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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • There’s attempts at having payments with 0 fees, that is, if you don’t involve exchanges or payment service providers, who obviously charge a fee for fiat conversion.
    Using Nano you have 0 fees for the transaction and ideally as little as 0.25% fee at an exchange for fiat conversion.
    It’s not only without fees, it’s very fast (ideallly sub-second confirmation) and eco-friendly (requiring no special hardware, because there is no mining and using very little energy overall).
    What’s lacking is places where you can actually pay for things with Nano, but that’s the classic chicken and egg problem.

  • Fixing issues like energy consumption, confirmation time, fees?
    Just in case you haven’t heard of Nano, allow me to tell you it’s an attempt at creating a peer-to-peer digital currency with minimal energy consumption, 0 fees, 0 minimum account balance, very fast confirmation (ideally sub-second, sometimes a bit slower) and 0 supply inflation.
    It focuses on doing one thing and doing it well: transferring value efficiently, sustsinably and without middlemen.
    It’s around since 2015 and still kicking, getting better and better with each release, ironing kinks out.
    It might sound too good to be true, but it’s worth a look; make up your own mind.

  • Nano has alwas has a computational part associated with transactions. It once was used to prioritize transactions. Nano has evolved to a different prioritization scheme. That computational part will be phased out.
    The lightning network is a silly attempt to merge bad parts of cryptocurrencies with bad parts of traditional finance: you need the electric energy guzzling Bitcoin and middlemen just like in traditional finance - or would you care to open and close your own channels, pay watchtowers etc. or “simply” use the channels of middlemen?
    And how would you have cheap transactions without those middlemen, if operating your own channels requires transactions on layer 1?