Going by the title I thought I was in c/theonion for a second. Or c/nottheonion.
i bet this will become the first public example of the state surveillance being used to protect up our oligarchy and; given the democrat’s obstinacy when it came to constructive criticism during the election; americans will treat it as another nothing-burger like they did with the genocide and it’ll become yet another nail in the coffin of the american empire’s decline; besides the election, ukraine’s defeat, afghanistan withdrawal, iraqi wmd’s, etc.
this will become the first public example of the state surveillance being used to protect our oligarchy from us
This feels hyperbolic.
The state protects the status quo, including whoever has money. I wouldn’t limit it to surveillance. If we’re just talking about the US, there’s the Battle of Blair Mountain, all of COINTELPRO, Watergate (I think?), etc.
the difference is that it’s in the news and has widespread appeal.
those examples were either done surreptitiously or were only academic exercises in privacy; this is real-world application of that academic theory that has the chance of not being suppressed or ignored due to its notoriety.
yeah the democrats did it. ffs.
the first public example of the state surveillance being used to protect our oligarchy from us
What do you think it has been used for up to this point?
it’s been done surreptitiously or academic masturbation until now
The government knows when you masturbate The government knows when you feel alone And it’s getting late and you’re sitting at home
i get that this is snark; but in case you really didn’t know: snowden proved that they had this capability circa 2008 and they’ve only gotten better at it after 15+ years.
Oh - it’s not snark… it’s a song: https://youtu.be/4zH9Zca1vRM
the corn dog ammunition belt made the american flags and feel redundant. lol
ukraine’s defeat
Tankie moment.
So is this what people keep talking about when they say they see a lot of tankies in lemmy?
Cause me reading that, OP was implying the likely defeat given current trend, I did not take it as a support of Putin.
yes, it’s tankie to spell out reality in the united states.
sometime i wish this were reddit so i could do remind me next year
No it’s a tankie thing to say Ukraine lost when the war is ongoing. You just want Putin’s dictatorship to have more land.
Down with Russian imperialism.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
No it’s a tankie thing to say Ukraine lost when the war is ongoing. You just want Putin’s dictatorship to have more land.
Down with Russian imperialism.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
i want the ukrainians to exist as sovereign peoples instead of a new vassal state to the dying american empire since the people that i descend from have been trying for almost 500 years to shake off the enslavement of this same empire.
There are no proposals of Ukraine joining the United States.
Russia is the country to blame causing the problems in the region as the Kremlin is responsible for Holodomor and for the rampant corruption in Eastern Europe.
the ukrainian inexplicably want to join the american hegemony called nato on the eve of its collapse; they’re better off on their own w/o serving as a a future proxy battlefield with the collapsing united states empire.
If this guy has any brains at all, he’s in Timbuktu by now.
I dunno, Mali hasn’t been doing so hot. I’d be curious what the kidnappers that catch him would do with him though
He’s definitely not up here in Canada, relaxing in my basement.
Nor mine. They’d better not waste their resources coming up here to have a look.
He could literally take a train to Georgia and just hang out lmfao
Since they know that’s where he came from, pretty sure they’re looking for him threre
How do they know?
They have video of him arriving in NYC on a bus from Atlanta.
How do you know?
Reported 2 days ago on NYC TV.
A smart lad would’ve done that to throw the cops off track. I hope he was smart.
Seems that he’s smarter than the average felon. I watch NYC TV, and the cops just announced they found something in Central Park. If he’s smart he would have ditched the gun.
The odds of him being found fall exponentially each day
They are wasting a lot of time and money and energy on this investigation
They obviously value some lives more than others. No surprise, of course.
What lives would those be??
It’s a mystery!
lmagine them catching him, unable to field an unbiased jury, his gofundme flush with cash, prosecutors desparately trying to get him to accept a plea because they know how futile it is
They’re likely just going to execute him when they find him so as to not allow that. Say he was brandishing or something.
It would only make sense for him to turn himself in while accompanied by his lawyer after releasing a statement that he will be doing so. Even so, eventually he’s going to be alone in police custody and I’d be surprised if he survives that for long.
200 pics are big boy words.
That’s at least 10 seconds of video footage at 20 FPS.
Imagine what happens if they fail, and they can’t even produce a fall guy?
The thing is, Americans know their police force is lazy and useless. We’re all joking about all the murders that will go unsolved that have occurred since the CEO’s death. Now, there’s a real chance that their incompetence will be on full display. Is it really out of the question to think that they have become so impotent that someone could carefully plan and execute an assassination?
I expect they’ll find a fall guy if they can’t find the real killer. Can’t look incompetent when the nation’s watching!
Yeah totally
If the FBI and the NYPD don’t have the footage they need within 1 week, their ability to catch the right guy will diminish, as CCTV feeds from across the country get overwritten. If the suspect can grow and keep facial hair it would probably be difficult to match against these images. They could request some from the bus centers in Atlanta, New York and every stop in between but there’s only so much footage they’ll be able to get their hands on, this person seems to know what they were doing and staying less identifiable in public.
Those facial features could absolutely also be a mask. They’re very exaggerated
Or even just artificial
That would make more sense. The distinctive backpack must have made him easily traced by cameras.
Why would he do that?
Either he was incompetent or he knows the art of misdirection. A mask that he knowing allowed to be seen would send the authorities on a wild goose chase. All of the cops would be looking for the wrong person for a long time.
A quick change, ditch all the distinctive outfit, and change into a non-descript Walmart outfit. Then take care to let no camera see his real face as he high-tails to a safe location.
There was a high-profile public murder case some years back in my area. Police stated the alleged killer wore an eye-catching band-aid smack in the middle of his face. Now for several days, I kept looking out for some dude with a band-aid until it occurred to me that the guy probably ripped it off immediately after the hit and it just might have been a red herring from the beginning. Nobody was ever caught.
The reality is: Unless he fled the country he was always going to be caught. That is the point of living in a surveillance state. It was just a matter of time.
As a thought exercise, imagine a bathroom. Ten people go in. One person flips their jacket inside out. Ten people come out. Do you suddenly lose that one person who now has a green jacket instead of a red one? No. You realize the person with a green jacket never “entered” and know something was up.
And now extend that to every single traffic camera, security camera, and so forth in the city and in the country. Because now that “bathroom” is a camera at every major exit in and out of Central Park as well as places where the shrubbery is low enough that you can hop a fence.
And yes, that is a VERY large amount of data. If only we had spent the past few decades learning to represent things as graph problems, how to use computer vision to automate recognition, and so forth.
It was obviously dramatized (and is fascinating from a production standpoint and how much effort they put in to keep the nazi from killing anyone…) but Person of Interest wasn’t some dystopic future. It was, if anything, underestimating what is already possible.
So… here is hoping that ridiculously handsome G went straight to the airport and flew to a non extradition treaty country. Probably didn’t though and is probably going to get picked up at a bus station.
Also: For all the gun nuts who think you rae going to use your closet full of AR-15s to scream “WILDCATS” and fight off the fascists or invaders or whatever? They’ll have access to those cameras too and will be able to figure out what house or cave you are hiding in and send a few drones. So… yeah
Unless he fled the country he was always going to be caught
Eh. Read up on some of the other big mysteries (stuff like The Somerton Man). Every few years someone who has made it their career/identify has some irrefutable evidence that is either refuted or determined to not be that unique. Or it has been solved for decades but nobody cared enough to make it official and the people writing books/doing talk shows benefit from a “mystery”.
And in this case? McCoy had already been arrested for a similar crime and is long dead. Nobody really cared to keep searching.
But also? We have a LOT more cameras these days and a LOT more ability to process that data without human intervention.
Also, just to make it clear: even if the shooter escaped the country, they are going to be identified (flying on a fake ID is a lot harder and you can bet all the passengers are being checked against the pictures). But it won’t be US cops that catch him (probably just as dead if he doesn’t completely disappear though).
Press X to doubt.
In addition to looking for the killer, police are still searching for a motive as to why someone would kill Thompson.
This is definitely where they need to focus their resources first.
It’s clear they haven’t even given it a first look. The guy put the title of the book on the bullet casings
Too bad they can’t read!
Somebody looking to hide their motive would that too tho
I mean for all we know it has nothing to do with healthcare premiums. The guy could be a fellow board member who got boned out of a bonus or something.
The message on the bullets would suggest otherwise. To me that seems like an attempt to preempt speculation that the motive had nothing to do with insurance company fuckery.
Could just as easily be a red herring.
I mean, most likely it isn’t internal insurance drama, but it could be.
Besides, how amazing would it be for the cops to say “yeah so we researched this and it was definitely a retaliation execution for all the lives he murdered in his quest for money and power”. Talk about putting the billionaire class on alert haha
Tbf, that’s the largest pool of potential suspects, so it makes sense that they’d want to call police attention in that direction regardless of the actual motive. I do think it’s genuine, but it’s a smart move either way
I’m convinced. This is a South Park episode.
Yes. It is extremely bizarre how something like this could happen.
Especially since the president elect already said he could do the same thing one block over, four years ago
Honestly? Yea probably. It’d be fucking amazing if the police ended up releasing a report on just how much UHC fucked this guy or his family/friends over.
“200 pics” yeah, sure. They don’t know shit.
A 24 frames a second film has 24 photos, so they have roughly 8 seconds of footage?
I hope they fail
This is how I learn that Optim is a subsidiary. Even more apropos that this happened just before I took my wife to another chemo appointment at a facility that was recently bought by Optum … two and a half weeks late because insurance dragged its feet on authorization.