• AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    1990 was 34 years ago, but 1999 was only 25 years ago. When you get older, 25 years doesn’t seem like that long ago. I’m not sure if you’re implying that I’m getting worked up in your last sentence, but I’m not. I simply stated an observation. As far as the Christian Coalition, yes, they got really worked up.

    Tons of albums were banned. 2 Live Crew had almost every one of their albums banned at one point or another. License to Ill by the Beasty Boys was banned. Everything from Too Short was banned. Tons of music was banned either from the radio, the record stores, or both. People went to jail over it. It was a big deal. Thankfully a lot of those bands sued and appealed, and moved the meter for artistic expression considerably, from then forwards.