They have a freezer INSIDE their heated house, I know it’s convenient, but the engineer in me gets annoyed when I see that.
maybe we as a society could standardize fridge sizes so we could build fridges that open on the inside but radiate on the outside
Same for heat sources being inside a AC house (oven, fridge, etc) outdoor kitchens make so much sense, or even garage fridges
im sad she hasn’t posted a new video in a year.
The freezer itself produces heat too though.
That’s a really good point I didn’t consider.
Adding heat to a place you want to make warm isn’t a problem.
What do you engineer because I am going to stay away from that product.
She specifically answered this question at 4:29. She said the freezer is in a part of the house that isn’t heated, and although they could store food outside it wouldn’t be convenient. I agree it’s less energy efficient but people spend energy for convenience all the time.
maybe we as a society could standardize fridge sizes so we could build fridges that open on the inside but radiate on the outside
That would be more useful for places where houses are generally air conditioned
link to the actual video instead of the page that embeds it and adds nothing but ads (+tracking scripts_ around the sides: