• MaeBorowski@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    So is this what someone told you and you believed it, or are you just straight making shit up?

    Merkel (and others, but most famously Merkel) openly boasted about how the Minsk Agreements were designed to buy more time to arm Ukraine for the conflict they were intentionally and actively trying to provoke, and weren’t ever serious attempts at peace. What Russia did wrong in that case was to be apparently stupid enough to believe Ukraine and the western backers would honor the Minsk Agreements. Russia rolling into Ukraine was a result of the breaking of Minsk.

    • AbsentBird@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      Sounds like we’re in agreement that Russia broke the ceasefire by invading.

      As for the stationing of troops and equipment, it’s well documented they were sending shipments of equipment in weekly.

      In regards to Ukraine arming themselves, no shit, they had just been invaded. There was nothing in the Minsk agreement that said Ukraine couldn’t defend itself from future invasions. Russia was party to the Minsk agreements, and required to remove their forces and military equipment, but did the opposite, sending more. Germany was not forbidden by the agreements to assist Ukraine.

      • MaeBorowski@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Sounds like we’re in agreement that Russia broke the ceasefire by invading.

        Not really, no. A ceasefire becomes void when on of those who agreed to it starts, you know, firing.

        It doesn’t matter whether Germany was forbidden from “assisting” Ukraine, the point is that it is openly known that the West had no intention of honoring the agreements and used them only as a ploy. If you want to cynically claim ‘that’s just shrewd military tactics, it’s Russia’s own fault for believing NATO/Ukraine’s coup regime promises, ceasefires don’t mean shit, lol!’ then fine, but you can’t then hold the position that Russia are the ones who can’t be trusted with agreements or that they are the ones who broke the agreements.

        There was nothing in the Minsk agreement that said Ukraine couldn’t defend itself from future invasions.

        There was plenty in there about not continuing to shell Donetsk, which of course they did, frequently killing civilians.

        • AbsentBird@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Who started firing first? Russian-led militants took the town of Debaltseve by force six days after the agreement was signed.

          The shelling was in response to Russian-led forces in Donetsk launching attacks with tanks mortars and artillery that also killed civilians. It seems like you’re upset about Ukraine defending themselves while hand-waving the role Russia played in instigating and perpetuating the conflict by invading sovereign territory with their military.