Should have just said it was a school shooting and the Texas cops wouldn’t go in at all.
Are you referencing the one that happened in Texas yesterday? I haven’t read up on it. Did they really wait again?
I didn’t think it would ever be possible but Israel managed to completely take the bite out of the word “antisemitism” and comparisons to “Nazi Germany”.
Its like the word woke. At this point I can only understand it if I know who’s saying it. Anyone related to the IDF? Then antisemetic just means anti genocide.
At this point I can only understand it if I know who’s saying it.
That is the most frustrating thing about discussion these days. Everyone using the same words but speaking an entirely different language.
When you don’t agree on the definitions of words anymore, or you don’t hold yourself to using them in good faith, then you take discussion off the table. You’re no longer debating; now you are just arguing. It’s one step away from violence.
Comintern is a word that can be uttered almost without taking thought, whereas Communist International is a phrase over which one is obliged to linger at least momentarily… This accounted not only for the habit of abbreviating whenever possible, but also for the almost exaggerated care that was taken to make every word easily pronounceable.
Because we’re inadvertently building our newspeak, but to wield against the opposition. ‘Woke’ ‘chud’ ‘groomer’ ‘hippie’ lets you hang a label on today’s target of vitriol without understanding. Understanding the theory, the origins, background, context, etc - we apply the label, the bad person gets chided, now move on to next outrage.
Netanyahu can suck it. He’s a piece of shit. So are all zionists.
Without delving into this event I’m going to take a wild guess and say that this is the common trope of framing something that is Anti-Netanyahu or Anti-Israeli or Anti-Zionism (Read: Far-Right Nationalism) or Pro-Civilian — and associate it with antisemitism. Let me edit upon review to see if I can confirm this hypothesis.
Edit: I’d say I’m pretty much right.
Times of Israel of course has a convenient anonymous student referring to chants that are curiously not captured on video/audio. If someone has something, then do let me know. I suspect like most things this is a matter of colorizing the protest by the few bad apples who, according to an AP article, were not even students. So you may have actual antisemites trying to hijack the movement; or you might have pro-Israelis trying to tarnish the protest by painting it in a bad light.
Either way, the protests should be judged by the overwhelming narrative projected by the mass at large.
Everyone should know at this point that those in power in Israel are straight up evil people.
Look at all these hypocrites, all you bitches were just applauding democrats funding israels genocide.
I wasn’t.
What’s funny is that the last time a nation which claimed to represent a whole etnicity, which was specifically targetting and mass murdering people of another etnicity with such intensity, inhumanity and extreme racist prejudice, and their leader would when their actions were criticized say that it was an insult to the etnicity he claimed to represent, the time was the late 1930s, the etnicity was the Arian Race, the nation was Germany and the leader was called Adolph Hitler.
It kinda looks a lot like the ones who look like a “duck”, walk like a “duck” and quack like a “duck” - hence why most people are saying they’re “ducks” - are Netanyahu and his countrymen.
This is the new tactic for the dictators, just call <insert literally anything> a nazi. The Ukrainians, the protestors, my dog, all nazi’s. Projection at its greatest.
Nazi dogs are the worst because they look like good boys but then they’re nazis.
There are no bad dogs. Only bad dog owners.
I’m afraid this tactic is just not for the dictators but it has been quite widely adopted by the public aswell, especially on social media
Driving too fast: Nazi. Slow: Nazi.
now I am wondering what that dog did!
Shaking paws or seig heiling? Nobody can say for sure.
Godwin’s Law has spread to all politics.
It’s a shame that it’s just projection in Netanyahu’s case.
Netay……netaya….ugh cant say that name. But he seem to have learned from ww2, how to do horrible things that is. Fucking cunt.
and I thought that the Nazi thing was the genocide
Same here, my friend. You and I both.
See, we all thought that.
Turns out the problem wasn’t that they committed genocide. It’s that the genocide was directed at the Jewish people.
And as Netanyahu would have you believe, if you’re against Israel, you’re against the Jewish people. So that makes you a Nazi.
Flawless logic, clearly.
Nah, it’s whatever hurts Bibi’s feefees.
I’m just going to drop this letter here.(remember that Likud was a consolidation founded by Begin, of all the far-right parties, including herut.)
It’s amazing this guy can keep a straight face.
The appropriate, historically accurate comparison is to student protests against South African apartheid and he knows it. Reportedly, those very protests grew into the strong boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement that ended apartheid in South Africa. This is what he fears and what corporate media is actively trying to prevent.
Only people with no information on either the actual history or current situation are going to fall for this baseless slander. Sadly there are probably still a number of those around.
Those shantytowns were obnoxious and they worked.
I was only a kid at the time, so I didn’t understand the whole thing. I thought the shantytown on the campus in my town looked cool and I wanted to live there.
For fuck’s sake, look in the fucking mirror.
Can’t spell Ashkenazi without…
Hey genius, I am an Ashkenazi Jew. I’m also working against Israeli apartheid and genocide and have been for decades.
Let me guess- I also own all the banks and control Hollywood.
I’m a mod in c/Jewish and you reply to me with that shit?
Someone says look in the mirror in reference to Bibi calling everyone Nazis… (Edit: apparently telling Bibi to look in the mirror is also a punishable offense)
I make joke (can’t spell Ashkenazi). Directly to jail.
World ends.
BTW. I’ve long supported Jewish people and defended them against harassment. On and offline. I’ve talked so many people off the cliff of anti Jewish hate. Explained why the “families” and the banks and etc are bullshit conspiracies.
Lemme guess, you make random guesses about people based on a single 4 word response.
Dude, you literally called Jews Nazis.
Literally. No.
I didn’t even use the word Nazi.
And, dude, you literally, (literally), said “look in the mirror”
You didn’t need to use the word and anyone who looks at the modlog can see that.
Anyone can also see you said “look in the mirror” which equates to calling Jews Nazis.
Tell me the 4 words I wrote in response.
Was I being sarcastic?:leading? Antisemitic? Tellme the intent of the words I wrote in RESPONSE TO YOU.
Netanyahu isn’t even Ashkenazi; he’s Sepharadic
Every accusation is a confession
All you have to do to get away with being a fucking nazi is call anyone opposing your genocide a nazi apparently.
Bibi, if you are looking for Nazi Germany, just look at yourself in the mirror