• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • And the synthesizers in the eighties were nothing like moogs

    Irrelevant I guess. I was casually reliving a memory from when I was a child, but there’s always got to be a pedant to further solidify my general withdrawal from society because I’m clearly not satisfactorily intelligent enough for it.

  • I believe I was in sixth grade when that album came out.

    First of all, it used a whole lot of synthesizers, which were pretty new technology at the time, and I felt like I was living in the future when I heard it.

    As to the album cover, it somehow didn’t register with my that it was a baby smoking.

    Rather, it made me think of teenagers smoking in the high school bathroom.

    Motley Crue’s Smokin in the Boys Room came out a year later, so I don’t think that influenced my mental image.

  • A very long time ago, and much less technologically advanced:

    I went to boarding school. We had a little bit of a propensity for sneaking out of the dorm at night.

    New dean comes in our senior year and installs alarms on all the exits.

    Our senior year time capsule contains the controlling keypad to that alarm system that wasn’t even functional for twenty four hours.

    I’ve no doubt that today’s teens possess the ingenuity to bypass if not completely disable this thing.

  • Got_Bent@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBidet anyone?
    19 days ago

    I mean to tell you that I’m that regular. Once in the morning and I’m done until tomorrow.

    And yes, I wash my body every single day. Are you telling me the paragon of asshole cleanliness that is Europeans doesn’t?

    God Europeans are so eager so shit on an of us. Is it the orange monkey we elected? I’d that that did it?

  • I used to work at a place where several partners were members of this church. The open disdain directed toward me for not being a churchgoer and the ostracization the occurred were a significant factor of my decision to leave.

    After I left, one of the partners harassed me for several years via phone calls, text messages, and hand written letters mailed to my home trying to get me to turn my heathen ways around.

    One of those letters said something asking the lines that while I had chosen eternal damnation for myself, I owed an opportunity of salvation to my daughter, so I needed to bring her to this church.

    I don’t remember how many years this continued, but it finally stopped.

    The hell is the matter with these people?

  • I had an Apple ][+ in 1982 and an Apple ][c in 1984.

    Cost less is a relative term depending on application.

    They were cheaper than full business model IBM computers (who hadn’t much entered into the home computer market) but significantly more expensive than other home offerings such as commodore or (shudder) radio shack.

  • There were a bunch of geese around my grandparents’ house when I was a kid. God those things would torment me. They had free range of the property and I tended to completely avoid the area they hung out because they were hyper aggressive and would chase after me every time I got anywhere near them. I was six years old, so it felt like they were as tall as me and they were definitely faster.

    It wasn’t so bad once I got a little older, a little taller, and relied more on my bicycle than my feet for movement.

    Nonetheless, those things gave me childhood trauma to the extent that I still can’t stand geese some forty five years later.