Pikachus for Harris!
Dude, you threw your wife and your kids in front of the bus because of Trump? You’re never gonna recover from this, ever.
If that little dude is as stoked about Pikachu as my dude was about Ninja Turtles then I feel his frustration. My dude one time spent an entire 5-hour car ride talking about Master Splinter. If I could have left him on the side of the road in New Mexico without his mother killing me, I would have lol.
God I know, the only thing worse than your kid talking to you for hours about what they love is them not.
I miss it, the little dude will be 26 going on 30 next year.
Edit: I hit send before I finished editing it.
Like, when they died?
Like when they give up.
It doesn’t matter what the topic is. Kids will always fixate on things. Depends on what they were exposed to and interested in, but that’s just kids being kids.
It’s never appropriate to talk to a kid like Vance did, even if we can understand how truly annoying kids fixated on a thing is.
Also, what kind of shitty parent exposes their kids to known pedos?
Yep, that’s a sign of being a serious person who has grown up right; that you can be a fan of things without it being a fixation and not feeling too bad about it. The opposite? Every subreddit.
It can be annoying, but I listen to my kid ramble about Minecraft for hours, and honestly I remember when I was a kid, I was never that comfortable with my parents. I’d rather sit through it and him really enjoy the time than him not feel comfortable sharing it with me.
Notably, I really didn’t develop this opinion until my wife and I separated. Now I really just enjoy listening to him talk about whatever he wants. I just enjoy time with him.
In a way, doesn’t that prove your parents were right? Because they raised a boy, maybe even a man, who feels empathy for their own children’s emotional attachments?
No. My empathy development was independent. My parents made changes in how they were raised to raising me. They taught me about being in someone else’s shoes, recognizing how things I did impacted others, the difference between privilege and right. They also denonstrated that empathy came from a place of courage rather than fear, and I knew at a very young age that courage was very valuable.
This was entirely unrelated to empathy. It was based on anxiety I developed very young for reasons that are still undiscovered. Probably just that I was a sensitive kid, and didnt want my parents angry or annoyed with me.
OK, so why then shit all over your parents’ legacy like you’re a dung beetle on laxative? I guess I was right assuming you’re mentally merely a little boy.
Woah, maybe read my comment again. Seem to be really upset that I disagreed with you.
It’s all just joking around, I can’t take internet discussions serious anymore.
That’s just little boys though, you can kindly redirect. My boy is 9 and he can talk forever about Pokémon, Minecraft or whatever he is fixated on today. Sometimes I just have to tell him I’m done now, sometimes I have to say it a few times but that’s ya know, parenting.
You didn’t drop him on the side of the road, but it was an idea to help you get through it.
pokemon is stored in the balls
They’re both weird. Who isn’t into Pokemon?
Pika pika!
But I’m not gonna tell a kid to shut up about it
Me also. I really do not like Pokemon.
That said, I was the one selected to take my kid to see Detective Pikachu and I have to admit it was a damn good movie. And really only took the skeleton of the Pokemon idea and did something interesting with it anyway.
What is there to really dislike about Pokemon? I didn’t realize that it was intrusive enough on those that don’t play or watch it to trigger such strong feelings.
The cuteness mainly. And memories of what an annoying grind the original Gameboy game was when I tried it.
Yeah, that movie was surprisingly good.
Trump and Vance are hella weird
Spinda… b-
I mean “weird” and “weaboo” are interchangeable so he might have a point.
Not that kinda weird
Pokemon go to the polls!
I’m just chilling in cedar rapids
Fuck I remember that one.
“I’m just… (slight awkward pause) chillin’ in Cedar Rapids!”
We found Hillary’s secret Lemmy account!
On brand.
It’s oddly appropriate that those who are most focused on the supposed inherent moral imperative to have children are so often such awful parents.
He hasn’t got the time to parent his children, he’s got a full time job going on podcasts to berate the rest of us for not having children.
Later that night he punched his wife in the face
Did he sleep on the couch, or with it?
“No Pikachu”
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If you have any questions or comments about me, you can make a post to LW Support lemmy community.I bet if his son was talking about this pokemon he wouldn’t have yelled at his kid.
Blasphemy. That’s a chair, not a sofa. How tf is a chair gonna get him going?
Having sex with a chair is not natural, it is against god.
”And he is really into Pokemon cards right now, he’s going through a Pokemon phase… I mean he’s really into it, so he is trying to talk to me about Pikachu and I am on the phone with Donald Trump, I’m like ‘son, shut the hell up for 30 seconds about Pikachu,’” Vance told the podcast.
Wow. Maybe Vance should have gotten some stability in his career before he had kids. Maybe figured himself out a little better and grown as a person until he was ready.
Children are a life-altering obligation, after all. Maybe Vance would have been happier if he focused on his career first. Of course, that’s a deeply personal matter, and I would never assume that I know better than someone else what is best for their life.
But ChILdLeSS pEoPLe bAd
But it’s his wife’s job to raise the kids! Idk why she even let them near him when he was expecting a very important phone call anyway!
This is a bs story. This was just a recounting of him getting the call for VP. It’s not a direct quote. Just how he felt, and if you’ve had kids, there are plenty of times you want to tell them to shut the hell up like that but don’t say it that way. There are reasons to not like this guy but we can be better than this rage bait bs.
Yeah… relatable internal thoughts aren’t the way to take down this idiot who is taking himself down.
I don’t know anything about the full send podcast, if it’s meant to be a serious interview, I think that’s kind of a bad look on him that he’d choose to recount it with a mild profanity like hell. I curse like a sailor on my own time, but in any situation where I’m acting as a representative of my job or acting in any sort of official capacity for any organization I’m a part of, or just trying to make a good, professional impression, my speech is squeaky clean and fit to be aired on PBS kids.
Even if it’s meant to be a more light-hearted and humorous podcast, there’s a fine line to walk for people in the public eye and they need to be mindful of what sort of soundbites they’re making that could be taken out of context. That kind of shows a little lack of forethought about what he’s going to say and how it might be received by his audience, which isn’t exactly a desirable quality in a politician.
For real, friends in discord were aghast at this, and I’m thinking “bro I’ve heard you tell your kids to shut the fuck up.”
Not that you should telling your kids to stfu, but yelling that from the other room when they’re screaming is a bit different than saying it to their face while they’re trying to share something with you.
After reading the title, I thought that his son was talking to Trump about Pokémon.
Turns out, it was Vance talking to Trump on the phone and his kid wanted to talk to his father about Pikachu.
Makes sense. Only JD is allowed to talk Pokemon to Trump
Couchfucker Vance is also Childhater Vance?
No fuckin way