When everyone is fearful be greedy…
I just do automatic investments in a diversified portfolio every month and forget about it. I’m young and in it for the long haul. If shit really hits the fan, none of it will matter anyway.
Self-fulfilling prophecy, not that the shortsighted goons who run hedge funds give a flying fuck.
For comparison, there was a 6% drop in the market in early August, and the market closed the end of the month up 2.4%
Damn he’s so self aware /s
Every accusation is a confession.
Sorry to anyone having to retire right now
Well two thirds or more of their portfolio should be in bond markets if they are close to retirement.
Did trump just set the new speed run for a Republican ruining the economy after a Democrat fixed it?
To hear him and his apparatchiks tell it, he was handed a DISASTROUS economy and we can all expect it to take a while for little d to fix it?
As if we cannot see with our own eyes that the economy he was handed was outstanding and his tariffs are the cause of these crashes?
This stuff reads like it was issued from the Ministry of Truth in 1984…
Rip my year-old IRA…
Men is about 2 years old and I’m afraid to look.
My GIC came due and I was considering mutual funds, the bank employee (in those services not like a random one) even said now may not be the best time to do that due to the way markets are in flux. Like they make money if I put it into mutual funds. Unless she just didn’t want to help me shrug that’s sort of a possibility since they didn’t call for our previous appointment when my last one was due. Least it’s making more than my bank account I guess but this seems a bit more down than usual too, mean that’s usually a good time to buy but who knows when they manipulate it up? Not us regular folk, who have more to lose when they absolutely tank it before it makes gains and a pittance because I chose the wrong one.
Also I’m sure I made the incorrect choice, you’re welcome to tell me how badly I’ve chosen. I used to play RPG games, in D&D I rolled a 1 for attack and 20 for ability check twice in 4 rolls, I always have the worst luck. Go to slots and see my buddy with a bucket of coins when mine ran out in as many tries as my coinage allowed. So if I chose to buy the markets would suck longer lol.
From the article:
“We see some irony in the recent outperformance by foreign markets over the U.S. markets. In our view, foreign companies in Europe, Asia, and Latin America are likely to suffer even more from deployment of tariffs than companies in the U.S.”
I think they are overestimating the amount of trade flowing into the US. Tariffs will directly impacg US companies and customers, but they’ll also decrease the demand for foreign products. That will cause a challenge, if not outright recession worldwide, but I still think that foreign companies would be able to mitigate the drop in demand from the US better than US companies coping with supply shortages and higher prices.
It’s crazy that with a tariff on energy, utilities and energy are up lmao.
Welcome to inelastic demand. They take a percentage of what they charge, and they have to charge more because of the tariffs, so they basically get to take more for free because you have to pay more for it, and you have no choice in the matter.
Heating costs are getting really wild. I am shocked to see a lot of people and even business moving to burning wood just due to the costs. Like wood burning used to be many times more expensive then almost any other heating method.
TBF, my partner and I take all of our paperboard and spam mail up to their parents house every other weekend, and it provides enough fuel for their wood furnace to keep the house warm for a few days.
Here in Canada its getting real weird due to a mix of shit companies and carbon tax with heating. Like when its -40 it costs me about $750 per month in natural gas bills, but the “cost” of the gas itself is about $50 of the bill.
The town I live in reduced the amount of heating gas used in town buildings by 40% but actually saw an increase in costs due to the way carbon tax works for municipalities (basically all costs no rebates). Its not good that pellet stoves (that are not good for the environment) have become cost effective just due to a lack of regulation. Waste oil is also now a commodity (used motor oil) for heating, even though its like wood burning something that I thought was a thing of the past.
Oil companies were the biggest contributions to the project 25
Recent recessions have shown that the top 1% get richer after the recession. It makes sense when you think about the super rich having the cash to invest is now much cheaper stocks and property while everyone else is struggling to make ends meet.
So I wonder how much the Nazi and the monkey want to avoid a recession. The monkey does not have to worry about reelection and the Nazi is a psychopath.
It only happens because WE bail them out. The biggest lesson I got from 2008 was that we should have let most of those big companies fail. Instead, they got to walk away with a fat check from us, and we got fuck all for it. Now they’re trying to cut the regulations that stop them from doing the exact same thing again.
We should create a WallStreetBets Lemmy community here to discuss our possible trades.
Everyone here mentioning billionaires and missing the point that the Russian agent in charge is just doing his best to deliver any and all assets to Russia. Sanctions getting lifted just as the fire sale on American assets begins right before the civil unrest. If you’re a Russian dictator you could not have planned it better. Republicans are seriously the dumbest mother/sister fuckers on the planet. I can’t even believe how fucking stupid you’d have to be to hold “conservative views”. Like it does not compute how you can be that dumb
Like it does not compute how you can be that dumb
Easy, lack of education (or even actively detrimental ‘education’), courtesy of decades of Republican sabotage of the education system
Surely mortgage interest rates will follow right? Right? Yeah, right…
That’s based on inflation and with the tariffs I’ve got bad news regarding inflation…
This is intentional. The billionaires are salivating waiting in the wings to buy up as much as possible when the prices are low.
Billionaries just short the stocks and make tons on the way down as well.
Been saying this was part of theor plan for a long time. Expropriate money from the government after getting around the ability to track it.
Crash the market.
Buy up big when it’s crashed.