• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You should be able to use reasonable force. If you’re trying to subdue a homicidal maniac then you can choke them unconscious or knock them unconscious or kill them if that’s all you have means to do. But if you just have someone who wants to be rude and yell in your face, then you don’t have a right to kill them.

    I think it depends on who causes the confrontation and who is escalating the situation to different levels of violence.

    Also, I think there’s different ways to interpret stand your ground as a concept. You can stand your ground and use reasonable force to secure your safety. You should not be able to stand your ground and murder someone so as not to inconvenience yourself if you don’t want to take a step back or move out of someone’s way for example.

  • It’s the admins making a big deal about it. I literally said it happens all the time, they are acting like this is some rare thing that has never happened and now they are releasing a statement and changing their policies? I don’t know why you took issue with anything I said.

    “Regarding the alleged censorship, comments were removed without a proper reason. This was out of line, and we will do our best to make sure that this does not happen again. We have updated our legal policy to reflect the new rules in place that bind both our user AND our moderation staff regarding removing comments and content. We WANT users to hold us accountable to the rules we’ve ALL agreed to follow, going forward.