enjoyed the mix of steampunk and goofyness. Kevin Kline is always great.
I also like Jingle All the Way and watch it every few years, it’s perfectly watchable until the very end when it collapses under a terrible CGI spectacle that just doesn’t work
Jingle all the way is dumb, fun Christmas comedy. I enjoy it annually.
I loved Will Wild West. It was just over hyped when it came out and the theme song got old fast. Other than that it was actually a solid movie.
Fun fact:
Will Smith was the first actor approached by the Wachowskis to be Neo in the Matrix.
He turned it down to work on Wild Wild West, and the role of Neo went to Keanu.
Norm MacDonald’s Dirty Work is actually pretty funny.
Joker 2 is amazing
The Prince of Persia movie. Also God’s of Egypt.
Jupiter Ascending. It was a low writing effort but big budget high fantasy with a slightly too perfect protagonist, “science” that makes absolutely 0 sense, and a cartoonishly evil villain just absolutely chewing the scenery which is pretty common, except most most of the time the protagonist is male. I loved seeing the equivalent of my 13 y/o mary sue fanfiction on a movie screen with a massive budget. Just this once. More than that would get as tired just as quickly as the male equivalent. But just this once it was delicious. I have the poster framed actually, the real poster from the theater, my friend who worked there saved it for me.
I thought Waterworld was fine.
Batman v Superman and Justice League (I didn’t watch original versions though).
As a non-fan, I thought the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies were well received. All the casual trek fans around me seemed to like them, at least
I had to look it up to remember the name, but Agent F.O.X. It’s one of those cheapo 3D kids films (looks original instead of being a rip-off and actually looks good animation wise) that is cheesy. Sometimes it’s good to watch B-rate 3D kids films so you can die of how cringe it is, despite from what I can remember the movie not being 100% cringe like 99% of all cheap 3D kids films (but still cringe).
So many movies but let’s go with: Ghostbusters 2016. I had an absolute blast watching it and Chris played one of the best himbos of all time
My only real problem with it is that despite being all-woman led, it fails to be a feminist movie because Chris Hemsworth steals every scene he is in! Other than that it was fine. Not great but watchable
What? No, it’s a female gaze movie through and through. Like George of the Jungle back in the day
Now you’ve reminded me of this joke again.
Gotta love that narrator. One of my favorite narrators in a movie.
Ya, I didn’t think it was great but it wasn’t as bad as it was made out to be. It was fine.
Ghostbusters 2016 is under appreciated for what it accomplishes over the original, the recent one with the grandkids is so generic and bland.