My wife says every family has this drawer. I do not believe every family has this drawer. Do you have this drawer? Do you know a good solution to this drawer?
We have a silverware drawer, organized, maxed out. A sharps drawer, organized, maxed out. Ziplocs, organized, maxed out. Bbq tools and oven mitts, organized, maxed out. But all this shit has no particular category so fuck me right. I gotta have an awkward necessary crap drawer. Maybe I should post all my drawers and crowdsource me some sense into my kitchen.
We moved to a new house, and I was storing things like a hammer, nails, screws etc. In a kitchen drawer for hanging the 5 millions things to go on the wall. My wife asks me if the drawer will eventually be cleared out.
It’s been 2 years.
My husband has a saying that when you move and you’re unpacking, think very carefully about where you put stuff as that’s where it’s going to end up living.
Yes, embrace the drawer
Hate to say it, but just about everyone I know has a junk drawer, myself included. Same as you with the other drawers, organized to the max, but the junk drawer will always be the junk drawer.
Yes, everyone has this
Don’t forget The Man Drawer.
I prefer this song about the drawer:
I wish my drawer was that empty.
The “junk drawer” is supposed to have old receipts, loose batteries, the toy(s) you took from your kid when they threw it at your head, some vaguely kitchen-esque looking tool you got as a wedding gift but don’t know what it is…crap like that.
That’s just a normal large/specialty utensil drawer.
Oh we have like 2 of these easy but the junk drawer is for things that don’t touch food
So you have two junk drawers and this drawer. Welcome to the club my friend.
Yes. Minus the scale, absolutely. It’s the tools that too big for the utensil drawer but too small to take up shelf space in a cabinet.
This. The scale is the only issue here, but it’s a big one lol
You’re the third person to be opposed to the scale that I’ve seen in this thread. This drawer is exactly where the scale lives in my house. TBH, the OP’s drawer looks a lot like mine.
Edit: I found a fourth
My scale lives happily in this drawer too
Fifth here. That scale doesn’t belong in the “awkwardly sized cooking utensils” drawer.
You see, there’s a journey of self discovery that every household goes through, and during that journey, it’s ok for the kitchen scale to go in different places. We’ve all been there, so no one is judging.
When the time is right, it will find its way to a shelf where it will live happily for the rest of its life.
Sixth. We keep the scale with baking supplies (measuring cups, flour, etc), since we mostly use it when making dough. Other than that, our drawer is nearly identical.
Seventh and we keep it in the same place as you and for the same reason.
Eighth. It belongs out on the counter where you use it constantly.
I jest about the severity of course, but for me the scale is just too far from the shape of everything else in the drawer to belong there.
I feel loony for expressing this thought at all.
Your junk drawer game is weak. We have 3 of them in the kitchen and the least bad of them is worse than that.
Every family afaik has at least one of these drawers. Just accept it and live your life.
Looks like a junk drawer or a multi purpose drawer in any kitchen. There is often one near the sink. In some larger cabinet sets, the small drawer like that is on the end. But it varies where everyone has it. Maybe all the decent sized kitchens do.
Every household has a junk drawer. Be thankful you don’t have more than one.
Every drawer is a junk drawer when I’m around 😏
As a household that has thankfully many drawers, we unfortunately have more than one.
This is not a junk drawer! This is a cooking utensil (mostly baking) that has no other good place drawer!
The junk drawer got like, loose screws and scotch tape and batteries and scrap paper and whatnot
The takeout chopsticks on the right must have escaped from the junk drawer/ packet drawer, looking for a better life.
They’re handy for cooking noodles though, but we keep them in a rubber banded bundle.
This guy has it right. That’s basically my mom’s kitchen gadget drawer. Junk drawer has duct tape, 3 leftover zip ties, some loose AA batteries and the big screwdriver everyone seems to have
The junk drawer should contain nothing that touches food. We have a couple of those outside of the kitchen
We have 3. And they’re packed. But I know what’s in there!
For every item in that drawer, ask yourself: “When was the last time I used this?”
If it’s more than a year ago, it’s not in the right place.
If it’s less than a year ago, it’s also not in the right place.
Heard that, this drawer is exclusively for things that were used exactly one year ago.
Huh, that’s very insightful! I’ll be using that on my own junk drawer
Everyone I’ve ever known personally has a “junk drawer.” It’s where various random doodads and thingamajigs go when they don’t neatly fit any other category. And batteries.
We had one when I grew up. Now that I’m living elsewhere with my own family we don’t; we have two.
This drawer is the solution. To everything…
…except getting something out of the drawer.
What sucks is when you end up super frustrated getting everything to fit, so you rip apart the drawer and put everything back in all nice and wow would you look at that you can fit everything and close it easily!
For two days. Tops.
If you have that problem, it means you really need 2 junk drawers, not one.