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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月16日


  • It can write simple well known stuff. But as soon as you ask it more difficult things to code, it falls apart. Also, a program is not just 1 or 2 functions. It consists of a ton of code that needs to work well together has specific conditions it needs to meet for the program to work as expected.

    I can ask it to write me a function that adds numbers, or do something with a well known python library. Or write some html code to display some shit. But writing an entire program is not easy.

    Gpt just combines certain things it knows about. It does not know what the rest of your program is like or the software yours needs to work with. What it contains or what expectations need to be met.

    Its like making a robot put a slice of cheese on bread and thinking it will replace a chef.

    Just as what the article is about, it knows how to write a lot of bullshit and make it believable. The same goes with code. But things that have been written a million times before are easy to copy.

  • I get what you mean but you have to remember that that would mean corporations can do as they please.

    No matter how much freedom and freedom of speech we have. There HAS to me a line. Like letting hate speech spread and neo nazis make it their home is one of those lines.

    The judge asked twitter to have a legal representative IN brazil that can speak for the company on issues the government has with twitter. Elon musk told them to fuck off. So they now tell him to fuck off then. And now musk is crying and triggered.

    Random and pretty extreme maybe, but its a clear example. Imagine someone standing infront of the house of a person of color and just shouting the n word over and over. Should he be arrested for hate speech? Or would that be an attack on freedom of speech?

    Elon does not want freedom of speech. He wants freedom of consequences.

  • Sadly we do not have a choice. We either get soggy shit bread, or we get rat poison. There is no third option. We can kick and scream right now however much we want. But we WILL get either one or the other.

    We need to be alive to organize and fight for this world. We can’t do that on rat poison. Soggy shit bread is no cake either. But at least we live to fight another day.

    We know a lot wont survive on the soggy shit bread. But NOBODY will survive on rat poison. And we do NOT have a choice right now. And pretending otherwise just hurts the weakest and vulnerable among us.

  • Most of us are not organizing within the system to fix it. We are voting as a way of putting our foot on the breaks while we organize outside of it. The train is going fast. Trump accelerates it and Harris makes it go slower.

    Voting does not mean we are organizing inside the system. Its a half baked measure we use to our advantage.

    Nobody is saying Harris will stop or reverse the train. But we are not going accelerate the train and hurt even more people than it already is. We are privileged to be hanging off the sides instead of laying on the tracks like many many others.

  • So what you’re saying is that we should let trump win and let israel completely wipe gaza and the west bank off the map? We don’t vote for harris because we love her or something. We vote to keep fascists from winning and destroying everything.

    What is it with you people? Im pro-palestine but do you want lgbt people murdered, people of color even more oppressed, set back society 80 years, possibly never get to vote again because trump WILL make sure of that. And dont forget destroying educations, food health and safety and other laws and institutions that makes society better and safer?

    I get that democrats are not doing nearly enough to stop israel. But trump will do so so so much worse. And not only the palestinian people, but also america itself.