I see this repeated a lot but can’t see how it’s possibly the case. Dude has burned so many bridges over the last few years and I can’t say that I ever see anyone actually defend him personally. I think it’s more that his “anti-fans” see any positive comment toward SpaceX, Tesla, Starlink, or anything else as someone defending/supporting him when that simply isn’t the case.
This comment is, in a nutshell, why Tesla is fucked. Conservatives will never buy electric until after Tesla is long dead so hitching your wagon to them is suicide.
That was last year. It’s too late now.
They can’t because the Musk personality cult is pretty much the only thing keeping the company viable at this point. They are absolutely fucked.
I see this repeated a lot but can’t see how it’s possibly the case. Dude has burned so many bridges over the last few years and I can’t say that I ever see anyone actually defend him personally. I think it’s more that his “anti-fans” see any positive comment toward SpaceX, Tesla, Starlink, or anything else as someone defending/supporting him when that simply isn’t the case.
My boss, who doesn’t even have a Tesla but is a nutty conservative, loves talking about Musk like he’s the modern day Henry Ford.
Not an insane comparison.
This comment is, in a nutshell, why Tesla is fucked. Conservatives will never buy electric until after Tesla is long dead so hitching your wagon to them is suicide.
Sure, but it’s not just Elmo’s NüFascist Clownshow Bonanza that’s the problem - he also makes horrible decisions and is a truly terrible “leader”.
Those horrible decisions are a minor contributor to the mass exodus by Democrats, who are the vast majority of Tesla owners.