So I’ve realized that in conversations I’ll use traditional terms for men as general terms for both genders, both singularly and for groups. I always mean it well, but I’ve been thinking that it’s not as inclusive to women/trans people.

For example I would say:

“What’s up guys?” “How’s it going man?” "Good job, my dude!” etc.

Replacing these terms with person, people, etc sounds awkward. Y’all works but sounds very southern US (nowhere near where I am located) so it sounds out of place.

So what are some better options?

    7 months ago

    Whenever there’s any question, I usually open with “sup, dogs” in my most serious voice, then continue to deadpan refer to everyone as dog, such as “and you, dog, I need to check the grist mill, thank you dog”. Fifteen years in and no complaints so far.