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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • The side effects of an amazing technology…but the technology is still amazing. I wouldn’t interpret it as overrated at all.

    When something comes along that can be misused so easily, then it takes a conscious effort to avoid misuse. It’s the same with cars, processed foods, or any modern innovation really. Be the change you want to see. Reject social media. Turn off pretty much every phone notification. Have screen free time. Socialise without screens. I’m trying to do all these things. It’s difficult when no one else is interested in following suit and I just get excluded when I’m not on the platforms everyone else uses…but I’m trying to gather a circle of people who are aligned in this way of living.

  • “People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.”

    The only way to make sure Linux works like that is to have a closed hardware environment. But it has to play nicely with other hardware and services (e.g. printers, webcams, etc + office documents, etc). It has taken a very long time for MacOS to get to this point, but people put up with Mac compromises because enough things worked smoothly.

    I’ve just commented about this in another thread…but I’m pretty convinced that Linux is not close to being ready for normies.

  • A lot of changes is society have come up in the last couple of generations. Changes equality, sexual freedoms, modern parenting, men’s roles at home, women’s role at work, etc. Many of my parent’s generation really do not know the first things about changing roles and expectations of the sexes and what people of the current generation want. Most people I know of that generation are (mildly to extremely) socially conservative. I get along great with my parents and I happily welcome them to live with me for 5 months of every year… But I would never have the teach anyone in my generation the lessons from their generation (I do speak to them about these things out of interest, but more to talk about how different the culture is between or generations now).

  • Most people aren’t ready to accept the message of privacy importance. I would say that’s the vast majority actually. Many in my family throw all sorts of personal information into “online contests and signups”.

    Privacy now is like climate change was 20 years ago…incredibly important, but hasn’t come to the forefront for most people, governments, etc. Say your message politely and only when welcomed, and otherwise leave people to make their decisions.

    If you’re actually interested in changing people’s minds, it is an incredibly difficult and complex process, but you can start learning about it. Here’s an author whose podcast I follow and he’s doing really good work on the subject:


    A lot of other comments talk about hitting him with some bullshit " gatcha" or some variation of scolding…which is all bullshit and counterproductive.