Some higher being observing Earth from a far distance must be intrigued by the pattern recognition of us destroying one specific car while completely ignoring the thousands of others.
Like, imagine when we look at single-cell organisms and see them swarm something. We’d never apply any kind of nuanced interpersonal/sociopolitical reasons to be the cause.
Some higher being observing Earth from a far distance must be intrigued by the pattern recognition of us destroying one specific car while completely ignoring the thousands of others.
Like, imagine when we look at single-cell organisms and see them swarm something. We’d never apply any kind of nuanced interpersonal/sociopolitical reasons to be the cause.
The immune system reacting to a threat
Yea, colonialism/imperialism share a lot of characteristics with parasites.
Same pattern of white blood cells recognizing a pathogen. Search and destroy
Precisely. Makes you wonder what sociopolitical shit some amoeba are dealing with at the moment lol