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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • The “joke” is that it’s an issue that people feel compelled to comment on, but the sleeping person can’t. Predictably, most people are blowing straight past this and commenting their opinions, but most of the other replies are joking or whimsical. Yours is straightforward no-nonsense. If I had to guess, I’d say that’s why you’re being singled out.

  • Unfortunately I’m not young enough to pull this off anymore, but back in my early 20’s I would engage in some light identity theft for the purposes of free luxury golfing. I have two rich uncles who are both avid golfers and both members of a ridiculously expensive country club in the city where we live. They also both have sons, and the club benefits extend to all minor children. So, I’d pretend to be my 17yo cousin and with my other cousin (who was only lying about his age, not who he was), we’d regularly hit the links. For non-members, the typical price for a round of golf was like $200

  • I feel like you’re taking this all a bit too seriously. Here’s a suggestion: if you don’t think the contests are fun or worthwhile, don’t submit anything and don’t look at the winners and especially don’t print any of the submitted designs.

    At first I was with you.

    1. You’re mad that the contest was moderated?
    2. Unsafe bath toys? That sounds bad. Your reason? Rubber bands and small parts? Okay well I don’t think that’s a problem if your kid is over the age of 3 or so. If less than 3, no reasonable parent would be leaving them unsupervised in the bath anyway.
    3. PLA is great for quick proof of concept and handles exposure to water just fine in lots of cases. User discretion isn’t an unreasonable ask. The 3D printing community is an intelligent group, typically. If you love the print but your PLA version failed after a while, print it using something else?
    4. Voters voted on the submissions they liked the most. Get over it.
    5. Voters voted on the submissions they liked the most. Get over it.
    6. Honestly I stopped reading. Something about a paid part integration that you got mad about because it’s heavily discounted and you can submit photos even if you don’t have one or something?

    Anyway. I’ve been finished on the toilet for a while now. Gonna go sit on the porch and drink coffee and listen to the birds and never think about the terrible, terrible injustices with Prusa’s contests again.

    p.s. I think the contests are awesome and I love how Prusa engages the community and gets people thinking about new ideas.

  • Similar structure, yes, but this is the important part:

    Swiss foundations and their board of trustees are legally obligated to act in accordance with the purpose for which they were established

    So, just like the Louvre museum in Paris and the Luxor casino in Las Vegas have similar structures, pointing this out doesn’t really contribute much to the discussion.

    For all I know, OpenAI’s purpose is to create Skynet and kill all humans. But Proton’s is:

    Our legally binding purpose is to further the advancement of privacy, freedom, and democracy around the world.