Yeah sure, they’ll probably also have typed all posts on Lemmy, including those that have not been posted yet.
Windmill Designer
Yeah sure, they’ll probably also have typed all posts on Lemmy, including those that have not been posted yet.
What if the monkeys evolve to higher intelligence as time passes by?
It’s just the creation of particles with an ultra-short lifespan, which then decay into other particles. Only there are more of this type than expected, but still within the tolerance of what the theory predicts. Additional tests are needed to say anything conclusive. That’s just what they normally like to do at CERN, they’re quite good at it. They also started the world wide web, back in the day.
You’re still killing animals mainly for fun, which is not ethical no matter how you turn it. Humans generally do not need to eat meat, as they’re omnivores. Keeping animals uses up large amounts of land and produces unnecessary greenhouse gases. With the amount of people and cattle being held on this planet, something has got to change in our behaviour in order to get things more balanced and keep a healthy planet for future generations. You try to keep old habits intact, which are not sustainable in the current world. Perhaps you don’t want to know about this take on things, but I’m presenting them anyway, hopefully it will have an influence on your future thinking.
This isn’t about catfood, it’s about moderation.
What I didn’t see in the reactions yet is that a lot of Americans do not want any government involvement at all. Save for things that are supposedly written down in the Bible. The Republican party is providing just that, anti-establishment, anti-intellectual and don’t forget: anti-minority. Just people being tough and dare to support the party who will turn the clock back to when times were perceived to be better. Same sentiment is present in Europe by the way, like it was a century ago.
That’s no way to behave as a guest.
Still need to investigate the sustainability of it before I would try, but presently there’s no produce on sale here. But I’m pretty used to dishes without meat by now, so there’s no direct need. I suppose it would be more targeted towards current meateaters, hopefully they stop destroying life on the planet at some point.
When you really miss something enough, you can always go make it yourself, of course. Or at least try.
Why would they assume the whales were having sex for the first time?
Not unclear as a whistle.