Before that there was STFU and sit still. Sadly, this was the era in which I was raised.
Before that there was STFU and sit still. Sadly, this was the era in which I was raised.
ThIs iS tHe YeAr oF tHe LiNuX dEsKtOp!!
You can never ever go wrong with the Miles Davis album, Kind of Blue.
Not even power and water supplies?
Being the Fediverse, you are free to set up your own server and apply or not apply whatever restrictions you wish.
Emphasis on “right.”
According to him aren’t elections already fixed?
They are both old; only one is a convicted felon.
Fix the court? The court is fixed!
Any flavor of vi, Gnu Screen, lrzsz, bash with the usual cli tools (awk, sed, grep, tail, head, rev, cat, tac, and recently jq and yq). Also openssh client. Some flavor of netcat is also crazy useful too. This is a good home for me to do my thing.
Edir: oh, and git. How did I forget git?!
I think it was SLS. I know it took a pile of floppies. At some point I made a tape to make it easier to install. Why I needed to install that often eludes my aging memory but those experiences still pay to this day.
Princess Pumpkin Patty-cake.
A Love Supreme by John Coltrane. And in no way do I mean this as a dis for anything that followed. A masterpiece is simply just that.
I recommend Charmin Ultra Strong.
Buy a minivan, remove back seats. Add a bed and a battery bank, a small travel fridge and a hob for cooking then start camping at the nearest national parks. Refine my load out and start venturing farther and farther out.